Does Sup Forums use password managers?

Does Sup Forums use password managers?

Yes, not a botnet one though

i use google lmao

it just works.

yes, its called pen and paper


>Ever using any web browser's integrated password manager

Dumbass, enjoy your passwords being easily compromised

the standard unix password manager
Introducing pass

Password management should be simple and follow Unix philosophy. With pass, each password lives inside of a gpg encrypted file whose filename is the title of the website or resource that requires the password. These encrypted files may be organized into meaningful folder hierarchies, copied from computer to computer, and, in general, manipulated using standard command line file management utilities.

pass makes managing these individual password files extremely easy. All passwords live in ~/.password-store, and pass provides some nice commands for adding, editing, generating, and retrieving passwords. It is a very short and simple shell script. It's capable of temporarily putting passwords on your clipboard and tracking password changes using git.

You can edit the password store using ordinary unix shell commands alongside the pass command. There are no funky file formats or new paradigms to learn. There is bash completion so that you can simply hit tab to fill in names and commands, as well as completion for zsh and fish available in the completion folder. The very active community has produced many impressive clients and GUIs for other platforms as well as extensions for pass itself.

What encryption


>Yes, not a botnet one though
Not OP here
What do you use?

KeePassXC anything that doesn't have KeePass in its name is shit.

so point me out a security hole if you can

why people care so much about shitty forums and Twitter accounts anyway

Yeah my brain.



no, it's called KeePass.

get on my level


All your actually important data should be in your head, anything stored outside of it I view as insecure. Privacy ends at the skull.

I use Keepass. My database is synchronized per Owncloud

Was thinking this of KeePass, I'll try pass. I was looking for something minimal anyways.


Passbolt. Self hosted is the way to go

this looks interesting
any advantages over just using keepassxc with the database on a selfhosted cloud service, or does that make it basically the same thing for an average user?

It offers an API and uses GPG internally. Should be extremely easy to develop apps for.

Also more scalable + functionality for user groups.

Also setup is super easy if you use their docker container.

>Not using the brain

It's a scam. It lost all of my passwords with no way to recover them.

Bitwarden > Keepass > LastPass > *



>year 7E2
>not being able to create and remember an algorithm to create unique passwords for every site you have an account on
>having more than a bank account

I use keepass
>open source
>windows, linux, android clients
>easy functionality
>I feel my passwords are safe
You have to do your own backups tho, but that's not a big deal




Someone explain to me how KeePass is better than just using an excel spreadsheet encrypted with 7zip.

but it asks for iCloud password

I just write my passwords down on a piece of paper and then fold it into origami waifus


I already have a password manager. It's better than yours. It will turn a single easy password into 16 very good passwords. You can decrypt any file using aes in "ecb mode" without a salt.

This means, you could have a file like a jpeg image or a pdf document, a movie, or whatever sitting on your hard drive and convert it into a list of secure passwords.. Using a master key. Since there is no checksum, someone could keep on guessing your master password, but they will have no way of knowing which one is correct until they test each one.

openssl aes-256-ecb -d -nosalt -in rare-pepe-7269.jpeg 2>/dev/null | tr -cd [:graph:] | fold -w 16 | head -n 16 | nl

I already have a password manager. It's better than yours. It will turn a single easy password into 16 very good passwords. You can decrypt any file using aes in "ecb mode" without a salt.

This means, you could have a file like a jpeg image or a pdf document, a movie, or whatever sitting on your hard drive and convert it into a list of secure passwords.. Using a master key. Since there is no checksum, someone could keep on guessing your master password, but they will have no way of knowing which one is correct until they test each one.

openssl aes-256-ecb -d -nosalt -in rare-pepe-7269.jpeg 2>/dev/null | tr -cd [:graph:] | fold -w 16 | head -n 16 | nl

Auto-type and fewer steps to open desu.

pass is comfy

>not encrypting your brain
In a few decades they'll snoop on your brainwaves. Enjoy your NSA-tier spying whenever you think out your bank PIN

burrows-wheeler transform incoming