Have you contributed to uBlock, LLC already?


This is the only and one repository maintained by uBlock, LLC (github.com/uBlockAdmin/)

Well, there's this:

>Some users might want to check out uBlock Origin: a noteworthy personal fork of uBlock from @gorhill with a slightly different featureset.

But I'd rather use the official uBlock, LLC product rather than some personal fork with slight changes. :^}

Other urls found in this thread:


That's fine, but understand that they're still a business, and the uBlock Origin fork was made because uBlock was doing the same BS as the AdBlock Plus developers.

uBlock, LLC never added any acceptable ads bullshit.

Stop spreading FUD and donate to help the project.

How about nano adblocker?

>noteworthy personal fork

uBlock reskin.

>platform - Last Updated 3 years ago

This guy should be boiled in oil holy shit. He doesn't even bother to backport Origin, he just takes people's money who think they are donating to gorhill (who doesn't accept donations).

Maximum kek.

fuck you racist nazi faggots

Nobody mentioned your ethnicity, Chris. It's just that you live it with every fiber of your being, in everything you do, every day.

Why is it an LLC? Is ad hiding a business?

yeah fuck this guy.
go back to your safespace negro.


nobody tell him that the donation link for ublock is broken :^)

>those curls


I'm surprised he hasn't taken any of this shit down yet. Does the 3 year old version even work with any browsers nowadays?

It doesn't work since Firefox 57 per WebExtension migration.

Fuck off shill. Origin is the only acceptable here.

This wouldn't have happened is gorhill didn't sperg out and give him full control before later coming back with a fork.

"Origin" should not even exist.

this is not the real ublock.

An autist sperging out is inevitable, but I have no idea why he handed to repo off to this literally who. He should have just shut down the issue tracker for like a week or something.

>He should have just shut down the issue tracker for like a week or something
What happened?

Literally years ago when uBlock was starting to gain serious popularity gorhill was suddenly sick of dealing with shitloads of bug reports and feature requests so he just decided to give the entire project away to anyone that wanted it. He had another big contributor in mind but that guy just went missing so he gave it to a minor contributor instead. This was Chris in the OP who did some work porting uBlock to Safari.

One of the first things Chris did was set up a fancy website and a way for people to donate. For about a week Sup Forums flipped out at Chris the Jew and did some harassing while begging gorhill to take the project back. Gorhill wasn't happy either about Chris taking donations for something he had essentially done no work on so instead of just taking the project back from him he made a fork which turned into uBlock Origin and that continued to this day.

>He had another big contributor in mind but that guy just went missing
He didn't go missing, he just didn't want to deal with all the bullshit either.
I think gorhill wanted to punish everyone by giving it to the fat arab turd cause he knew he couldn't do jack shit with it but then he cooled down and realized what he had done.

>using uhide/origin
Sure, if you just want to hide ads.

Have a (You) for the effort.

Don't fall for scams, homie.

Man this really takes me back.

the meme is probably from the bug that allows ads to be visible for a second sometimes.


hasn't been updated for 7 months.

is there a 'report' button on github?

*Teleports Behind You*
Nothing Personal, Kid.

Okay so what the fuck do I use to block ads God damnit

i guess this thread is nest for this. someone with a goyhub account please ask gorshill to put an option to check all 3rd party filters at once. it is tedious to click all those chechboxes one by one.


What did he mean by this

i bet this is just placebo but i cant say no to a smug badger.