Can someone remind me what the fuck is worthwhile about living in Australia?

Can someone remind me what the fuck is worthwhile about living in Australia?

Other urls found in this thread:

dont worry you are not the only one

I've been living for about 4 years here in NSW. It's a shithole compared to California.

You get chipped and it's cyanide filled chip...

You are prison colony, get used to that.

You fuckin wanker using iinet like a fuckin drongo dole bludger get aussiebb you dumb cunt and fuck off


This. You're a fucking retard OP and I bet you're on adsl too lmao

why is that that some EU members are more eager to suck the magnificent BBC than the others?
>select images with a bus
>2 bus
>1 truck
>have no choice, choose truck
>it werks

Here's the proxy I use to get onto piratebay:

>being on a cuck ISP
>not using your own DNS

>using pirate bay without TOR


>using tpb at all

use freedom respecting DNS
problem solved

No, that's just NSW.

muh HDI

sneks in pants?

>using an ISP known to be cucks
just fucking use MyRepublic, they don't care and give 100mbps NBN for $79.99 with static IPv4.
>bbut it's not STRAYYYYLAN owned
Lets have a quick overview of a few Australian ISP owners:
>Simon Hackett
Sold out to iiNet at the first chance, wimped out to NBNCo over POIs, VERY high staff turnover due to being a massive fucking cunt.
>Greg Hicks
Cheats the ATO, if you're keeping this bois, you want to look into Tony DiFiore, the previous CFO and the MANY different Adam Internets, all existing so he'd get out of certain payroll taxes and used other loopholes to move debt around.
>Malcolm Turnbull
Did you forget he owned OzEmail - one of the 'Big Four' that tried to stifle Australian internet innovation for *many* years prior to getting cushy role in Parliament, then moving onto PM.

Fuck'em, if they'd left well enough alone and just let us get on with our shit, we wouldn't be exposing them

all of Australia is a shithole compared to just about any developed country. National parks and snags are the only redeeming factors

Just use another dns

What part of Australia is worse than Detroit?
Even Mt. Druitt isn't that bad.
Fuck even DUBBO isn't that bad.



>picking literally the worst isolated part of a country and using it as the bar
amazing. So you concede that this country is indeed a dire shithole

You forgot free (properly staffed) healthcare, practically no gun crime, obscene standard of living(by objective measures), formerly world leading education(fucking libs), relatively successful multiculturalism(like 2 race riots this millennium), an economy which hasn’t ranked properly in forever, properly funded governmental science, and Tim Tams.
If you don’t love it, leave.

No, I showed that even the worst parts of our country are better than our allies median conditions.
Detroit isn't the worst US has to offer, you've got Flagstaff, Compton, Chiraq, Jersey as an entire state then to top it off - The Appalacians.

Our worst isn't even as bad as their median.

OP here, I'm from California too my dude! I'm in VIC thoughNah, FTTH. Just using NBN because my mate that I moved in with already had it.
>some EU members
What are you talking about, Aus isn't in the EU
Of course I have a VPN and can access the site fine, I'm just pointing out how literally gay and cucked it is that our stupid government actually managed to do this.

>can access tpb
>can search lolita on imagefap
feels good living in a first world country

In Detroit, I have the right to defend myself at least. And my brothers, as unpredictable as they are, are at least human. Abbos are a gasoline swilling subspecies that are completely useless for anything other than throwing sticks at wallabies.

It's very hard not to laugh at what's happened to Australia in the last 30 years. You've gone completely from tough to cuck in popular culture. Hell, before Trudou, you guys were the cringyist country in the anglosphere for a while. Good job mates.

>tfw all my ancestors were primary producers
No history of war to even speak of (since Primary Producers were exempt from the draught) - but we're still no citycucks.

>What are you talking about, Aus isn't in the EU
oh my fucking god what did i say
you shouldn't have replied to my sleep deprived retarded ass

>What are you talking about, Aus isn't in the EU
Eurovision is close enough

>Of course I have a VPN and can access the site fine,
DNS mate, change your dns permanantly. If you're letting any company under this cucked government tell you which ips to go to, you've made a huge mistake. Find something overseas and switch your router over to using it.

>Abbos are a gasoline swilling subspecies that are completely useless for anything other than throwing sticks at wallabies.
Very, very true.
>It's very hard not to laugh at what's happened to Australia in the last 30 years. You've gone completely from tough to cuck in popular culture. Hell, before Trudou, you guys were the cringyist country in the anglosphere for a while. Good job mates.
Mate, the gun control shit is honestly fucking terrible - BUT - the world as a whole only see fuckken Melbourne they don't see EP in SA, they don't see North, they don't see inland Queensland or Broken Hill.
Not to mention the entire fucking state of WA - they didn't cuck out one bit.

Melbourne is the BANE of Australia, we wish (as impossible as it is) we could tow them out to sea.
Victoria ISN'T Australia.

I let you off with Oregon for the same reason.

Setup your own DNS.
You'll need a *nix box on your local network that's up 24/7 - but you can probably even do it on a router if you've got custom firmware.
Whatever *nix platform you choose just googe "Setup local DNS server for "

>has an asian wife
good, that means more qt hapas

You've just listed a bunch of benefits that apply to basically every European country that still has a fairly high percentage white population and strict immigration, although that's definitely changing.
If you told me a number of years ago that Melbourne would have its very own African (not even slightly mixed American Africans, but actual fucking bald headed monkeys) gangs causing all sorts of crime and spraycan tagging every fucking house in Melbourne, I'd think you were just a dumb conspiracy theorist.
Australia's multiculturalism is only successful so far in that the numbers are small enough and it is recent enough that there hasn't been so much unrest. You can definitely see the pseudo segregation happening; the Asians are fine and mostly live with the whites. The abbos are not to be seen in the city, but the fucking Arabs and Africans just make their stupid little enclaves and turn everything to shit.

What's wrong with the Appalacian mountains you retard. You sound very much like someone who has never been to America if you genuinely believe the Appalacians and even New Jersey are worse than Detroit.

>not living in a 3rd or 4th world shithole where authorities don't give a flying fuck about MUH PIRACY and you don't even need to use a VPN cuckmask thingy because the cop niggers are your frens and they load on your supply of chinkporn, bollywood AAA films and Mjewsic preloaded sd cards each week or so for self joy and consumption

get cucked niggers :^)

>t. spic

Hope you don't leave your gate open, wouldn't want some cartel to cut you up.

Appalachians are pretty fucked up. Less violent, but the sister fucking thing is 100% real, and nobody, NOBODY, had a legit job. It's all Medicare scams and drugs.

The government hasn't managed to do anything. It's smashed a clock and claimed it stopped time. Everyone is just looking at other clocks instead of the tbp one now.

shrimp on the barbie and victoria bitter

cockatoos everywhere


Oh shit, does iinet properly block torrent sites? If so, glad I stuck with Optus.

>but the fucking Arabs and Africans just make their stupid little enclaves

They need to live in their enclaves because weakling racists like you don't welcome them to the broader society.

Low cost of living, free 2 year education for every state resident, county has great benefits packages, home to several huge manufacturing companies that pour money into local schools, can walk alone at night through pretty much any area and not be mugged or killed, murders are very rare, local trades have no competition for apprenticeships so pretty much guaranteed union job if you want. Also no income tax and can drive 15 minutes into another state with extremely low sales tax. But yeah fucked up i guess

Spider venom makes your dick diamond.

Zeon here, one colony drop was not enough I see

>muh net neutrality

>>but the fucking Arabs and Africans just make their stupid little enclaves
Just like your wog ancestors did in the '50s and '60s and the follow-up Vietnamese did in the '70s.
Many suburbs in major cities are still predominantly immigrant family occupied.
Didn't it seem odd to you growing up where almost nobody spoke English at home?

1001 ways to die

>They need to live in their enclaves because weakling racists like you don't welcome them to the broader society.
That's because they don't make themselves worthwhile to the broader society. All the other white immigrants, like all the wogs and slavs, had the same self segregation to start with, but were slowly accepted into society because they actually built safe, quality communities with real social capital, plus they were Christian so there wasn't a big clash. The Arabs don't do that. They'll never integrate, because unlike the Slavs and Wogs, who did their best to recreate their relatively respectable home communities, the Arabs are just recreating the filthy shitholes they came from.
I'm sorry but people that are so far removed from Western culture can only integrate if they abandon their own culture. The West and the Middle East cannot peacefully coexist.

Thameyre just a few years ahead of america. Net neutrality ws repealed nigwad. I wouldnt be surprised if Sup Forums makes the ban list too

dns block mate just change dns addresses


then get out?

wtf i love racemixing now

Tfw don't get NBN until mid 2019, or at least start...

not if they're filipino

>100mbps NBN
Considering the NBN isn't a pure fiber network and is instead a shitty-ass hybrid one, I'll still only get 2mbps max due to my distance from the closest exchange.

>implying you could connect to the pirate bay in australia anyway
Have fun with fucking McDonald's internet, faggot.

why not dynamic?
need to dodge bans somehow