Windows users will never know the pure joy that is youtube-dl —extract-audio —audio-format mp3
Enjoy torrenting albums or navigating viruses in russian mp3 farms just to find that one song, wincucks.
Windows users will never know the pure joy that is youtube-dl —extract-audio —audio-format mp3
Enjoy torrenting albums or navigating viruses in russian mp3 farms just to find that one song, wincucks.
Other urls found in this thread:
>not playing the song on loopback audio device while recording from that device in audacity
>not torrenting whole album flacs with a comfy cli torrent client on linux
the cuck is you op, i bet you fear your gov.
Just use -x instead. It gets you the audio
How the fuck is this faster than copying the url, and running youtube-dl with a clipboard command (pbpaste or whatever is on the flavor-of-the-minute linux)
There is always torrents for music, or Soulseek.
i just buy it on itunes
lot easier and faster
If the windows kernel is better than Linux why does updating on windows sick so much?
Multiple restarts, you have to close everything,etc.
Meanwhile on Linux you can just apt upgrade -y and you can go back to what you're doing and restart at the end of the day.
Defend this wincucks
If they assimilate to Wiindows 10 they can install Bash on Ubuntu on Windows
>not using -x
>not using -f m4a
Absolute brainletism
>windows users will never know the joy of using this portable program that even provides a binary for windows as a primary option on their website
What are you on op? I need some escapism too.
>20 mouse clicks and movements, an extra window and an extra 10 second wait time before you even begin
>Can't run the same settings multiple times without setting them up every time
>Can't script it
Winlets BTFO
God tier
youtube-dl works on Windows, I've seen anons post screenshots of them using it with PowerShell before.
>he buys music
Are you kidding?
Mate, who couldn't create a script that does all that automatically on windows in like 5 minutes? Stop thinking you are special, you are not a special snowflake just because you are running Linux, now fuck off.
I swear... fucking skiddies everywhere these days.
But windows has a terminal, right?
I don't need to wait for the video to parse to select other options, I just type what I want it to do and press return.
>not buying CDs from bands you enjoy and ripping to FLAC for your DAC
pbpaste ?
Terminal ? Bruh
fuck off back to pakiland akshay you dumb cunt
>command prompt is a terminal
The absolute state of Windows users
Well explain where im wrong then. It looks the same to me.
Command prompt is a terminal emulator, whether or not it's a good one is a different story.
you are wrong
i don't even need to type anything, shit just updates itself
i never been forced to restart my machine since windows 10
when i press power button in start menu it shows additional options
-update and shut down
-shut down
-update and restart
So its a terminal then and your just being elitist because you think not using windows is cool? Gotcha
>its better to let microsoft take control of high-end functions rather than have the agency to do it myself
>Somethings happened
OP? What the hell are you even on about?
I am quite enjoying the thrill of youtube-dl.
>You are wrong
No you are wrong
I have been waiting for the last hour for this thing to update and it's going. What in the world is it doing?
There is no verbose output
Just this stupid circle shit
And it restarted 4 times while updating.
Shit sucks.
Now It let me log in and it's giving me all that we have updates wait "a few minutes" shit.
I still can't access the desktop or do anything but wait here until this stupid shit stops
I'm not being elitist; all I've done is tell you that Command Prompt is a terminal emulator.
>getting your music from youtube
>individual songs
oh wow, didn't know Sup Forums was this pleb
Not that guy, but...
>I have been waiting for the last hour
Maintain your hardware and you wouldn't have this problem. No update would take that long on a decent machine.
I have never had an update screen for more than a couple of minutes, maybe 15 min tops.
Windows might be sub par, but don't blame it for your shit. Critique it where it is deserved instead, because god knows it deserves a lot of shit...
What cli torrent client do you use? I've never tried one out before.
retard, you can enable verbose updates, and you probably sitting on crappy hardware and blame OS for that
sure its better, microsoft know better what they have to update, unlike linux where OS won't even install security patches for you, you have to do it manually, but if you don't know about it how else would you install them? Right you need to know what to install but not many people have time reading about new security updates and install them so they let OS do that for them, and windows 10 do it just fine
YouTube is a last resort for music, of course, but still a source nonetheless. It's also nice for shit where video either doesn't matter or isn't entirely necessary, such as documentaries.
>sure its better, microsoft know better what they have to update, unlike linux where OS won't even install security patches for you, you have to do it manually, but if you don't know about it how else would you install them? Right you need to know what to install but not many people have time reading about new security updates and install them so they let OS do that for them, and windows 10 do it just fine
I cant tell if this is sarcasm or if you’re just the biggest win-shill imaginable...
>or isn't entirely necessary, such as documentaries.
please stop existing.
I think he's trying to assert that the video is critical to the experience of a documentary.
well unlike you, i clearly can tell that you have too much free time to think about updates instead of doing you job
That's not even remotely true though. While video is critical to some documentaries, many can provide new knowledge whether you see the video or not, not to mention that documentaries with no video whatsoever are also a thing.
>Windows users will never know
Also known as "I have no idea what I am talking about"
I see you're also used to microsoft word automatically capitalizing letters for you as well. It's not always a good thing to automate things like that. Especially with updates I think its good to have knowledge of what is happening in your machine. Also, in what world does Windows updates consume less time than Linux? Like a previous poster said, you can type one command and then go back to whatever you were doing and restart at the end of the day.
Documentary is probably one of the only visual mediums where good picture quality is crucial.
documentary |ˌdäkyəˈment(ə)rē|
>(of a movie, a television or radio program, or photography) using pictures or interviews with people involved in real events to provide a factual record or report: he has directed documentary shorts and feature films.
>radio program
It is the same.
Archforbrainslets utterly btfo
This happened to me once
>Got to choose between
>Update and shut down
>Or just shut down
>Clicked shut down
>It went through 15 minutes of updates anyways
Windows is a joke
>things that never happened
Not that i can prove what happened on my computer 6 months ago but im probably not the only one that has experienced this
We got a contender for
If the rumors are correct, Google is going to DRM youtube
I have windows with msys installed and youtube-dl and ffmpeg. You have no point here.
Terminal =/= Terminal emulator. CMD is a terminal emulator.
The fucking state of Sup Forums.
>ripping your tracks youtube videos
>into a proprietary inferior format
>on a proprietary inferior OS
Terminal is a terminal emulator as well.
Terminal is both hardware that terminal emulators emulate and the name of a specific terminal emulator.
A dog is an animal. Animals are not fundamentally or inherently dogs.
>use youtube to discover new songs and add them into a playlist
>run a bash script in termux that's triggered from a periodic tasker event to automatically download new songs from the playlist into external storage
Poweramp handles the album art. If I'm on my desktop I might look up the flac or 320kbps mp3 on soulseek but I'm too lazy to do that most of the time.
If you know of a way to fetch high quality music that's worth the tradeoff in time saved, I'm all ears.
I have a better story:
>Friend is in Africa helping the sick people, doctor degree and whatnot.
>Fuck poor internet, but enough to voice and type skype with.
>One day go to small village to check up on some newborns.
>A Vodafone building with free wifi is near, such good wifi video chat is possible, after job go video chat with family back home.
>Big battery pack is about to go dry, shuts down
>updating *DO NOT SHUTDOWN*
>They had to go so close lid anyway "thank god for hibernate"
>Arrive back in city, plug laptop in, bootloop forever.jpg
>nobody can fix it
>Back home after 4 months
>Only fix I could come up with was a fresh install of windows after lifting the personal files with a ubuntu usb.
I know. I was talking about OSX's Terminal.
>downloading YouTube quality audio
Absolute fucking pleb detected. Use soulseek faggot.
Fake or not, saved. Once I pulled out my laptop at work on break and spent my whole break watching Windows update.
I know. I was explaining why your post was dumb.
Wait a minute. Beebom? Akshay? Are you one of those Indian youtubers?
Soulseek is still a thing? Do you also use WInMX?
>not using spic God botnet to download and convert your media and porn from the Jewtube matrix
>not converting your 4k music videos to loseless FLAC without invoking Satan through a command window
youtube-dl.exe -x --audio-format mp3
so different
nt even has unix shells
Work about once a week at a company, have windows 7 Desktop that nobody uses except me once a week.
If there are updates, they have a pop-up (different from what I recall having) [restart now] [wait {select minutes}] and [countdown to restart +- 10 minutes always]. So basically if you don't do anything after ten minutes it restarts anyway.
It's an old intel duo core from what I can see, so every break I set it to wait 20 minutes, after which another 10 make the full break time, it's rebooting and applying updates for 10 to 40+ minutes (after a vacation break it was close to two hours).
I'd have done the same. Hell I poop on the clock more often than not
Standard 12-o'clock walk with one hand on the belly, brows a bit crinkled and subtly sighing when you meet a co-worker on the way to log in.
>I have a .jar that prints out "You have to log in now" at a random time between 11:55 and 12:05, so it doesn't look like I do it like real clock work.
WSL is the future for Windows
>downloading music from youtube
Are you literally retarded? Enjoy your shitty quality audio.
>what is soulseek
But what if I need FLAC?
>Windows users will never know the pure joy that is
>what is PowerShell
Stop being a tech illiterate.
I doubt any of you have actual terminals hooked up to your machines.
Any software based terminal interface is called a terminal emulator.
Mutually exclusive words.
I have a terminal, none of my current computers have RS-232 though. I've got an RS-232 expansion slot adapter but I've been too lazy to dig out my old computers and find it.
never used powershell but isn't it decent ?
People who download music from youtube make me sick.
a filthy transcode.
all you had to do was create a recovery drive and you would have been back up by running it.
>Like I didn't try that.
For some reason the factory reset option gave errors and couldn't work (not with and without personal data). At first I thought (hoped) it would be a "fix boot" thingie.
>writing the actual URL
dir /w
i cant do this. i need everything as flac or cd
>transcoding lossy audio
Why? Everything supports AAC nowadays
The most I've had to do is remuxing the stream for Rockbox