/ptg/ - Private Tracker General

Maybe she'll want to hear about your trackers edition

Previous thread >Not sure what private trackers are all about?
The mission of /ptg/ is to promote the highest possible standards of tracker service by providing members with opportunities for professional development, by recognizing technical competence through examinations and by advancing the interests of its members.

>Have a question?
Tracker Manifesto: pastebin.com/thLgSkNE
Wiki: wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Private_trackers

Use as a link to find the /ptg/ thread.

Remember the following:
>Staff occasionally read these generals and have posted here before.
>This is a thread for educational purposes only. Don't offer or ask for invites.
>Staff may pretend to be normal users asking for invites and when you invite them, they ban you for inviting strangers.

Other urls found in this thread:


Can someone invite me to /ptg/? Pleaseee i need it

Welcome brudda.

So about that port 8999 issue?


You should always set your ports to either 80 or 443.

That has been answered, nigger.

>You should use ports 49152-65534 if you want avoid being throttled. And that port should be forwarded.


Anything special about those two?

You are either a troll or an idiot.

What’s good for p2p movie releases, mostly cam and ts?

the homeless guy in that alley

How much have you guys spent on trackers so far? I spent $20 on my Emp invite and $50 on PTP.

i donated 10 bucks to wcd


>paying to pirate

>spent money on an emp invite
imagine being this dumb

trollhd or at least him and m0ar used to a lot. Now troll or it's more than one guy releases a ton of Netflix and Amazon webdls, namely 2160p and I think under trollhd

in the past, ctrlhd and ntb were familiar release groups that dropped caps

If you're looking for cams / screeners, it's scene and freaks like EVO and hive (screeners, cams) there's no well known p2p idiot who does that. IPT is the best 'private' tracker for cams/ts and screeners. Not kidding. All cams will be very well seeded and on seed boxes.

If you're seeking secret or exclusive screeners that you thought might not be released to public, we don't have that. We do have better than bluray backhaul of certain tv stations by the 100s of TB on the more elite trackers

I paid 20 dollars for IPT no regrets.

I've never donated to a tracker. I would donate for inactivity immunity on btn but their development is non existent and idk who or what I'd be donating too


i donated about $50 in total to waffles and what. i may have donated to oink too? don't remember

what the fuck is going on with seedhost?

im on my phone can someone tell me which looks better. tbanks




HDB official invites on BTN overlord forum. Implied that it will be removed after winter

what the fuck is IMT? What do they have?

Also what did BTN mean by that new announcement. Not like anyone does any sport if they are on neck beard trackers.

>tfw can't see these

>must have an account to view comparison screens
so the encoders have to upload their screenshots to two separate hosts if they want to upload it on other trackers? That's dumb

I've donated a few times and I had a seedbox for about a year, and I probably spent a hundred on requests for wcd back in the day

>and I probably spent a hundred on requests for wcd back in the day
>paying for other faggots leeching off you using buffer

You are one dumb whatcuck user

Does OppaiTime usually get over the user limit and raise it, or are they closing invites for real??

got me like a TB and it was all music I wanted too so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

You mean the one on BTN official invites forum? Their requirements are crazy considering they're practically unknown.

what even is it

>Invite my son to PTP
>He manages to get himself disabled within a week because hnr.

Fucking millenials.

BTN staff just pm me your gmail.
If you can get one of the BTN admins to pm me and vouch for you just your gmail is required.
For everyone else please pm me the following:

1) Please tell us a little bit about yourself including interests, hobbies and BT journey so far.

2) Your current IP address.

3) 3 additional Tracker profile links, must be over 1 year old.

4) Unedited screens of those trackers provided from you profile page.

5) Profile links to any other BT forum you are a member of (active or inactive) with unedited screens of your profile

Gmail only!

How not to join:

Fail to answer any of the above.

How to join and get thrown out really fast:

Lie to us or cheat on us on any of the above...

Alternative option:


IMT is a small tight knit file sharing discussion forum, with experienced, helpful and like-minded members.
IMT has discussion sections on everything file sharing related as well as News, Technology, Software, Hardware, Mobile, Security and many more.
We have a General Tracker with a request section for anything you can't find on your trackers (this is just an extra feature to help each other out, the main focus is just our forum).
We also have an invite request section for trackers that allow it, Tracker reviews, Seedbox reviews, Open sign up news, screens and samples from latest movies, as well as some great looking themes and some modifications to the forum.

IMT was started in 2012 and since then opportunities to join have been rare, very rare. Please keep in mind we are looking for active users who will participate in the forum.

why would i ever give my ip to a bunch of nobodys?

Probably around 2 grand and I'm still not done

This happens now and then. Absolutely fucking nobody trackers, trying to gain credibility/obscurity/intrigue/prestige through these bullshit "suck our cock" requirement tactics. Makes me cringe. Bonus points if tracker is less than three months old. Bonus points if broken English.

And you'd think they'd know better (no, you wouldn't): anyone retarded enough to "apply" will be an idiotic shitter of a user, and/or a forum autist for a few days until they get bored and never come back.

It shines a bad light on trackers (BTN) that allow this slimy shit in their official invite forums. How condescending and mighty do you have to be to assert that your userbase is far better than that of a long-respected tracker like BTN (or similar high-level trackers) to the point that you would present this filth?

A counterexample to this is DB9's requirements on RED (I don't have strong feelings either way regarding DB9, but at least it can be reasoned that their shit makes a lick of sense).

tl;dr: fuck IMT and similar shitstains

For real

>get bored and never come back.
Yeah that happens to me a lot. I sent the guy a pm with my email. I didn't read the post so I had no idea about his gay requirements. I probably won't even make an account if he sends me an invite. Looks really curry. I'll join if they have rare shit like Maury


How do I set up auto snatch and cross seed?

I use RSS for BTN. I want HDB to be snatched, rechecked and seeded.

Anyone knows which tracker does ARiN release originate from?

APL, my dear old friend.

what? ARiN does TV shows, not music.

23:54 [NUKE] Silk.Road.Drugs.Death.and.the.Dark.Web.2018.720p.WEB.h264-CookieMonster [bad.pack_rar5.compression.not.allowed] LocalNet
23:54 [NUKE] Silk.Road.Drugs.Death.and.the.Dark.Web.2018.WEB.h264-CookieMonster [bad.pack_rar5.compression.not.allowed] LocalNet
Day changed to 07 Feb 2018
00:03 [MODNUKE] Silk.Road.Drugs.Death.and.the.Dark.Web.2018.720p.WEB.h264-CookieMonster [bad.pack_rar5.compression.not.allowed_dupe.CREED.2017-08-22_aka.Storyville.2017.08.21] LocalNet
00:03 [MODNUKE] Silk.Road.Drugs.Death.and.the.Dark.Web.2018.WEB.h264-CookieMonster [bad.pack_rar5.compression.not.allowed_dupe.CREED.2017-08-22_aka.Storyville.2017.08.21] LocalNet

Why do they want this documentary unreleased?

New to IPT. Am I blind? Where's the option to zap torrents?

HnR them first

>Maybe she'll want to hear about your trackers edition

> paying to give content to other people for free

You are one dumb whatcuck user

thank you for using the #1 islamic tracker
allahu akbar. god be praised


>mfw getting a seedbox

Paying for a seedbox? I would pay money to punch Zed in the face

Nah mom pays for it :)


Maybe you guys can help me... I'm looking for a private tracker that doesn't have any rules about seedtimes or hit-and-run prevention. Now, I don't want to leech, I share to keep my ratio > 1.0. See, the thing is I want to "buffer up" my ratio using a seedbox and then download from home without sharing.

Any recommendation you guys can provide? I currently using a well known russian forum to leech stuff off of but I'm sick of using Google Translate and downloading RU audio tracks by mistake.



just me or does redacted.ch hang sometimes

Imagine being old enough to have a millennial son and still posting on Sup Forums.
For shame.

aside from being neckbeard as fuck does anyone have any experience with this? Looks like it could be lightweight and good for permaseeding shitloads of stuff

TTG (totheglory.im)

Maybe because watching propaganda as an adult male is kinda sad?

Are there any E-Learning trackers (except BIB) that are worth joining?

ive noticed it recently

anyone remember how long emp said they'd be down today?

can you take a screenshot of the ARiN releases

holy... that looks **m***x

The pleb filter is working as intended.

His coat doesn't even fit. Embarassing

Who the fuck is Zed???? Is he some redacted whatcuck???

I'm on hdb/btn/ahd/ptp and idk who the fuck you faggots keep worshiping

another day another 20mb ****** on red

Lftp from your seedbox from home.

So RED's subscriptions are just for unread comments? Not new releases by artist?

There's a 'notfiy of new uploads' button for that.

Not on RED? I'm genuinely not seeing it.

Are you looking at the artist's page?

I'd assume so


It might be restricted to power users and above.

fuck this bullshit retarded tracker fuck all of you

let a mutha fucka buy what they want you birdcuck

just upload some shit my nig

another day another 10mb uploaded to red

Another day uploading 10MB on Redacted.

nice, how'd you do it?

Another day uploading 10MB on Redacted.
Another day upload 5GB on Apollo.

another day another promise from mommy to rent me a hooker for Valentine's day.
she better not back out at the last minute like she did last year.

>another day another 5 gb uploaded to red
Are you guys even trying?

t. zed

and how much download?

About the same. That's pretty good though, as you only need 0.65.

Got the wrong post.

another day another day wondering why I visit this general

upvote if you've ever closed the toilet seat on your peepee

no but i did forget to put the seat down yesterday and almost fell in the toilet


this reminds me of a south park episode

Forgive me father for I have sinned. I purchased a Funimation subscription.

Literally just go to nyaa.

What's the url. There's like 3 nyaa. I was looking for a specific season pack too
