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What a retarded world. Gigabytes of memory in a fucking phone?

>solid phone with years of support that jest werks preferred by the global elites
>chinkphone that will be have had its last update before you get it in the mail with a shitty android skin and ugly gaudy screen configuration because asians can't into aesthetics

>comparing chinkshit to expensive ckinkshit

Everything in your post is Fake News.

i have a tonne of music on my 64gb

only thing the iphone has over this phone is a more responsive screen

Who needs this mysterious "support"? I don't update either. All they do is slow shit down. A phone is an appliance. It does what you bought it to do. When that is no longer useful, discard and buy another. It's cheap to churn through expendable hardware and you get better specs earlier than long term adopters.

>global elites
>caring what garbage PHONE they use

There's nothing to defend. One phone is an iPhone, and the other is a literal cheap chink plastic lagdroid. It costs less for a reason.

its needs twice the memory in order to offset its gook lag, and even then its still a slow piece of shiy

>crapshit 625

Poorfags will actually use a phone DAILY with this gabage.

Every single say

Poorfags will never EVER feel the power of an A11 bionic


That's some expensive soy


Literal Fake News, anyone who I've given the phone to use has told me its faster than their iPhone lol

Neither will you.
Gay porn and grindr don't exactly require too much CPU power.

Apple shill

Snapdragon 625 is better than the 650 with nanometre technology and an incredible battery life due to heat efficiency.

Back to ribbit.

Hi gearbest

It's an AliExpress link, brainlet.

your shit is slow and will always be slow google soyboy

The redmi note 4 has a garbo bottom of the barrel panel with disgustingly inaccurate colours, very poor response times (significant ugly trailing when scrolling any text vertically – something you do all the time on a phone) and mediocre contrast ratio.
The iPhone blitzes it in all those departments.
The redmi has a trash camera. The iPhone again blitzes it here.
Spec sheets don't always tell the full story, not that the iPhone is particularly good or economical.

t. Redmi Note 4X owner


>t. Redmi Note 4X owner




How's about you fuck off, shill? Buy the Note 4 and give us a review, I bet my life you don't return it.

at least its on purpose
lagdroids don't even get a say in whether their phones slow don


The Redmi Note 4x is shit lol, you got memed. Buy the Note 4 and report back to me.

Yes we do. I can set the core speeds to anything I want. Apple does that behind your back.

I also store all my music in volatile memory, that way I'll experience the joy of transferring across all music every reboot.

Thank you for your support pajeet. 500,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 Pupees (0.00 USD) have been deposited to your MiBank account.

>I can set the core speeds to anything I want
yeah im sure your pentium pro-tier cores sure blow all the synthetic benchmarks out of the water user

They do, Samsung has to beg and pay celebrities to use one of their phones and even then it doesn't work for long.

All the Rothschild girls use iPhones.

You bought a shit phone and got memed lol.

Try again

>solid phone
>Stops working 6 months after you get it so you have to buy a new one

Sent from my snappy redmi 3s

that's not true desu, iphones last the longest of all except for dumbphones

X is the crappy model.

Fake news. I have an oldphone and if I don't kill it myself it's just never going to die.
Battery's still great, too.

>gets throttled
It last the longest!!!


no brand has batteries that are above the laws of nature. this is just the best solution to stretch usability as long as possible

No its not.

>Your iPhone 8 or iPhone X battery could wear out in about 18 months

>buy Applel iTrash
>pathetic 1500 mAhlet virgin battery
>have to charge it once or twice a day minimum with normal usage, sometimes three times
>battery has 1000 charge cycles by the end of one year and is basically dead
>iTrash begins to randomly shutoff at 40% battery
>update iTrash to latest lagOS
>lose 50% performance

>buy Android phone
>3000+ mAh alpha battery
>lasts 2-3 days on one charge with normal usage
>have only 200 charge cycles on it at the end of a year
>battery easily lasts 3 years with no issues
>can easily pop out battery and swap with another 3000+ mAh premium Anker replacement battery in 2 minutes

iToddlers will NEVER know this feel.

>virgin consumer vs Chad self service

what they don't show you is software support timeline

Not that Apple would tell you how long they will support the device, but you kinda have an idea of how long it is based on their track record.

Same goes for google and motorola. You generally know what kind of lifetime your phone has when you buy them

Not sure about Xiaomi. I think android 9 will be out this year

>what they don't show you is software support timeline
That iTrash will be bricked by lagOS malware in less than a year.

I've just upgraded to a 6s Plus after nearly 4 years of using a 5s with updates. The only reason I've upgraded was that 16GB storage was becoming a real pain in the ass to deal with.

>I don't update either.
So you're still vulnerable to CRACK?
I guess I must be some kind of liberal cuck to not want to consume so much garbage and destroy muh environment

>le red meme camera

so their battery excuse is a lie?

Apple was literally built by a con-artist.

Xiaomi is still giving updates to their FIRST PHONE
and don't slow it down, by the way.

I wouldn't say android 4.1 is "still giving updates"

>atleast its on purpose
>admitting shitting on you
>"we'll it's not that bad if they admitted it"
>continue on the same assfuck-train until new lies from applel come to light
>they admit it again
>the cycle continues

Redmeme camera is really a piece of shit tho

>iBrainlets still think OS and security updates must bundled together like his lagOS malware

I'd like to see a patch for CRACK for the A1 then please... or any phone that isn't running at least MIUI 8 (first released june 2016)

Note 4 camera is the best one



Why should I care about benchmarks?
The fastest, most powerful SOC on the market is useless if it doesn't last a day.
It might not blow your benchmarks out of the water, but it sure as hell beats your toddler toy in energy efficiency.

>itoddler talking about pentium pro when his fruit shit can't even beat one with 500x the transistors

>murican botnet vs chink botnet

this thread really smells of curry

that is the most aesthetic onscreen keyboard I've ever seen

>this thread really smells of soy*

Get an eye exam iSoyfag

Im not an applel shill but MP on a camera hasnt been an quality indicator for a long time.
t. u11+ user

>iFag calling someone a soyboy
Pot calling the kettle black.

No but it in general it's still the resolution of the final picture and higher MP means you can crop/perspective correct more without losing much clarity. Honestly 16MP should be the absolute minimum on phones with high-end ones doing 21-30 MP.

Why are all raging Apple haters also weebs? There's gotta be a connection. Maybe because you have to be an obese neckbeard to spend this amount of effort just to desperately attempt to prove that botnet-infested chink phones made of reject parts are somehow superior?

Why are all raging Android smartphone haters also nu-males? There's gotta be a connection. Maybe because you have to be an absolute soyboy to spend this amount of effort just to desperately attempt to prove that soy-infested gay phones made of soy parts are somehow superior?

Why are all raging gay fruit worshippers also soyboys? There's gotta be a connection. Maybe because you have to be an obese neckbeard to spend this amount of effort just to desperately attempt to prove that botnet-infested fruit chink phones made of reject parts are somehow superior?

Every single one of these threads are pathetic garbage because they till insist android is a usable or good OS. IOS doesn't even have to be good when compared to that shitheap.

Kill yourselves.

Every single one of these threads are pathetic garbage because they till insist iOS is a usable or good OS. Android doesn't even have to be good when compared to that soyheap.

Kill yourselves.


I wonder if you stopped sucking Apple's cock to write this.

>t. assblasted britbong soyboy iToddler that's mad the mods banned him for 5+ years for spamming/shilling his fruit shit on Sup Forums

I don't need to like IOS to hate android. Maybe you're the ones who need to excavate those google cocks from your rectum? At this point you may as well go in through the mouth considering how deep they're lodged.

>it has android so it must include google
The absolute state of iSoyboy brainlets.

Yes, android is maintained by google. You really think any of these retarded manufacturers can make their own phone OS? Polishing shit is still just shit.

Son, have you been drinking... soy?


>li-po battery

Enjoy your house fire due to overcharging your chink budget phone

But uh, 1800 mAh is fucking trash and inexcusable

>yfw even the soyim can't defend aplul anymore

nah m8 one prus cuck here

Must have too few braincells left from using android. Guess I'm done here.

>"leave aplul alone ;_;"

>buy Applel iTrash
>pathetic 1800 mAhlet virgin battery
>have to charge it once or twice a day minimum with normal usage, sometimes three times
>battery has 1000 charge cycles by the end of one year and is basically dead
>iTrash begins to randomly shutoff at 40% battery
>OY VEY SOYIM! looks like you need the latest ios "fix"
>update iTrash to latest lagOS
>lose 50% performance
>OY VEY SOYIM! looks like you need a new iphone!

>buy Android phone
>4100+ mAh alpha battery
>lasts 2-3 days on one charge with normal usage
>have only 200 charge cycles on it at the end of a year
>battery easily lasts 3 years with no issues
>replace with another alpha android phone for $300 since they're only marked up 10% profit instead of 500%

iToddlers will NEVER know this feel.

Why are you quoting someone twice? Jesus christ you retards are getting worse by the year.

>t. coy soyboy goytoy soydoy BOI

Boomers, normies, most women. People out of college who don’t get joy out of troubleshooting or figuring it out themselves (especially if they’re self-employed and the time spent troubleshooting could’ve been spent on writing another appellate brief, reviewing another patient chart, analyzing another week’s worth of customer data, or any of a bunch of other things).

Same people who switch from torrenting everything and just pay for streaming services, really.

>Boomers, normies, most women. People out of college who don’t get joy out of troubleshooting or figuring it out themselves
>Same people who switch from torrenting everything and just pay for streaming services, really.

So basically, people that should fuck off and stay out of Sup Forums since they clearly don't belong.

Yep. I actually agree with you on that.

Where I differ is in believing that not solely catering to the Sup Forumsays is a good business decision and ensures my AAPL stock performs well (the last 3-4 weeks notwithstanding).

That's iPhone for ya

Remember a phone is an OS, just as Windows or Linux.

>stranded on updates
>hahahha MUH LAUNCHER upgrade is not a real upgrade
>implying iOS since 7 isn't just launcher and visual shenanigans """updates""" since 2013
>what is bootloader unlock
>implying pajeet and chink devs will ever stop releasing baked firmwares better and more patched than (((google))) AOSP leaving themselves jewed and stranded on updates

try harder you sheeple faggot

>Oh yes Goy, you're iDroid 9 appliance thing broke itself a fuse inside the petAMOLED curved panel in the latest update and it's your fault for accepting the update and it's useless now, so you need to buy a new one from (((us))), we can take your broken shit that then we'll send to chinkna for repairs and then sell as refurbish "new" device in the future as a $49.99 discount for your Apple Care Goy, so if you break your shit again you'll only pay us $279.99 for a repair, Goy :^)

(((They))) made a lot of noise about (pic related) tho :^)

>Trump made the best shitposts humanity has known in an obsolete Dual Core 2gb iphone slayer samdump memefone
>he also shitposted in Sup Forums on that thing



have you taken your daily Soy latte, Goy?

At this point in time I'm more inclined to trust the pajeets than apple and everything and everyone that goes along with that silicon valley madness. Pajeets I can understand, their motivations, their failings, their end goals etc., but the cult that is cali/cupertino/sanfran etc., is beyond my understanding.

>hurr higher megapixels is better durr
t. brainlet

>string a even together you sentence can?

I know this isn't reddit but at least attempt to pretend you can write in English.