Decaf Sup Forumseneral

Any of you Sup Forumsuys trying to quit coffee/caffeine for good?

Like many pro/g/rammers, I've been hooked on caffeine for pretty much all my young adult years. Recently, I've noticed as I've gotten older I've developed adrenal fatigue causing heightened anxiety, panic attacks, difficulty getting sound sleep, and a host of many other problems.

I've recently decided to quit coffee altogether, this guide is a good place to start, also there's the r/decaf subreddit. Any share your stories of pro/g/ramming while you're on decaf. Do you think this is just all a placebo? Has this brought any results? Share your stories.

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I was never hooked but have always hated coffee and coffee culture. You have my well wishes, OP.

>le caffeine keeps you awake and with energy meme

Well it's pretty hard to avoid when you're in a place like Seattle

uh, yes, that's exactly what caffeine does.
it's a known cns stimulant


caffeine has kid-mode withdrawals
just drink 1 less cup a day each week (at the absolute slowest)

there's no reason not to use it tho

Adrenal fatigue is a real thing, I'm looking into adrenal health supplements

No it doesn't. It's just shitty placebo.
>hur coffee wakes me up in the morning
Bullshit too

Just quit drinking it away man. You will have headaches for a week or two then its fine, pretty easy to quit if you really want to.

what this guy fails to mention is these are headaches that asprin inuprofien and tylonol cant touch and while they are not painful they are nagging

i'm so used to it at this point i could never fully quit. The longest I went was 3 months and when I had one I couldn't stop again.
I just cycle it monthly to prevent tolerance

well, that's simply wrong. it's completely contrary to everything we know about caffeine in neuropharmacology.

'adrenal fatigue' is a made up unscientific bullshit quackery idea, but anyway, it is a good idea to give up caffeine. Giving up caffeine will probably reduce your anxiety and help improve your sleep.

Holy shit dude what a disgusting meme
Then again maybe I'm an oddball case. I come from a country where coffee is a cultural thing that you start drinking since you're a toddler, like wine in France. I started drinking coffee at around 4 years old and it's my favorite warm drink. I get no caffeine highs or withdrawal though, even if I don't drink it for months. Probably because my body doesn't care about it anymore due to high resistance

I sleep very well

Downside is if I need to pull an all nighter I cannot rely on caffeine to pull me through.

Even if it doesn't give you "energy" it most definitely will give you anxiety.

What country?

Costa Rica, it's their main export

>23 years old
>been drinking soda and coffee my entire life
>never had anxiety, the jitters, etc
>3 months ago
>anxiety hits me like a truck
>Can't sleep, feel like I'm dying, panic attacks
>every day gets worse
Fuck me bros

thats not due to caffiene thats just the onset of schizophrenia nothing to worry about

Yeah, had a similar incident, happened to me around 26 years old

Try tea. Check out for affordable, high quality real whole leaf tea. Get a gaiwan.

That calls for a psychiatrist to diagnose you, not to fear monger about a drink tbqh

Anxiety is a very real thing, coffee-induced anxiety not so much

I'm 26 and drank coffee since I was 18. I quit drinking coffee 189 days ago today. The first week and a half were the worst for me, I would get bad headaches and be really drowsy. I found the best thing I could do during that time was eat well, drink lots of water, and take naps/get lots of sleep. Just get through the first week and its probably the easiest addiction to kick in my opinion.

why'd you quit coffee

I decided to quit because I was getting really bad anxiety from it. I feel fine now, but I don't plan on going back to coffee.


There's absolutely no reason for a healthy person to ever quit drinking coffee. Caffeine is one of those drugs that is just pure good for you.

If you suffer from some mental illnesses then I suppose it might be advisable to not use it, but that sort of call should be made by a psychatrist tbqh

What do you drink instead?

Just water. Good diet, exercise, and sleep leave me feeling really good in the mornings now.

Are you fucking retarded?

>adrenal fatigue

I always knew Sup Forums was low IQ

>also there's the r/decaf subreddit

Oh lord it's like nofap all over again.

I've noticed myself becoming more prone to anxiety whenever I drink coffee these days. It doesn't take a professional diagnosis.

A lovely country, i've been on vacation there with family multiple times


gracias user

take your grassy ass and fuck off

The whole cult surrounding coffee is plain retarded.
That includes "oh my gawd, I'm about to try to attempt to think about drinking coffee! Wish me luck, boys ;)" by the way.


i went to Tamarindo specifically

>about drinking coffee
"about not drinking coffee", but you get the idea.

Why would I want to quit coffee? It smells and tastes good, and it's warm.

>tfw took more than prescribed Ritalin this month
>tfw now almost failing my classes and midterms are next week

Always listen to your doctor user what the fuck

I bet you also stop taking antibiotics before the prescribed time because "you're already feeling well"

My best guesses are
>They believe it's affecting them negatively somehow when it's actually something else
>It's actually affecting them negatively because of some undiagnosed mental condition they have
>They're in search of a pointless accomplishment high, similar to the 'nofap' people

Is that the only part of your diet that you need to change though? I'm reading a bit into it and it says you could have vitamin deficiencies would could be due to lack of proper diet as well as alcohol consumption

What do you mongs think about yerba mate as a replacement? I drink it at work and I feel like I don't crash nearly as hard on it. No anxiety either and it doesn't taste like keurig cup barf water

I drink 2 cups a day and I don't feel any withdrawal when I go days without coffee.

I bet you're drinking putrid reheated swill that breeds bacteria and harsh neurotoxins after it's been sitting in a heater for 6 hours.

dont if you dont need to but ive had it before were you start getting all this weird anxiety and stress and on edge and if you have caffeine its just enough to put you over the edge

I use one of those coffee pod machines. (A Tassimo). It tells you when to descale it, and if you keep it clean it puts out some lovely pure water. I buy the pods on sale online from their website because it's cheaper than retail prices when they got a voucher code or bulk buy deal on.
I remember looking into my workplace kettle to put some water in and being put off making myself instant coffee there altogether. It was green in there.
I'll just stick to water at work now.

I average 2-4 cups daily. I'm doing 6 cups now that there's free coffee and creamer at the hotel I'm staying at. Doesn't really affect me negatively. I can operate with or without it depending on how much sleep I get.

In fact, I'm going in the opposite direction. MORE CAFFEINE.

I thought I had heart problems and quit it. Turns out my heart was fine and it was just terrible panic attacks. It has been almost three years without it, but I do drink some tea from time to time. Most of what I drink has little to no caffeine and it's much more relaxing.

Just stop drinking you wuss.

>$10 for 7.16oz of coffee
>literally paying $22/lb for shitty pre-staled coffee
Coffee doesn't cost more than $7/lb for quality single-origin whole bean, you dumbass pleb

is a reply for you mr. keurig shill

Put me over the edge of what? Whenever i get anxiety from drinking coffee i drink more so i can cope,

Compartir bombilla es como chuparle la lengua a otro. Puto

Dude similar thing happens to me as well. I’m from Puerto Rico. And yes you drink that shit too much that it doesn’t even even wake you up. It is more like a warm drink than anything.

Luckly I managed to hoard some premium local coffee. There has been a shortage due to the hurricane.

headaches, sleeplessness, anxiety, teeth stains, foul odors (seriously that shit leeches into your sweat and into your clothes, smells worse than smokers)

supposedly it takes 30 days to purge caffeing completely from your body.
i always end up slipping before that

So accept that in penance for years of stimulant abuse you get minor headaches for a couple of weeks and then suddenly you can sleep and focus like normal.

That said, I know people who started by drinking tea. Minimal caffeinated tea can ease you off the caffeine, and after that have herbal / fruit teas if you still need to ease off the ritual.

>2 cups
i was easliy drinking 12 cups a day but i would dilute it into wayoyo like a damn kool-aid wino

Just start drinking Green Tea instead, that's what I did. ~50mg of caffeine per cup.

>Take a pill every morning
>Wake up easy and with a nice little high to look forward to
>Stop taking pills
>Takes two weeks for the headaches to stop
>Waking up sucks
Yeah, nah I'm continuing for life

>supposedly it takes 30 days to purge caffeing completely from your body.

>flood your brain with a substance that blocks an essential neurochemical (adenosine) in the brain
>brain attempts to ramp up adenosine and it's matching receptors to return to normal
>remove caffeine
>suddenly now your brain is super sensitive to the increased adenosine receptors and you get twitches, headaches, cloudy thoughts and lethargy


Get San Mateo and don't drink it hot. Traditional Yerba mate can be pretty bad for your health long term

>eat well, drink lots of water, get naps, sleep

all the sorts of things adults can't do because they're too busy adulting.

fucking kids.

>College dropout explains tachyphylaxis with his failed science degree
>Doesn't realize even retards know what that is
You really impressed me.

Replace coffee with tea you fucking pleb

>not being a manchild living comfy and sheltered off his parents while abusing stims to feel accomplished and euphoric

Who is this supposed to be aimed at?
It's far too specific to realistically piss off anyway.
What a strange post, your reaction pic doesn't match what you're saying either.

>not being a manchild living comfy and sheltered off his parents
It's not my fault our generation got gimped, I did everything right, got decent grades in high school, graduated from college in 4 years with no debt, internships, job straight outta college, and almost a decade later I'm still not financially independent, don't own any property, and struggling to find a job

I quit it for a year then got a job that started at 7am so I'm back on the poison

this wouldn't even be a problem, but american white people love throwing their kids out at an early age thinking they can just pull themselves up by the bootstraps like they and their grandparents did.

I quit coffee cold turkey after drinking for a year at least 4 cups dark black every morning
>First day sucked and hurt bad
>Second day hurt more and came with depression
>Third day depression was bad and pain was horrible
>Fourth day pain was going away slightly and less depression
> fith day I was a function human but in pain
> etc
A week later I bought caffeine pills and I take them now every morning. I proved to myself I could quit coffee straight up and that's what I wanted to see. First time I took a caffeine pill it was like everything was so happy and I was absolutely painless.
But the depression is real bad. Don't do what I did if you suffer from bad depression or else you'll suck a shotgun

You called me a dumbass after explaining tachyphylaxis. Everyone already knows what that is, and it takes a special kind of brainlet to think that it needed explaining.

>i have a mental disorder
>sucking down mind-altering chemicals made it worse
no shit!

Were you unemployed for a year?

I didn't know what that word meant until you explained it.
Do you have some bizarre form of autism where you think everyone is some lowly pre-med shitter like you?

No when you quit coffee on the spot you get depression because your brain goes through withdrawals. If you're a heavy drinker and stop in a single day you can't avoid it

i put a ton of coconut oil in my espresso mug. no withdrawls, no heart-racing, no frequent urination.

You sound like a whiny millennial who claims 'depression' as a crutch for why his life is so shit.

Why not just drink warm lemon water in the morning?

Read a book on withdrawals lol. You are making yourself look dumb in front of 100s of anons

>I didn't know what that word meant until you explained it.
But I didn't explain it, you did. You explained caffeine tachyphyaxis because you were too stupid to realize that everyone already knows how it works. It's like a tard running around proclaiming 1+1 is 2 and thinks he's revealing some profound insight.
Then you had the audacity to call me a dumbass right after? Ironic.

>You are making yourself look dumb in front of 100s of anons
Nobody cares

>warm lemon water
but muh calories

Are we being invaded?
People don't generally write posts like this here.


I usually have 1 coffee a week, an iced coffee from the supermarket... They taste so good. Helps me stay up Saturday night, usually GAYming until the early hours of the morning.

>Helps me stay up Saturday night, usually GAYming until the early hours of the morning
You keep this up, you'll end up shot and fatigued by the time you're 29.

is this codeword for being on gay erp chats with sissies from the steam avatar threads?

>tfw never really got on the caffeine meme
>occasionally have a cup in the morning or afternoon, but comfortably go months without any
>almost all of my colleagues are chugging at least a pint of the stuff before I even see them at 9 AM

feels good not being an addict

what do you mean "by the time"

oh wow you've earned by respect!

Just drink more coffee faggot.

Jks, try modafinil or something.

I did what you did pulling all-nighters when I was a young adult, playing games well into 4am on Friday nights, working weekends "just because." Now I'm 29 and I have an auto-immune disorder, my doctor told me I may not live very long since that contributes to heart complications.

This... is literally my life.

>in my 20's and still live at home
>can't find a job because of employment gaps
>dabble in community college classes
>drink 6-8 cups of coffee per day
>occasionally use cocaine on the weekends with other losers who also live at home

>asprin inuprofien and tylonol

do you mean aspirin, ibuprofen, and tylenol? are you memeing me with that spelling, breh?

Coffee became my vice when I quit smoking. I'm not a faggot about it, I sleep well at night, and I switch to decaf after my second cup of the day.
Coffee is a great way to bond with people, it tastes great. Fuck leaving it forever.