no extension, first four bytes specifies integer for correct file interpretation, so it has fucking name only.
Holy fucking shit, this is a serious case of autism.
Plasma detects the file type this way, truly great.
It is the patrician way
Then how are YOU supposed to tell what kind of file it is without opening it?
file extension?
Did you read the posts I quoted?
like this
you are beyond retarded
>needing to read from the file just to find it's type
I'm sure that'd be an absolute joy over a network with a folder that has 1000+ files.
>like this
What if I'm using the terminal?
I'm sorry but AIDS has no known cure.
~ ยป file some-image
some-image: PNG image data, 1920 x 1080, 8-bit/color RGB, non-interlaced
>without opening it
If you can't guess by the file extension then you won't know without having file look at it. Neither would your computer if you don't want it to read it.
>dude just put file metadata inside the file itself!!
>who cares if programs would need to read from every file just to sort by type
>who cares about making scripts much harder to write, and completely inefficient
>caching? whats that??
You never asked for that, mister robot arms. In that case, use contextual names such as screenshot-yyyymmdd, or the filesystem-provided executable flag for scripts.
>You never asked for that
Tag based file systems when.
>tfw used to think you could put light games with .DS_Store files on a R4 to play on a DSi, since it has a DS store
Disappointing desu