Car Seat Headrest

Do you think Will Toledo has a really long career ahead of him, or do you think he's going to die at a young age?
Also, what do you think about pictured album?

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Fuck off Will

stop fucking viralling jesus christ

was kind of surprised when i found out he was gay

Will the shill will die in obscurity

He's pretty blatant.

he's good

Don't worry will, you'll be fine

twin fantasy is a nice hint tho


>Do you think Will Toledo has a really long career ahead of him, or do you think he's going to die at a young age?

He has a long career with his small intestine wrapped around my penis desu senpai


He will be a well-respected singer/songwriter on the level of Dylan and Cohen.

That's my final answer and I'm locking it in.

Nervous Young Man was my favorite until Denial leaked

There's multiple Will threads a day and I don't fucking get it. It's just a couple of gay teenagers/Will himself, right?

There's honestly no fucking way I'd believe that this fucking dweeb deserves as much attention as he gets. Shills be shilling.

As for him, his "career" has peaked and he's on his way down, thank god.


songbird of our generation

Early contender for Worst Lyrics of 2016.

nervous young human is my least favourite by him (not counting the numbered albums, haven't listened to them enough to tell)
Maybe it's because it's so long and i didn't give it a good chance to "click"

I think he'll be going strong, at least for some time. I'm glad that he's been evolving and trying to make something a bit different (Teens of denial, how to leave town)

He will be a well-respected singer/songwriter on the level of Dylan and Cohen.
>"How was I supposed to remember to grab my backpack after I set it down to play basketball?"

on paper his lyrics are alright but his delivery is half of how powerful they actually are

listening to Teens of Denial rn, it's real good
not like his older sound, but it's primo shit

OP pic is about twice as long as it should be, plus, the album blows its load at the beginning
Boxing Day is incredible and outperforms every other song on the album
You didnĀ“t watch this?

I think that the delivery makes them a bit more powerful, at least on his earlier works

I'd like CSH more if he didn't turn nearly every chorus into a shitty power pop song. How to Leave Town was his best for avoiding this most of the time

Regarding the lyrics, they may not be great but they're incredibly sincere, which counts for more with me

I don't mind his choruses most of the time
the rest of this post is true as fuck

I like how hard he swipes the first chunk of that Q. He came off as a bit of a prick in the rest of that AMA too -- I like him as a musician but I would not stand to hang out with a dude like him.

Everything I've read seems to paint him as a pretty nice guy but I don't know the guy so who knows

>Do you think Will Toledo has a really long career ahead of him, or do you think he's going to die at a young age?
>Also, what do you think about pictured album?

really? have you listened to his lyrics?

Given everything about him, he's probably just comes off standoffish because of difficulties talking to people.

I mean, he's a Sup Forumstant, after all.

wow, that's some strong dancin'

Yeah that really disappointed me. I really look up to the guy and he has been really dickish. He didn't want to do an AMA on the CSH subreddit but when he was asked by Indieheads, he went right ahead. Idk maybe I'm peeved that he didn't answer my question. When I met him he seemed like a cool guy. At least Andrew is cool, he even did an AMA on the CSH sub when Will refused to. I don't know much about Seth, but Ethan is a genuinely nice guy too.

it's just a marketing know? people on the csh sub already know about csh. you can't blame the guy for wanting to gain listeners and make money imo


Yeah I guess. I just thought that he's come off a little dickish in his online presence.

i just blame his cold demeanor and his very curt and sullen way of communication a side-effect of all the bedroom living he's been up to. in all of his interviews, he mentions how he spends most of his time alone and writing non-stop.

i reckon doing that can really mess up your capability of being a easygoing dude in the way you engage others.


That's because he's a fucking insecure hack. I can't WAIT until he gets dropped from his label and finally gives up.

Fuck this kid.

Or maybe your question wasn't good enough?

Jelly as FUCK

I'm not a musician, so no. I'm not jealous.

That made me really pissed. Like come on. They made the fucking sub for you. You can't even give them a shoutout for at least the effort they've put into it?

Andrew answered half of it, which I appreciate.

Will answered my two questions lol. Jelly?

A bit.

>Will's a pleb and a dick

I really think that Will is talented, I just do not think he will continue to grow in his general fanbase.


Jesus Christ get over it you fags

Grow up, Will.


He impolitely declined to give a shout out and voiced his opinions you guys act like he raped somebody

Like fuck. I'm really turned off of him right now. I looked up to him and his music is really special to me and he turns out to just be a pretentious asshole. I thought he was cool because he was willing to take a pic and chat after a show, but nevermind. Like this is some next level disappointment I'm feeling. I was going to hold off until the 20th to buy his album but fuck him.

He will

I read somewhere on twitter that Will went after someone on Twitter who said that they didn't enjoy CSH's live show. Pretty fucked up and pitiful thing to do.

With who and how?

You guys are way too sensitive

You realize Will doesn't give a fuck about his fan are right?

I assumed he would've because he started small and had a cult following.

Yeah I know they act like most popular artists aren't dicks in real life like how fucking oblivious are you?

I thought it was vice versa for him. He seemed nice in person and you would think that he would try to keep up the front online too. I guess not.


he's a fucking jerk

honestly this line is on point for me personally.

I mean does it make you like the music less?

Not that I'm judging I'm just saying for me personally I'm still buying ToD when it comes out

not really but consider what a fucking asshole you have to be to do something like this:

I liked his music because I could relate to it. I thought I could relate to him, but he proved me wrong. He's a dickhead and yes it does ruin his music for me because I seriously looked up to him as a musician and he seemed to have gone the same things as me.

You guys are pathetic. If you don't like the guy just pay no mind, how hard is to do that?
You can stay out of it... is it so necessary to judge him?

I think he will because he has a ton of albums and it won't take long for people who aren't familiar with his music to find them.
Also, maybe he's getting a BNM with ToD, so there's that huge sales bump

I can understand where you're coming from but I was just saying compared to some of the other dickhead artists Most people like (RDJ, Kanye etc.) Will is pretty tame

what do you think of him doing this:

Wow this hipster ear garbage style won't die. People were writing music just like this in the early 2000's and it was shit back then.

Well you're pathetic


how is RDJ a dickhead? just because he fucks with the press and people on soundcloud doesn't make him a dick.

He probably has a media team to create online hype. Pretty fucking awful. Sad part is it works.

>artist does something asshole-ish
wow that's unheard of. seriously, how old are you guys?

You have to be sort of a dick to want to be as much of a troll as RDJ is come on

He's better than jesus and odin combined. He's better than hendrix and prince and bowie.

I get paid $1 per post to say things like this.

people actually don't separate the music from the artists personality?


No one has any basis upon which to judge RDJs true intentions. He's a locked box.

so this faggot prances around his messy shitty dorm room and people like it?

not really.

Good point but I was just trying to get people to realize you can do a lot worse than Will fucking Toledo when it comes to asshole musicians

When you make awful whiny shit like he does and constantly tries to viral it here, the least he could do is not be a fucking pompous douche.

hard to when he's the one often posting his own shit with that
>hey guys, what do you think of X?
bullshit. he's not as bad as foliage is, but it's still pretty bad

so what does Sup Forums think about this?

Art =/= Artist
Understant that, Sup Forumstants.

Also, come on guys, Will isn't really that much of a jerk. I think that's probably his media/internet persona and not his real personality. Maybe you guys overthink this too much, at the end, we're just people.

dubs and he dies tonight

>we're just people.
Yeah, so he shouldn't be acting superior to people when his music is so terrible.



I didn't know Sup Forums of all places would be this sensitive about Will of all people

CHS isn't even popular here

>CHS isn't even popular here
Or anywhere lol.

Eh there's about a thread a week but they're far from Sup Forums core

Fuck you guys and fuck /r/indieheads. I don't care what you pussies think of me. Go make your own music if you think you're so much superior. And yeah, I do go after people on twitter who dislike my live shows, but that's because they're dumbass bitches who deserve it.

A tread a week? Bullshit. Will shills on here constantly.

That's not a bad thing?

what? he makes the most intentionally pitiful music imaginable and his posts may be standoffish but they're entirely unpretentious. if you really have a problem with him why are you whining on Sup Forums? confront him on reddit you baby.

Are you saying that I don't get Stereogum and CoS articles made about me? Bullshit. I don't see your name in the music press or on festival bills.

Not really

If you're talking about the recent buzz it's only because Teens of Denial leaked last week

Yeah I agree, that's terrible. But maybe the other guy wasn't so nice and Will got nervous? I can see this happening to me. Who cares? Life goes on and little tragedies happen all the time.
But the main thing is that you got to differentiate the artist and his craft...


>caring about another man who wants to lick penises and have them in his mouth constantly
>listening to the music of a man who wants semen inside where shit comes out

c'mon senpai

Stop trolling

They're one of the most popular indie bands of 2016

fuck you idiot. i don't care what you think.

So Frank Ocean is bad now? What about every other gay artist?

Once again separate the music from the artist

How's being delusional working out for you?