Just bought one of these second hand, Sup Forums. It's a 2014 model.
I bought it because:
>retina display (I do a lot of video editing / blender / photoshop work on the go, and resolution is important. I plan to use a program to toggle between scaled and full 1440p)
>orgasmic software (I've used macOS in the past and liked it, and am sick of Winshit and its ads / cortana / botnet crap).
>software support (primarily for Final Cut and the Adobe suite, which aren't supported natively on linux so far)
>lack of bullshit (it will run mac natively unlike a thinkpad, which requires an autistic amount of fiddling / configuration to get OS X running perfectly, comparable to getting Arch working)
>god tier trackpad (track nipple can suck dick and mice are a pain, even wireless ones)
>resale value (should retain at least 60% of its original value in 4 years)
The only downsides I can think about are hardware issues. From the look of it, while these computers are built decently, repairing them is a bitch and near impossible, even if you have an EE degree. Is this a purchase that I'll regret?
How fucked am I?
Return it, Mohammed
install gentoo
Congratulations, you are smarter than 90% of Sup Forums
>comparable to getting Arch working
>being so retarded you can't even install Arch properly
Never change, Sup Forums
>Is this a purchase that I'll regret?
I've done 3 arch installs in the past, and tried to install OS X on my obscure laptop. They were about on the same level of effort (Arch slightly higher because I had to compile a lot of shit from scratch).
>Post 2011 model
No, you did bad, real bad.
Enjoy your housefire.
I'll never forget what the girl in my com sci class said to the greasy nerd who had one of these thinkpads "whatre you a pedofphile or soemthig" and he was watching school girl anime and got mad and packed up and left but the girl kept bugging him calling him weird and poor for using a laptop which didnt have a battery and a keyboard full of crumbs.
care to explain why, apart from MUH SOLDERED RAM?
Nah its a perfect laptop for everyday use i have the 2015 model and all my software that i used on windows was easily found on macos like licecap, daisydisk, mcafee but the best thing about the laptop is the build quality im on 3 years now and the case, keys, screen are still perfect it looks brand new those thinkpads that are memed around here can barely last 2 years i had one for work but youll love the macbook dont regret it im telling you also if you can stay on el capitan because the other versions arent so good my 2 cents cheers man
The quality took a nosedive, soldered RAM just adds more fuel to the fire.
>I bought it because:
>> (I do a lot of video editing
Fucking kek.
A shitty $500 tablet can destroy the NEWEST HIGHEST END macbook in video editing.
am I just supposed to believe any picture I see on the internet
If you gotta ask...
>Retina (Sounds like you justified that running 1600x900 on a x1)
>software (I guess you arbitrary justified that)
>lack of bullshit (see points 2 and 3)
>God tier trackpad (no trackpad just TOUCHPAD)
>Resale value (Should be able to resale it to more retarded hipsters than I)
Ya Did gud.
I just retired my 2011 because the wifi card stopped working. It's still a backup rig with a usb wifi dongle, other than the wifi it is perfect and hasn't ever had a problem. I've dropped it more times than I can count and it's still rockstar.
Just got a 2015 (last version I could put more storage in) with 16GB of ram and I shoved a 1TB ssd in it. Thing is rad so far.
How will mactoddlers ever recover?
recover from what? how does a text file with emojis in it count as a legitimate argument?
>I'll never forget what the girl in my com sci class said to the greasy nerd who had one of these thinkpads "whatre you a pedofphile or soemthig" and he was watching school girl anime and got mad and packed up and left but the girl kept bugging him calling him weird and poor for using a laptop which didnt have a battery and a keyboard full of crumbs.
>girl in computer science class
This is how you can tell a story is made up.
>i had to compile a lot of shit of scratch
It's fine. Just ignore the one autist spammer.
It's an obscure as fuck HP laptop from 2012, you bet my ass I had to. It was either that or buy a new laptop that had a normal USB controller interface.