
#6?: OP fucked off Edition

Previous thread: At any given time there are usually 3+ threads on Sup Forums about IT careers, steady jobs and freelancer work. They are usually varied and encompass many aspects such as ranting, dickwaving, crying about shit bosses/employees, career advice, "the chinks took our jobs!" and other work-related shitposting. This a general to encompass all that and thus clean up the board a little.

>why not make this thread on /adv/?
Have you met those people? There's not one poster above 100 IQ there.

>how do you define "IT career"?
Any career where technology is at the core.

>so monkeys only then?
Nope, administrators, coordinators, project leaders, techies and anyone else that considers their main field technology are welcome here.

>what if I'm in college?
If you want to have a career in IT, this is the place to ask your questions.

If you want some nice meaty answers, or really good advice, include as many of the following answers in your post as possible:
>what sector do you currently work in and at what level?
>how long and what experience do you have in IT?
>what education do you have if any, and at what level?
>do you have any certification?
>where do you want to be in 10 years?
>what motivates you, or what do you want out of a potential workplace?

If you want to contribute, or you got a good answer and you know your way around photoshop, we'd love to have you shop the general logo onto some cute office-employed anime sluts like pic related for our first-posts.


>they should rename that to /crypto/ already

What salary should I expect from an NGO? Do they pay the same as regular companies?



College Junior here. How bad is the CS section on my resume for summer internship purposes?
Should I add more detail to each project, like the languages and libraries used? I'm just worried that too much info will make the company less inclined to read through it, or make it look like I'm trying to cram buzzwords everywhere.

Took web development job ten months ago
Making poverty spec wages because I'm self taught and took the first opportunity to get professional experience
Actually made more in customer service call center than this job
Applying to new jobs now
Basically everything I'm applying to pays more than I've ever made in my life by about 2x
Eventually will happen
Right now though my truck has 220k on the clock and I struggle to pay my bills
When's it gonna be my turn /itcg/

I'd avoid including class projects on your resume if you have independent projects to talk about. Recruiters often tell me that they aren't interested in class projects and what to know what you do outside of the classroom.

Something about commitment. The pay might be shit but 10 months looks shifty. Hope you got a dying grandma to make a story about.

Have a CS Minor in college, switched Major to IT because math is hard..

Knowing that obviously every IT internship is different can I get some stories from some peoples internships good or bad to see what they were like and what you did.

I've had jobs in the past so I know that its like, I've just never worked in a n office environment. (and yes I know not every IT job is in an office)

Is there anything I should be doing to prepare for these jobs.

I made it from NEET to 120k in about 4 years. Switched jobs every 18 months, always almost doubling salary. And I am not particullarly hard working.

Honestly if he can double his salary like he says, I'd say just to go for it.

Taking my A+ 901 in 9 hours. Wish me luck Sup Forums i hope i can pass. I will report what i made if thread is still up.

So I got a job offer for 1st and later 2nd level IT support. But it was also mentioned that if I am committed to it in the future I could change to android software development. My question is should I bother learning android? My initial idea was getting a comfy support job and study to be an electrician then quit the desk job and go around fixing cabling and installing anntennas etc. I find android development interesting as well tho.

Terry? Is that you? You know the best careers are at CIA.

>A+ 901
> Taking anything A+

Fucking retard. Such certification is pretty much worthless, since any pajeet can also learn this from braindump, pass the exam and wave the paper at the prospective employer.


pedophile website

>lewd anime office girls
is there a repository for this.


>send resume, check
>call next day, general buzzword ticking, check
>bs hackerrank exercise, check
>called for onsite interview, check

it is now 10 days since I was promised answer in a couple of days. Two days ago I emailed HR to inquiry about how the evaluation of my application is going, whether I need to submit more input etc. Dead silence, not even 'we need to look at other candidates before our final decision', what do?

1. email again
2. try to call the HR
3. write it down as a loss and heat up other opportunities
4. ???


Ask Amazon SDE 3 anything

You need to move on and apply to other firms. Also stop sending e-mails to the HR they don't give a shit about you.

any other washed up people trying to turn their life around?

I'm not even paying for it you retard.

How long have you been at Amazon, and do you hate it yet?

how deep did you go into the interviewers ass with your leadership principles examples?

Reporting in. The "trying" phase occurs daily to me and lasts for like 30 minutes and that's something when compared with what I've done to last few years of my existence.

Enjoy your pajeet tier "cert".

me too. Just can't stop going on youtube and r9k.

>graduating in May with IT
>did two internships on Wall St. as help desk for a media and an ad company
>working student IT job at computer labs as a printer bitch
>have zero technical skills
>literally don't know how to code anything
>extremely basic understanding of networking and Linux, have zero projects

Don't completely abandon it, but continue applying elsewhere. Follow up in two weeks, but look at other jobs like you're not getting this one.

Forgot to ask, how fucked am I?

Where i live it's good to have. Sucks to be you i guess.

Just get certs. That's what I did.


im a sophomore and got 3 internship offers last semester and work part time now doing software dev. most companies appealing to not seniors are primarily looking for soft skills and couldn't care less about your courses outside of any group project courses.

ur resume is also wayyy to verbose, just highlight something outside of class, interpersonal skills, and maybe a couple popular languages. most college people view it as "how much technical terms / languages I can put on a resume" and end up looking like a beta autist insecure about their credentials.

Fellow self-taught software developer here. Your next few jobs, you'll probably about double your salary. You're doing the right thing by applying while you still have a job doing this stuff.

Once you find a place you can learn from and enjoy for a couple years, try to stay there for at least a year and a half. If you can't deal with the pay, then apply for other jobs and give your company a chance to counter offer. Nobody's going to fault you for wanting to leave for a 2x pay raise, just like you shouldn't fault them for trying to save money by waiting until it's absolutely necessary to give you a raise. If you've made yourself invaluable to the company/team (which you should be doing), then they'll probably be happy to give you a raise as long as they can afford it. Otherwise, fuck em and go somewhere they can afford you.

One thing I learned from my job hunts: don't worry about being self taught. Once you have industry experience, none of that shit matters. Don't talk about your lack of degree on your resume, and they'll forget about it. I took the education section off my resume, and suddenly, everyone stopped getting so hung up on it in interviews. If it comes up, just ask why you should pay to learn when you're already getting paid to learn more than you ever would in a classroom. It's a valid point, and most people will respect it.

Since the one I made is being used, I made another one.

If you have no technical skills what are you doing in it

Made 741. Next 902.


>Vaild dubs
Act'n like kids

First for being offered to work on someone's shitty database and building an internal Wikipedia using MediaWiki. Ask me anything

A monkey could do your job.

Post more office anime pantyhose

Anybody here experienced with the euro market?

NL-based student, but USA advice might be relevant here.

What type of work can one do from home as a side gig? I'm about to start a 2 year master, but in my free time I want to earn some dough on the side.

I would mostly only be able to work on stuff after 6pm and in the weekends. I was thinking maaaaybe some kind of web development or translation work, or should I set up some kind of webshop?

What else is possible?

Do you expect to be principal at some point? Switch roles/company? Or is this the end of the road?

So say for the sake of argument I've somehow fell into bed with my female supervisor. And that we've been fucking for about 6 months now like 2 jack rabbits. How would one go about breaking it off once one of us gets bored without it becoming really awkward? Not that I want to break it off. Some of the best sex of my life, her being 15 years older than me aside.

Asking for a friend.

>no education past high school
>going to college this year for an access to stem degree

what degree would be best if i want the following for a job
>part time
>work is done when work is done, not expected to be "on call"

I own my house and car so money isn't that important, i barely leave the house and enjoy my life as is. I just want to work less.

Because I majored in it?

The fuck have you been doing at your job / classes / life

Thanks for the advice user. I think I'm just going to start shotgunning out direct applications and get the fucking money.

Have been letting recruiters contact me on LinkedIn and think it's time to just cut them out as we're not getting anywhere.

I wanna be user

All right, I'll emphasize personal projects over academic stuff.
Just wondering, how much time do companies spend looking at your github? I've been trying to work on some projects on my free time since don't have much on there.

describe your ascent, and more or less where you lived.

Depends on the company. Some won't look at all, and some (not many) will go as far as to search for the commits you did and the lines of code you wrote in a project. I got complimented for my very... Colorful commit messages once.

>work shitty Service Desk job for 3 months
>already contacted by dozens of recruiters on LinkedIn for much more advanced positions

Western Europe everyone. Any fucktard working in IT for the next decade is going to rake in the money.

First for DnB Game's Technician
>checks and balance (what's runnin, what aint)
>"Deal with the public."
>Walking, Alot
>Carry stacks of glass, weaving past drunks and children
>~free games~
I love the job but I know my bills/loans need more attention. I don't plan to "climb the latter" but engaging in the c.s./maintenance of electronics is my #1 goal, to get better at, bringing depth to my knowledge (Math Degree SeniR dropout). I have a huge project i have parts and pieces for but not some others (housing, code, etc) also learning C/C# now. Is a future in R&D to lofy to dream?

week 1 of my web dev job hunt is going really badly. being self taught with no experience is rough, even with a portfolio.

btw i have a degree, but not in any tech field

You actually sound like a NEET lmao.

What certs do I get to get a job without a college degree? Also, I live in a shithole so someone with just secondary education and a certification getting employed isn't that far fetched because everyone remotely educated emigrates away.

CCNA/CCNP are probably the only certs I would recommend, the rest are fucking useless. Just talk to people it gets you places.

the classes are all theory. i don't understand what you don't get, studying IT has not given me any knowledge through classes because my school's program is a joke

Networking:CCNA R&S/CCNP R&S/CCIE R&S. Start with CCNA, get networking job, get next cert. Do NOT go straight for NP or IE without experience to back it up.
Windows:MCSA Server 2012/MCSE Server 2012
Linux:RHCSA/RHCE or LPIC-1(Linux+)/LPIC-2/LPIC-3
Security:Oh boy

I'm in the same boat my dude and I'm shipping myself to Amazon as I graduate.

You had the luxury of being an intern while I just worked a part-time job as a tier 1 helpdesk that slowly grew into a sysad.

If your IT degree was a business degree in Management Information Systems, you can even make ticket monkeying sound elite by saying that you had a front-end view of business operations and created bulk reports of ticket issues as potential business problems.

The fact that you're still in education and not a NEET means that employers still see you as a potential asset.

Learn basic shit about linux, shitpost about how you love thinkpads and use arch linux, then stretch the ever living fuck out of the toilet paper called a degree until you get a good job.

> Freelance dev, Tiny startup in my hometown, started at 25k, made it to 45k, 2 years
> Amazon (not in Seattle), 85k, 1 year
> Larger startup (in SF), 120k, been here for 2 months

Forgetting CCIE in there user, how could you leave that one out?

I live in Europe, btw, the SF job is remote.

>says Ask Anything

> Doesnt reply to anyone

Well after 2+ years of applying for jobs and going to interviews but landing nowhere, I got an interview lined up next week. Help Desk Specialist (not actual title but that's what it is basically). They got two openings so I got two chances of getting it. It's in a different branch of state government so I think all my existing time/benefits will transfer over. It's at a lower pay grade than I am now but if I get the job, I may be able to get them to bring me on at mid point so in the end I'll be making more $$ than I do now even if the actual grade is lower. But if not, fuck I don't care, least I'll be in a field I like.(I'm the dude who's been posting here before who works in non IT State job and hates it for over 12 yrs now). All I got is Certs w/some college Cisco networking credits to his name.

What certs? 2+ years is also a long time just to get a helpdesk job, maybe there was something holding you back if you got interviews but kept getting cockblocked for actual offers.

Here it's all a big cluster fuck. First a lot of state IT has been outsourced. What's left is all upper level manager/programmer type. Those positions are always "cherry picked" with someone in mind already when they come open. Then you got the lower level positions, same story just they don't come open hardly at all due to out outsource bullshit. So your left with either transferring/taking position in different branch of government (where they do things a bit different), staying where your at and keep your benefits, or leaving state employment entirely for the private sector (but you kiss your benefits goodbye along with the ability to retire at 50 w/full pension,401k, and medical). Then you have jobs that get posted, then after you apply and wait, they decide to pull due to "budget" or "other issues" (aka; they didn't get the "Cherry picked" candidate to apply). Far as certs go I'm A+/Network+ Certified, got certs in Cisco along with being a Windows System Admin through Brain Bench. Got a few college cisco networking classes under me (8hrs). My current non IT job is easy as shit, but the way it's manged is a big joke. Plus there is nowhere to go, no promotions/bonuses. You got people who I work with go from mid 20k to almost 40k via some fancy loophole where they bypass the normal promo/job hiring system. (aka ass kissers). Dude who now makes 40K all he does is print large format shit and cuts/mounts it on backer mount board. honest to god that's all he does. Plus there's some question of how he even qualifies for the title he now has. Me, I work my ass off, and I don't clear 28K a year.

One week is nothing. Don't worry about it. If you think your portfolio or CV is the issue, post it, would be happy to have a look at it (anonymized if you want)

>those thighs

How do you actually get a job with no degree/only certs and minimal experience?
I write it on my resume and it just seems like a joke that interviewers would glance over and toss aside

get lucky that an entry level position takes a chance on you. so basically just send a ton of resumes out and write good cover letters. Try going to career fairs too.


>career fairs
Do those even have IT jobs?
Every career fair I've been to was for mostly manufacturing/trade type stuff

There are definitely tech career fairs, but it might depend on the city you're in. I'm in a city that's kind of a tech hub(not silicon valley), and they have them pretty frequently, also check at universities as well.

In the end it's all a numbers game, eventually someone will give you a chance, you just have to put out a ton of resumes.

>Only one nearby is at a uni
>Students only

just pretend you're a student, no way for them to know you aren't. The ones I've gone to they don't ask if you're a student they just kind of assume it and it's in an open area so anyone could go.

>Go to student only career fair as a non student
>Employer ask what degree I'm currently going for
>Cry and run out of the room
>Get beat up in parking lot

Do you seriously need certs for a helpdesk job? I just want to chill and talk to people on the phone.

I technically think we were on 6, making this number 7? But who the fuck cares.

>>what sector do you currently work in and at what level?
I work as a system developer focusing on back-end development.
>>how long and what experience do you have in IT?
This will be my third year.
>>what education do you have if any, and at what level?
I have a BS in CS with specialization in software engineering.
>>do you have any certification?
I do not.
>>where do you want to be in 10 years?
Hopefull in a branch of goverment? The state has it easy I heard.
>>what motivates you, or what do you want out of a potential workplace?
Workload. I'm terirbly lazy by nature.

What do I need to do to fufill my dreams /itcg/? Great general by the way, really appreciate having people smarter than /adv/ I can talk to about this stuff.

>no certs

Is that a fun job? Kinda' sounds neat.

>tfw stuck in helldesk
How do I get out boys?

I missed these threads, thought the last one would be our last. Thanks for making OP.

Well, what do you WANT to do?

Is that a girl (boy)? I am uncertain about my feelings.

Yes it is a girl (boy)

Considering the OP seems to be deseized, I'm going to dump the op-pics that I saved for new-OP to use if he wishes. There might be more out there but these were the ones I got.







And, as far as I know, the last one made.


Back to your career talk gentlemen.