Latin america

this shithole does not have a human population, therefore its value is moot and it should be deleted


dumb monkey

I'm ok with this


Animeposters need to be gassed.

nigger non human garbage shit shills

América do Sul > Europa

Todos os dias da semana. Ao menos não existe uma espécie de união a foder a vida das pessoas honestas.

no spico mexicano

>Ao menos não existe uma espécie de união a foder a vida das pessoas honestas.
I think you're idealizing us my friend, I'm pretty sure than Latin America (except 1 or 2 countries maybe) is as or more corrupt than any country in Europe 2bh

>o qué é o baseado Mercosul

taco burrito taco taco

Why does Latin America have a higher murder rate than AFRICA?

because spics are literal animals

sure you're not an obvious proxy troll

go backo to mexico spico

Africa can't even feed it's inhabitants, how are you expecting them to report their crimes?

spic nigger shill

If you're Argetinian you're Mexican by proxy so sit back and enjoy the ride


There's a different kind of proxy at work here


kill yourselves fucking scumbags

spic shill

Fuck you all.

What does Moot (pbuh) have to do with this?

nigspic in denial...

a este lo tocaba el tio de pendejo

How about, delete yourself, useless fag.

100% accurate can confirm

This is just as incomprehensible as that Japanese poster that was talking about supposed American wars

Call me crazy but I think I'm onto something, maybe these threads are the sign of a wave of ridiculous shitposting that's to come

Proxy as in using a proxy to pretend they're from Argentina.

But yes. There is. Campaign begins tonight.

Let me have Tierra del Fuego and you can delete the rest.