Actual discussion here. What do you want/expect from it? Did you like BTW? What's the worse case scenario? Will it be released today?

What is this picture supposed to be?

Best case is its a large well produced collection of unique songs that doesn't try too hard to be a concept album. Think HTTT or OK Computer

Worst case scenario is it's like TKoL or all the songs are bleeps and bloops

you can see the band playing represented by the white dots in the black thing, other than that who knows

Thom's marriage

How do you see that?

Best case scenario: Concept album about Thom's Divorce with a collection of building songs ranging from 3 to 6 minutes. Along the lines of Amnesiac or TKOL. Lots of Jonny

Worst Case Scenario: A collection of good tunes but bad overall album like HTTT.

Bonus round: Pro-Trump album.

>Not concept albums


>bad overall album

Good one

More HTTT-style album, especially after the more Amnesiac-esque TKOL.
Also hoping it's their last album.
And they release a collection of b-sides and unfinished stuff (Big Boots, Identikit, etc).

>Thom's Divorce
He had a divorce?

HTTT should have been their last album. It was a great break up album. Wolf at the door was their fuck you to the music industry and since going indie they've just kind of meandered. In Rainbows had some pretty good songs I guess but i don't really understand where it belongs in their legacy. Their albums up to HTTT had a kinds of narrative progression and HTTT was like the conclusion. Then in rainbows was like "...and here's some more songs"

Just like Chris Martin

Any user got updates on the PTA directed video rumors? So far it seems to be nothing.

First one I've actually kek'd at.

I'd be totally fine with worst case scenario but burn the witch has me convinced that we're getting a darker, grittier album a la HTTT.

I guess you can see InRainbows as a more 'mature' Radiohead. They really did reinvent themselves and arguably their image with that album.

Yeah i guess they became far less mysterious and just wrote some songs about their lives and stuff.

Must be hard being married to a rockstar that does a lot of work in la.

>Lots of Jonny
I am okay with this.
However I disagree with your take on HTTT friend.

I don't think Thom really gives a shit about his divorce. I know he's all whiny and that but with him looking more and more autistic and like an AYY LMAO these days, I think he just wants to be a weird lonely old man.


Deep down I just want him to write the music he was writing when he was a miserable cunt.

Eh, separated in 2015 when the album was being written.

>I disagree with your take on HTTT friend
Okay :^)

In Rainbows was good because it had a pretty consistent theme of seduction and romance

>Best case scenario
melancholic chamber pop with a sound that reminds you of boris

>worst case scenario

>best case
They actually release an album

>worst case
More Thom bleeping and blooping solo shit and then taking alot climate change and stuff

I'd be ok with this

dude it drops in like 5 minutes

>Radiohead struggle to meet EMI's deadlines
>They spend years in the studio on each album. It is a punishing process
>Eventually leave EMI
>Free from label bullshit RH are creatively renewed and make In Rainbows
>Its great
>With no label pressure they do fuck all for 3 years
>Finally start recording a new album
>Thom Yorke: 'I've got an idea that will speed up our creative process and get an album out without all the bloodletting'
>'Lets make shits loads of loops and put them all together'
>King of Limbs comes out
>Its shit and only the combined goodwill from all the precious works prevents it from being panned
>Thom Yorke thinks its great because he has found a way to make new material at a good pace without making himself suicidal
>Emboldened he forms a super-group and puts out Atoms for Peace
>More fucking shitty loops
>Its shit
>Radiohead spend another 3 years doing fuck all
>Teaser for a new album drops
>Coming May 6th: 'More loops: this time with strings!'

In searching for a way to make the recording process more comfortable they've sacrificed all quality. It's going to be shit. It will get bad reviews and fan feedback. Thom will realise his big new method is shit. They will try and record another album at some point and never finish. It will be like pre-IR again, but they will be old and have no label pressure, or mass popular demand. After circa 7 years of cockteasing they will admit there will be no 10th album and they have retired.

RIP Radiohead. If you don't die a hero, you live long enough to see yourself become a loop.

> shit: the post
How can someone unironically talk shit about amok? That's a goat album, even better than some of radiohead's.

>i only listened to the king of limbs once with unrealistic expectations

I assumed it was a leaf, but I have no idea actually.

I expect the rest of the songs to be not nearly as accesible as burn the witch and most people will be dissapointed.