/sqt/ Stupid Questions Thread

Post your simple / small / stupid questions here!



redirect any newfriends creating their own threads with

Other urls found in this thread:

amazon.com/Sabrent-External-Adapter-Windows-AU-MMSA/dp/B00IRVQ0F8/ref=sr_1_4?s=pc&ie=UTF8&qid=1518025751&sr=1-4&keywords=usb sound card

taking a beginner SQL course and am supposed to point out why this table is poorly designed, but I really have no idea. Can anyone point me in the right direction? Is it that columns that can't be NULL default to NULL? is it the auto-increment on the puppy_number? is it something more abstract about the purpose of the table?

How do I make nginx redirect to a certain page after a failed authentication (wrong credentials or clicking 'cancel')?

Where the fuck can I find the latest ALREADY BUILT version of chromium with the inox patch sets?

Maybe they want you to split it into three tables with kennel_code and trick_id as foreign keys. Otherwise there will be a lot of redundant information.

Colums that cannot be null are a good thing. This table is shit because a puppy can only know one trick.

Should make a new table and move trick data there

Table tricks:
Puppy number
Trick id
Trick name

I would answer but that comic made me upset.

Now that's just mean. It's an awesome comic.

Go on or post sauce.


Will you help me now?

Thanks, that all makes sense!

A couple more quick stupid questions: Does auto-increment just mean the puppy_number will default to one higher than the previous? How does that work if you can't enter a NULL for puppy_number? similarly, does the default NULL for the columns that can't take NULL just mean it will start as null but when something new is added that new entry can't be null?

Sorry dude, I'm not the one who knew the answer, just got interested by the comic.
Hope you can do it.

Virus total is saying you are goofing me

trying to hook one of these bad boys to two separate computers so both can use it

any ideas?

Get something like this

what's a regex that will match dateTime=="[anything else here]"


Regex is more about not matching things than it is about matching things.
answers your question correctly, but is that really the usage you want?

I wanna build an ai in python. What websites can help me?

How secure are android phones?
How likely is it that stock roms have backdoors?
How dangerous is it (security wise) to root and give root permitions to apps.
Should I be decripting my password manager db on my phone?

Pc having hard time to install/live boot any linux also i get missing operating system but hdd is detected in bios and i have msi mobo but it takes 2 mins from msi logo boot up it all happens today when im just browsing the net then it freeze i restar freeze in wondows logo restart last know good config freeze then the so long msi logo boot up anyone here know this?

Your drive is dead

If my hdd is dead how come it is detected in bios and i can live boot linux/kal but ill wait 10 to 15 mins unlike previous live boot which take 2mins, anyone here know why it take damn long to live boot linux ? Tia



What linux distro do I choose. Tell me which one and why it over others. Inb4 go to the linux thread. I don't wanna.

You're asking how to download stuff off Netflix? Why not find a torrent?

Manjaro if you've used Linux before, Linux Mint if you haven't

Just bought a new laptop. Full of Dell bloatware. Is there anything I should or shouldn’t do when doing a fresh install of windows 10? Is it just a case of making the bootable usb and reinstalling?

>Tell me which one and why
I don't wanna.

Pretty much. Check to see if you can find the relevant drivers online. But you won't know for certain how well they work until after the reinstall.

Can I not just update them after the install? Or will I need them before installing?

Why is everyone on GNU Social traps/gay? They can't even take jokes ):

I wouldn't reinstall windows at all if my model laptop didn't have the drivers available online. But it's Dell, a new one at that, so you're fine. Just go ahead with reinstallation.

Well okay then :O

How come my headphone jack in the front of the PC works but the one in the back doesn't?
When I plug something into it, it still says that headphones are plugged in, but there isn't any sound. Tried it on both GNU/Linux and Windows and with two separate pairs of headphones so those are definitely not the issue.

Debian if you've used GNU/Linux before, Xubuntu if you haven't.

I have several hard drives I use for media storage. Is there any downside to combining them all into one massive volume, or should I keep them as separate drives with their own assigned letter?

Are there any personal hardware OTP tokens? I'd really like something like the Protectimus SLIM, but with the ability to manage multiple secret keys (for Google and Amazon for example).

Windows fag, go install GNU/Linux and learn the glory of a RAIDZ1 ZFS pool.

how to i start looking for a new job without my current company knowing? do i just start applying and hope that no one calls my company?

i work for a huge corp right now and >50% of our workforce is in india, and the head execs want to ship even more jobs there. pretty tired of it desu. my current role is cleaning indian spagetti code, which is fucking disgusting. idk what hiring standards are but 14 yr old girls should be able to code better

In my experience, no one is going to call your current company asking for a reference until you have a successful interview. At that point, you can just explain to your supervisor that you found another position that interests you, and they may be calling for a reference soon. But I don't work in tech, so it may be different

Thanks. It’s an XPS 15 too so I’d like to think it was well supported.

Basically just apply normally. Sometimes they will ask and you should respond no. If you are in a bad job you need to GTFO from it ASAP. Even if you have a great relationship with your bosses they probably won't be on your side.


the job isnt terrible, but i dont like the direction the company is moving. shipping crazy amount of jobs overseas and starting to push 'diversity' so that if you talk out against it you can be fired for being a bigot

Not him, but why .* and not *?

How hard is it to get a router's WPA/WPA2 key? Is there a quick, easy method for it?

That's pretty neat. Thanks nigger.

Linux does detect my monitors audio on boot. I have to unplug the hdmi cable and plug it back in to get audio to work. It's not a problem with my other monitor. Any clue how to fix this?

is twofish safer than aes?

*? doesn't make any sense. Both * and ? define the number of possible repitions of whatever precedes it.
. matches a single arbitraty character
.* matches any number of characters, including none.
.? means a single character or none.

they probably meant .*? which is valid: rexegg.com/regex-quantifiers.html#lazy

Is Backblaze a decent option for cloud backups? I already have offsite physical copies of everything, and nothing I would be storing with Backblaze is personal or embarrassing enough that I care about botnet concerns

the ? was a question mark for my sentence
Should've typed ".*" and "*".

Okay, if you read my explanation you should know why "*" alone doesn't make any sense either.

I've never seen that before. What would be the difference between ".*" and ".*?" ?

question mark after * or + causes them to match as few characters as possible instead of the default of as many characters as possible

try removing the question mark in regex101.com/r/w25XcX/1 (useful site)

Would this sound any worse than the average onboard sound card?
amazon.com/Sabrent-External-Adapter-Windows-AU-MMSA/dp/B00IRVQ0F8/ref=sr_1_4?s=pc&ie=UTF8&qid=1518025751&sr=1-4&keywords=usb sound card

Hello senpai, I need some awk or grep magic:
I have a script that outputs the following metadata
>Artist Michael Jackson
>Title Beat it
>AlbumArtist Michael Jackson
Now I want to pipe this output into my bar to display 'Michael Jackson Beat it'. If I use 'grep Title' it outputs 'Title Beat it'.

Ahh, I see. Yes, that would indeed be useful in many cases.

I would like to protect my private data however I'm worried full disk encryption would slow down my system too much. My drive has a system partition with only windows and programs and a second partition with sensitive private data. Can I only encrypt the second partition? The only data on the system partition I would like to protect is my internet navigation infos like history, bookmarks, passwords etc for Firefox. Is there a way to store those on the second partition if it's encrypted instead?

Full disk encryption is barely noticeable in benchmarks let alone in daily usage, just annoying to input your password on every boot or for chrooting

veracrypt lets you benchmark different encryption algorithms

my processor from 2013 has hardware-accelerated AES and it's already faster than my hard drive

I think I'm doing this wrong, but... how can I setup my server to send command output to a cock dot li email account.

Do I need an email account on my server, or can I just send it from itself, using sSMTP? It doesn't seem to be working at the moment.

>nginx redirect to a certain page after a failed authentication

Found randomly googling "nginx redirect after a failed authentication"

I recently set up a two router bridge, with the second one set to, but I can't access it anymore, nor through the "link" provided on the router itself (tplinklogin.net), what gives? I really don't feel like resetting it to set it up again, it took me too many tries to get it right and I lost my backup settings file.

Yeah, I already tried all the obvious Google results. That doesn't seem to work for me though. It just redirects immediately every time, without prompting for user/password first.

Would it be possible to install a version of Windows (doesn't matter which) onto one of those cheap Android netbooks through either USB or an external disc drive?

Proprietary=closed source
Is this statment true?

Short answer: yes.

Very unlikely

If they're x86 or x86_64, yeah. ARM, no. As of now there doesn't exist a Windows version that can run on that architecture.

No, while proprietary is usually closed source, there's nothing stopping anyone from publishing source code with a licence that forbids anyone from using it. Technically any project on github without a licence file falls into that category.


Thanks. Can you tell me examples of such software?

what music player are you using?
if you use mpc there is the command `mpc current` command.

You can find a few on this list for example.

I plan to resurrect an old laptop by changing battery, hdd to ssd, thermal paste and maybe more RAM(actually 4gb).

Should I install windows 10 or jump to linux?

CPU Core2duo P7350
4gb RAM
Nvidia GT 120M

Usage : browse, video(local and streaming)

Spotify unfortunately


use this :)
you should be able to output the current song the same way

How to do this?

Thank you.


The logical jump is GNU/Linux.

I'm sorry I have no clue what that is, I don't use linux and I'm a tech illiterate when it comes to anything even remotely close to code/building stuff.

if you don't use gnu/linux then you'll have a really hard time compiling this. don't bother.

which distro?
RemixOS? Xbuntu?

Why does everything has to be so cancer

I had bad experience with remixOS, so xubuntu/lubuntu
Firefox is not cancer

>Firefox is not cancer
I think it is, way slower than chromium on my machine.

Did anyone scrap all the pics in /r/deepfakes before it got banned? Please upload desu :3


How customizable is lubuntu?

>duckduckgo in the OP
>not startpage or searx
i sure love collecting analytics metrics on my users with proprietary close-source software, so this engine is perfect for me

Can I run an NAS on a BPI-R2?

I got a new laptop and I moved my old hard disk which has Windows 7 on it, but I wasnt able to use Windows 7 so I installed Windows 10 for the laptop, while leaving all the Windows 7 files on the old hdd.

Currently in the process of moving/deleting stuff I dont need from the old/win7 hdd and I can't delete the hiberfile.sys as Windows 10 believes its for this machine when its for old machine/win 7.

How can I delete it without messing with my current hibernation settings?

>not YaCy
It's sad to be you.

I just got a new laptop. Is there a guide for the things I should do with regard to privacy, what to install, what Windows 10 features to disable etc.?

Very customisable, just like any other ubuntu installation except with lxde.

If you have neofetch, there's a "song" option.
less /usr/bin/neofetch, search your music player.
You may need to reverse figure out any neofetch defined functions().