If you could change three things about your country, what would they be?

If you could change three things about your country, what would they be?

1. Annex the rest of South America.
2. The country is very wealthy, first world standards.
3. Everyone is moral, hard working, family values, etc.

1. join Germany
2. nothing, everything else is perfect now

Invade China and Korea.
No more manchildren.
Economy is great again.

1. Annex Alaska
2. Nuke Quebec
3. Nuke Quebec again

You guys tried that already though

It didn't work out

1. No immigration
2. No women
3. Just you and me pal


Annex Southern Cone as a whole.
Somehow insert tons and tons of culture and history to the past.
Multiply GDP, production, natural resources, their quality, etc, all by 10.

Kill the niggers.
kill the communists.
invade denmark-

1.Annex entire world and form the United States of America the Planet. (USAP)
2. Everyone is mixed race
3. we space now woosh

Reported to Merkel.

Europa becomes a country.
National socialist government.
Kick niggers, sandniggers, muslims.

Annex former Russian Empire/Soviet territories.
Everyone now is beautiful hapa like Katya.
Make Russia great again.

Iceland please embrace me just hold me

Why do you want to kick us out? :(

1.no islam
2.no kurds
3.very strong tradition of elitism

turkey becomes a geniunely respected country

jew detected

The Netherlands needs to be at least three times as big.


Annex Cuba
Send *insert group here* to Cuba
Nuke Cuba

1.Give german empire borders back to germany
2.Make brazil an empire again
3.Give china back to Taiwan

Return to Portugal?
