
I'm a software developer and I have lost my job. I received 7 months severance payment. The company I worked for hired a company to do resume-writing and job hunting for me as part of the severance package. We will see what happens. Either way, I have 7 months before I do the exit bag. My plan is to kill myself if I cannot find a job before the 7 months are over. I’m old, tired, and I cannot start all over again. It’s just that I had a good life and I was already depressed before this happened. I’m only holding together thanks to antidepressants, but I won’t be able to afford them in 7 months. My social network is non-existent. I don’t know what to believe anymore.

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lol if you can't find a job in 7 months you probably should kill yourself you whiny bitch

>7 months
I haven't had a job in five years, seven months is nothing.

You should be glad you have 7 months, the most I ever got was 3 months severance pay. Either way lmao loser

Is this kind of severance package industry standard? Like if I get canned can I expect something similar to this? Or is this considered on the nice side?

This is actually on the nice side, the average is 3 months.

I lose everything in 7 months, including my health insurance.


You cannot control the stimulus, but you can control your reaction to said stimulus.

Please don't kill yourself.

At my current company you get 1 week per year of service and a minimum of 1 month

> I received 7 months severance payment. The company I worked for hired a company to do resume-writing and job hunting for me as part of the severance package.
That is an insanely good deal, what the fuck. Get over yourself, OP. Most people wish they were treated like this.

If you think about it, killing yourself is a stupid thing to do here. If you have no social life, a new job is a good opportunity to make one.

Losing your job isn't that big of a deal. Definitely not worth killing yourself over.

At least you know that when you kill yourself the suffering ends. If youre not enjoying life or doing anything important then you may as well kill yourself

This some of the best advice I have read. I need to end my life soon too. I fucked up really bad will probably have to end it soon.

Dude you're going to be fine.

They're pretty nice about it but getting booted to be replaced by a pajeet is still pretty shitty.

How about reaching out to some relatives ?

Just dont let intense emotions get the best out of you. Take in count suicide is permanent and you cant think straight if you are feeling too much at once.
Good luck friend.

If you are that old why dont you have enough money to retire a software developer earns decent money dont tell me you wasted it

fuck you op

boohoo i lost my jewb

>software developer
>lost job, as to be expected since all the pajeet code monkeys will do his job for 1/1000th of his salary
>thinks anything might change in the next few months
You chose wisely user, dont pussy out

Don't kill yourself. you don't know me and I don't know you but I've never met someone I wouldn't try to keep from killing themselves. I've lost a lot of friends to suicide, maybe more than normal. It sucks, I think of them all the time just as I thought of them while they were alive. Go find a group of people, a meetup, church, synagogue, AA meeting, anything. Give yourself three of those 7 months to try things you've never done despite the huge reluctance to do anything right now. Do one thing a day that you wouldn't normally do or normally try and just see where it goes. Don't put it off.

>It’s just that I had a good life
if you haven't saved up enough to retire, peacefully, you haven't been living a good life.

Good pasta.

How old are you?

Go take a long vacation to somewhere you've always wanted to go user. Live it up, go to festivals, make connections.


Yo... you got it good. Keep on keepin on. I'm at a job I can't quit but I hate. like... the short description of your life sounds kinda nice. I wish I would get fired and get a severance package that includes someone to help me land my next job... even if it's the "same" job or a similar job, I'd love the chaaaaaaange change change change PLUS YOU'RE A software developer maaan. Keep at it.


hop hop hop bom bom bom

yip yip yip

youre the kind of person i would hit with a shovel a few times, throw under my shed and forget about in a week

Insurance is a scam. Just save your own money up. It'll be cheaper in the long run and you won't have to worry about losing a case.

> living in a country where you pay for healthcare

God damn if my company would give me 7 months severance I would leave right now and find another job within a couple months

>7 months of severance payment

wtf dude im on low unemployment trying to find a job barely surviving right now eating almost nothing but top ramen


>I'm a software developer and I have lost my job


Start writing exploits for proprietary video games and mine crypto currency on captured gaming PCs

You must be joking. There are way more SW job openings as SW devs... Just find some recruiters on LinkedIn and msg them, that you are looking for a new job. I guarantee you, in two weeks you can start at your new workplace

Don't die. Job isn't everything. Just be a meet with mental health 'issues' it's fine I do it man

7 months? jesus what company did you work for? i want a 7 months severance too

if by being software developer you mean you finished 1000 bucks 2 weeks course and have been working for a month then yeah, you might have a problem. although since you got that severence package ima assume that youve been eorking there for a while and unless youre a complete fucking retard, or you lost your job cause you killed your bosses dog and fucked its dead body like a true 4channer i dont really see how you can FAIL to get another gig. what is the problem here extacly?

>can't afford education
>toil all day to save for certs
>exhausted when I get home and can barely concentrate on an hour or two of study
>brainlet so none of this comes naturally to me despite avid interest
Should I just give up? If OP struggles to find something I am completely fucked. How am I even supposed to compete with graduates? Employers are never even going to read my CV past the first few lines. I've had enough of dead end jobs and dreading every day, staying up late at night just to avoid sleeping till the next.

>7 months severance payment
wow, that's a lot
>The company I worked for hired a company to do resume-writing and job hunting for me
what the fuck. that is unhealthy.
i'm assuming you're from some socialistic heaven like norway.

My dad is a 55 year old software engineer who is getting fired next month with a 8 month severance package and his company hired people to help him find a new job.
The OP is eerily similar.
Don't kill yourself, dad.

T. Americunt

wow this blog is gay as fuck

Far out mate when I got laid off I never got any severance pay. 7 months is ridiculous.

I had to last 3 months on 5k, whilst paying off a mortgage. Not fun.

But yeah talk to some recruiters, they are mostly fuckheads but it's much easier to get a job with them than without.

>gets fired
>gets 7 MONTHS of equivalent pay as severance
>employer sets up a company to literally fill out and send out resumes for him
>thinks finding a job with ANY on the job experience as a software engineer will be hard
>thinks he won't find a job due to lack social networking
>now has 7 MONTHS to build a network free of thrle constraints of a full time job
>afraid because he loses benefits in 7 MONTHS
>doesn't know he can move to a state with expanded medicaid and get free health coverage and prescriptions
>wants to an hero if he hasn't found a job in 7 months

Stop being a such a faggot OP. I have depression, I know it seems like everything is hopeless but stop with the negativity revelling (you know that bullshit where you're spiraling so hard you don't want to feel better) and think logically about your position. Utililize everything your current employeer is offering and get another job. Everything will be okay so long as you stop acting so fucking niggardly with the reality of your situation.

7 months is enough to make your own startup

>last name is in CamelCase
I think this guy is legit, user.

1100 people in a single class room?
That's a lot of poo in the loo

lol i just got terminated for cause and i have 20 bucks in my bank account and am 2 days late on rent.
I'd kill you for 7 months severance package.

Sorry son

boo fucking hoo mate. if your work life had you in such a rut in the first place maybe it's time for a fresh start. cut back on expenses and maybe look at getting into a new trade. something low stress. maybe something where you're on your feet and get fresh air. tbqh if your not that bad off financially seriously consider taking a wage cut and maybe look at something lowkey like working a warehouse, or being a letter carrier or something. or take advantage of your state or provincial skills upgrading training inititiatve to learn new skills in a different field (take up a skilled trade)

Holy smokes what are you going to do

only thing i can do right now is just keep applying for jobs. I'm talking with 5 different recruiters right now who are trying to fill some positions for start-ups and one trying to hire for facebook right now.

If you were on antidepressants, maybe you're better off without that job. Sounds like you were miserable long before you lost your job user. Take the opportunity to change how you're living.

if you're really that fucking old just apply to banks
Simply send them letters containing the words"i can cobol" scribbled in sharpie, followed by your contact details.
if you don't have proper paper, use napkins. doesn't even have to be fresh ones.

>his healthcare is "free"
oh yea nevermind the 40%+ taxes for anything higher than minimum wage. totally worth it

>get fired
>get 7 MONTHS of free pay
>get FREE career search services
>most likely get unemployment on top of this, assuming you had to sign a release in exchange for severance pay

Jesus my dude, just make a linkedin. Recruiters contact developers every fucking day. You have it way better than most.

Is software development a good job?

Hello m8. I cannot say I know how you feel, so I am sorry, is all I can say.

I have resolved if I ever got to this point, I would not kill myself. There's so much I haven't done that I wish I'd done, I knew that if I could leave everything behind (family, responsibilities, relationships), I would. The ability itself to commit suicide is, in it's own way kind of freeing, knowing that you can literally do anything now because the alternative is being dead. I have mentally prepared for this and in some ways logistically as well. Got my passport, and put aside significant savings as an emergency "eject button" if you will. If the time ever comes, I will cut contact with everything and everyone I know and start from scratch somewhere else, preferably a place where I don't know the language.

And if I don't make it, well I don't make it, and that's OK, because I sure as hell tried. Don't kill yourself bud. Take a chance to be someone else entirely and abandon everything all the baggage if you need to, because you have no obligation to be the person you were 5 seconds ago.

How do I make connections?

Guys, im in a similar situation, not about work but other shit.

You wouldent blame a guy with cancer for killing himself would you?

If op really cant fix his life and it sucks maybe it is time to just let go.

I feel like alot of these "dont kill yourself" responses are knee jerk visceral responses without much actual empathy behind them.

So you are asking hin to eat shit and like it (or put up with it)?

What kind of a pathetic response is that.

Stay angry and depressed while applying jobs etc op

Don't worry about it. Now the government isn't charging you for not buying health insurance when you're flat broke and planning to kill yourself anyway.

Just get it over with.

That's how I feel too. I just started going to school and getting a job and I recently got a chronic anal fissure. Only way to fix it is with surgery. But I don't even have the money nor insurance to cover anything. It's taken over my life I can't even do anything physical without it hurting.


Well lads, after 2+ yrs of applying for jobs and going on interviews that went nowhere, I landed another interview. Means someone saw something on my Resume/Application that they liked. I know it ain't a sure thing yet but it's a starting point. We'll see how it all goes. They got 2 openings for "Help Desk Specialist " (Not real name but that's what it is) so I got two chances to land one of them. (I'm the dude who's posted before about working for the state gov who hates his shitty ass non IT job.) Its in a different branch of government so I think all my current time/benefits will just transfer on over. Only thing is that it's a pay grade lower than what I am now but if they offer me the job, I may be able to convince them to bring me in at the mid point which would make my salary more than what it is now, despite it being a lower grade. Wish me luck!

whats your fucking problem
the market Is amazing right now
7mo severance I give people 3 tops

7 months without job as a software developer, seriously? How can it be possible?

I'm sorry this is happening. I'm praying things work out for you.

you literally gonna kill yourself over butthurt then? kekd

please live stream while you kill yourself :)

this reply

You fucking clown we pay 40% taxes in the USA and DON'T get free health care. Our overlords decide to funnel that money into the military and medicaid for 80 year olds who should be euthanized anyways.

You're a hopeless brainlet if you think the USA somehow has a better system than any country with socialized healthcare as an option for its tax paying citizens.

They straight up hired a fucking company to help you look for a job? Sounds like you're fuckin' set then, no way you won't find a job in 7 months

have you ever studied how well the free health care meme is retard, euros have to wait like 6 fucking hours to get a doctors regular visit, and people have died because the equipment doctors use wasent sanitized atleast it happened in leafland as far as ive heard. But still the free health care meme doesnt fucking work.

Why is it that every European prefers their socialized healthcare over America's system and Americans themselves want socialized healthcare over the shit system we have now? You have no good arguments against this.

>euros have to wait like 6 fucking hours to get a doctors regular visit, and people have died because the equipment doctors use wasent sanitized atleast it happened in leafland as far as ive heard.

So all your opinions are based off individual cases where not everything worked perfectly. Seriously, cool story bro.

Have you talked to your employer about maybe getting covered by a better healthcare plan? If they are training you they invest in your work and they should care about your well-being.

I'd rather wait 6 hours to get treated for free than sell my house to avoid suffering from my anus.

>I'd rather wait 6 hours to get treated for free than sell my house to avoid suffering from my anus.

Yeah. How can anyone argue that becoming a financial slave is superior to waiting a couple hours to see a doctor? Absolute insanity.

Socialism is scary

Start over again? You don't start over when you have a CV showing what you've been doing so far. Don't be a faggot, the world is way bigger than that one job you had.


Add everything you have to pay for in murica; healthcare, childcare, maternity/paternity leave, higher education, fucking everything, and you end up paying way more in the long run, plus you get enough tax as it is with nothing to show for it. You guys are getting scammed hard.

In the United States health insurance isn't just "insurance," it's also a rate negotiation system. If you don't have health insurance you pay the inflated sticker price, which can mean things like a $5,000 "consultation fee" or $600 "Tylenol."

Why do you think there are so many memes about Americans being pig-headed, gullible, senseless, oafish, and closed-minded? It's fucking real. Most of my countrymen would rather die from a preventable illness than pay into a system that helps people they've decided are "unworthy" ...even if they're probably so poor they'd be the ones receiving more than they put in.

They're morons and our cynical political parties take advantage of the fact that they live deeply, deeply, unexamined lives and vote based on slogans and logical fallacies.

>mfw have real world experience but refuse to use nepotism (I.e social networking) to get a new job

In all honesty, I know it sounds weird and people say "if you have real world experience getting another job is easy". But it's a fucking lie, getting a job when you know people is the only way it becomes easy.

I have a github, I have an app. I have real work experience, I code shit in my free time

It does not matter, I have always been an average performer on tests. I will get a 70, and another cunt will get an 80, another a 90, and maybe even 100. They will get the job before me, despite my extracurriculars.

The only way out is to make it on your own. Fuck all niggers.

I work in health care billing.

Guess which insurance has negotiated the lowest, most competitive prices. It's Medicare, the government run insurance. Why is that? Because Medicare represents by far the largest pool of customers and no practice can afford to turn them away. That's a huge negotiating power that the Government uses to keep prices low.

Expanding Medicare to all would only increase that negotiating power and drive prices lower as risk is pooled among more people.

This is so simple, everyone in the industry knows this.

You can't fix cancer. You /can/ fix brain chemical imbalances (which is not to say that it's a quick or easy thing to do).

Your situation is not as bad as it seems right now. I think your depression is clouding your judgement. 7 months is a lot of time to find a new position, and most people don't get that luxury.

A couple questions.
How long were you there for?
Did you leave on good terms? Were you laid off or something else?
What makes you think you'll need to "start all over again"? Keep in mind that many/most people voluntarily quit to go to a new job to advance their career.

Fuck you cunt, cancer is easier to fix than your brain. I have a 16 khz pure tone that is constantly ringing in my consciousness because my brain got stressed and just produces this shit now... I would do anything to fix it but you can't do shit that easily with the brain because of how complicated it is.

Fucking retard I hate you.

>Tfw can't afford health insurance

Try moving to another country dude. If you need anything, ask. People want to help. Really.

Are you saying you'd rather have an incurable cancer than what you have now?

Even if you would (and I believe you if you do say so), do you think a reasonable third party observer would agree that this is an understandable thing to think?

if you get shit you get shit you babbling retard.
it is what it is, stop being a pussy and react to adversity appropriately.

How are external observers relevant to anything? Suffering is subjective and can't be compared, so stop being a smartass and show some compassion because you probably know nothing about cancer or tinnitus.

>All these fags trying to use logic to figure out if life and its hardships are worth living or not

lol not happening kiddos.

2 years here. thinking the same.

If it's subjective, of what use is trying to convey it to other people?