While I'm amazed by all of this. What really excites me is how the flattards will spin this one. The hoops they have to jump to make their logic work will be quite funny.
Check out Sup Forums. They're pointing out the lack of stars (again), because exposure is a difficult concept for them.
yay, more fucking space debris. just what we fucking need
clips twitch tv/GloriousIcyTaroFutureMan
It's not gonna stay in orbit, dumm. It's pretty far from earth.
Sup Forums is uneducated. Why bother?
I'm not bothering, it's just fun to look at them like you would a zoo enclosure of two monkeys fighting.
Wheres it going to go then? No fucking way Musk went out farther than the moon
>tfw we'll get spacenuked because our gaudy red sportscar crashed into some alien kiddos
do you know how space works?
A heliocentric orbit that will occasionally cross mars orbit
I hope you don't mean by this what I think you mean by this.
is space really that black?
kind of depressing
Elon Musk is just another fuckin kike trying to push the 'round-earth' autism. Anyone who thinks that anime of the car in space is real should not be allowed to breed
Insufficient camera contrast, like Apollo
>That anime
user do you know what an anime is?
Look up to the moon
You can see most of its details
Now take out your phone and try to look at the moon through the camera.
Huh, where did all that detail go?
Same shit cameras used on this pictures from space.
These conspiracy quacks come with some decent concepts for a fantasy world
But wait, the azimuthal equidistant only keeps distances from the NP, not between points!
What's the fucking point of a flat earth if you're still going to put it in a sphere anyways? Why go through all the effort of making all this convoluted way of denying and accepting the round earth at the same time?
why cant these wackos write novels?!
instead we have Maize Runner
Why would space be not depressing, like, nigga, there is literally nothing there but starts and shit.
Is spaceman comfy kino?
stigposting scum
Because they're psychotic.
You're looking at conspiracy theorists from the wrong perspective. They don't look at evidence and make conclusions like we do. They come up with conclusions first and then cherrypick evidence to support it, and make up their own bullshit if nothing real works. Being a Flat Earther isn't about believing the Earth is flat, it's about believing that everybody else is stupid and gullible but YOU are smart and know better.
Maybe he means Baku-On.
Super impressed by this
anime: cgi korean animation commisioned by netflix
its fukkin space man. There is infinite SPACE. who gives a fuck
Technically everything that exists is space debris
that's a shitty one (except for the suzuki girl) about motos and anyone still thinking "space is le future xd astronauts are le coolest thing i always browse r/nasa in my starbucks with my beard and glasses and I wish to become an astronaut when I'm in college" is cringeworthy
>perform tech miracle
>aussies take the piss
it's normie gayno
Shitposting, when it's a national sport.
These people need a satellite tv.
FE facebook group is a goldmine
There was just recently discovered a planet over a billion light years from earth
Billion light years
That's how much space there is
>launched at dusk
>the whole planet is bright
Can't say I fully read your post, but that show had the Stig.
>the stig
Some say he can late-apex an orbit, and that he can lap the sun in 364 days.
All we know is, he's the Space Stig.
Can someone give me a quick rundown? Did he launch a car into space? How? Was it attached to the outside of the rocket? lmao
arite.. let's see what i achieved today, i watched some anime and wiped my ass
These people should make an arctic mission.
the recreated the opening of heavy metal in reverse
It's all fake, the earth is flat.
This is a cool fantasy world8
>a couple of flat earth trolls on Sup Forums means all of Sup Forums is uneducated because it fits your viewpoints
So far the majority of responses on Sup Forums are along the lines of "flat earthers BTFO"
The mercenaries of edginess.
meanwhile there's 3 or 4 flat earthers in this thread
guess this proves all Sup Forums are retarded flat earthers
You can't see a planet that far, check your numbers nigger.
then they try increasing the contrast of a heavily compressed youtube video to 'prove' there's nothing there
>It's not gonna stay in orbit, dumm. It's pretty far from earth.
Like the moon?
seems legit
ever heard of scientology?
So cute that joke! They are Australian
>Space drifting
Nice try. Can't fool me!
can't even tell the size of the sun in the top picture, as it's very over-exposed (clipping to white)
Sup Forums are 12 year old Christian boys. Why bother either way?
maybe you guys should look up on how cameras work before you make theories on how the universe works
i unironically dont get this
the earth should look huge as fuck from thr moon
probably does since americans faked the moon landing
not flat earther please explain this too
that doesnt explain shit
moon and sun looks around the same size from earth because of their distance and size
but from the moon the earth should look a lot bigger, its at the same distance but with a lot bigger size
MUSK IS A GENIUS AN A VISIONARY. All his projects are successful.
He is Leonardo of our time. Or Midas. Everything he touches turns into gold. Anyone who disagrees is a butthurt commie shill, who hates the power of free market capitalism. Shut the fuck up you cucks and be grateful that you live in a timeline where Musk's genius moved mankind to another technological level.
>b-but m-muh gov't moneyy
Government wasn't able to do shit until him. People like him are born once in a millennium.
the moon isn't as close as people seem to think it is
Go rent a DSLR and adjust the focal length on the lens and get back to me on that.
i know how far the moon is, doesnt change anything about it
are flat earthers still using heavily compressed images as evidence?
The moon is about 27% the size of the earth. So, from the moon, the Earth would be a little over 4 times the size in the sky as the moon is in Earth's sky. As you may recall from those rare occasions where you have been outdoors, the moon is pretty fucking small in the sky.
you can make a photo like the top left of if you're sufficiently far enough away from the moon and use a sufficiently narrow focal length
that new pic was taken from the DISCOVR satellite from the sun earth L1 Lagrange point lmao, its WAY the fuck past the moon.
how the fuck are people this retarded? you are on the internet. you can learn about anything you want, why chose to be fucking absolutely retarded?
and 4x times bigger is a very noticable difference
>moon is very small in the sky
define very small
hella a lot bigger than an airplane or satellites that you can barely see
>define very small
about 4x smaller than earth looks like from the moon (see bottom right of )
Won't the thousands of micrometeorites impacting it and the solar radiation fuck it up beyond recognition within a few years?
Money was taken out of my paycheck to pay for this. Elon Musk needs to be executed.
They had to attach a ballast.
moon looks bigger than that
no it wasn't, it's a private fucking company
It was also taken for Trumps golden toilet but this is much cooler.
So why do so many people have a raging boner over this?
Because he shot a car with an astronaut puppet into space while putting up a fancy show?
>dude builds his own car and then his own rocket and uses the first to send the second into space
>local Sup Forumsaynigger unimpressed