I know atom is kind of shitty and electron is a meme, but I'm sort of stuck

I know atom is kind of shitty and electron is a meme, but I'm sort of stuck.

I'm using the Vim mode plus package, and its ridiculously good. Better than the vim emulation modes in pretty much every other editor I've tried, and in some ways better than vim itself.

Where most editors attempt to copy the basic vim shit, and can't really do more advanced things like textobjects or advanced motions, VMP actually adds a bunch of new commands.

Sure, i can add most of these new things to Vim via plugins, and believe me, I've tried going to pure vim/neovim, but can't quite get the UX right. Atom manages to be quite pretty if properly configured.

I guess what I'm asking is: is there any way to make Vim not look like such shit. I like TUI, but somehow always find VIM ones to be somewhat lacking.

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Cool gifs. I am tempted to try Atom.

IIRC there is a vim mode in vscode but that is also a shitty electron app.

You’re still getting the benefits of vim with modal editing. People will just harp on you for electron bloat.

If you want to get into terminal vim search for articles about people using with vim and look at vimawesome.com/

I tried atom too but went back to vim

>but can't quite get the UX right
I'm not sure what you're expecting of the UX. For a text editor I like a UX that means everything done using simple keyboard commands, like vim (or emacs).

> look like shit
That's aesthetics, what do you like that atom has (in terms of aesthetics) that vim doesn't?

Anyway if you like atom why not use it, Sup Forums calling something a meme isn't really a good argument not to use it.
You can get vim to do basically everything if you're willing to spend enough time

Basically just the minor visual flourishes. I've got my vim full of autocomplete, syntax stuff, a minimap, etc, but it just feels like a facsimile of what I had in atom.

Shit like the pic i attached just looks really nice, and is utterly impossible in a terminal with vim. Yeah its silly to focus on this, but its fucking great.

I guess I'm just feeling change-fever; having to change because I feel like i have to, rather than for any reason. I'll get over it soon, I weathered it for VSCode, I'll weather it for going back to Vim.

I'll post some more; all the gifs are from the vim-mode-plus wiki. The guy who makes the plugin is one of the most dedicated plugin developers i've ever seen, releasing a ton of new features at a near breakneck pace. You can ask for new ones in the issue tracker, and if he agrees he'll toss them in.

Neat little feature which lets you select a string and perform a variety of transforms on it.










VIM can go above and beyond with scripting, but it takes a lot of autism to set up

amateur example to surround a word with brackets
>qa (to record your keystrokes)
>ciw (deletes the word and puts you in insert mode)
>insert your () and paste your yanked word inside them
>q (to end your recording of keystrokes)
>now to repeat this process with another word press @a
this is a lot of shit to do manually so you can MAP all this to a command or key inside your VIM config, and also set it up for quotation marks etc. the more skilled you are with vim the more advanced shit you can do.

Yeah, and there are plenty of plugins for vim out there. I would probably just use vim-surround for this.






I still use notebad++, it just werks, and most of all it doesn't take 10 fucking seconds to boot-up.

Why would you want to do something like this?

2d arrays/tables for example

Sometimes you edit data in text formats. Consider 2d arrays with simple data.

Not a common situation though.

Emacs can do all of this, and vim probably can too.
The .gif collection strongly suggests that this is a marketing thread. Begone.

>The .gif collection strongly suggests that this is a marketing thread.
My first thought as well.

> .gif
How in the world? Teach me, master.

But if he really wanted to sell this he'd present the setup.

B-but user!
Code-Completion, I can't live witouth reading what printf does! And it's neat because it tells you what arguments accepts and overloads, and more!

Atom is free software though. The only reason you don't like it is because >muh electron