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>Earspeaker General
also post your setup anons
so I've got my hd 6xx and... they are loud enough even on an iPhone 5. I'll get an amp during the next days but if it's only going to make them louder it's totally not worth.
>it's only going to make them louder it's totally not worth.
This is how you spot someone who literally never listens to classical. Not worth, eh? When your source recording are soft and have a high amount of dynamic, only occasionally peaking in decibels, you need some amp juice cause your Jesus phone is not gonna cut it.
yeah I usually don't listen to classical. so I can save some money? nice
3rd time. Is there a better neutral headphone than the HD800s for sound stage and imaging.
If you enjoy distortions then yeah, you can.
3rd time. Yes, STAX retailing for the same prices as the HD800 destroy it both in neutrality, soundstage and imaging.
L700 new or SR-009 used will both destroy the HD800/S and any other headphones on those criterias.
He asked for headphones, not earspeakers. Staxfag pls go
why dont you just buy the L300LE instead of asking every day if you should buy the hd800
I haven't read any review that I would deem credible that says anything good about Stax and their sound stage.
Because I don;t read auidobs reviews well, frog poster. But It seems the HD800s are the best.
>frog poster
phone poster
Wrong, champ.
HD800 might be one of the most competent dynamic headphones, but at the retail price it's a no-match against the STAX, electrostatics just do everything better.
Since you seem so entitled to get the HD800, I'd suggest looking around your country to see if you can try something like an L700 and the HD800 side-by-side.
Truth is electrostatics have much better balance and tonality. They are very resolving with great separation and imaging, the soundstage on even the L300 (1/4th the price of an HD800) fairs highly in comparison to your beloved dynamics for every reviewer who owned both.
If you already have a very specific amplifier that you definitely want to pair your headphones with, then I can understand your hard-on for the HD800, but keep in mind that the treble peak will need modding (SDR) and most likely EQ to fix.
STAX are straightforward, earspeakers + cheapest amp you can find for them and you're done, they'll sound as intended.
You say that but I haven't seen anything to back the claims up. And I'm American.
just buy both the L300LE and the HD800 and compare the two, sell the one you don't want for the same price. this isn't rocket science
I don't support companies I don't like the products of. If I go Stax it'll be the 009 since those are the only ones that seem to be solidly built and not square. But that's at the end of my wiliness to spend. And I sure don't want to buy them and be stuck with an amp that only works with them.
just buy the hd800 and fuck off then, your buying habits are obnoxious
>your buying habits are obnoxious
Sorry I don't just blindly buy shit like you. Wanting to buy something to appreciate it is a rarity these days I guess.
you're not going to last long in this hobby with your approach, so yes. it's a rarity. buy 50% off and sell 50% off.
Not him but HD800 has the biggest soundstage of any modern production headphone, bar none. It's certainly not the most neutral or has the most precise imaging, but if soundstage is your number 1, then go for it.
One thing that is true though that most people don't generally understand is that low level stats are generally about 9/10 as good as the flagships. Flagships are a straight upgrade, but an old lambda still blows pretty much all midfi competition out of the water. Though I'm used to $200 and less for those.
What do you even expect ? Headphones are fragile gear, if "build quality" is important to you, then don't buy HD800 for which pic related is very common.
Everyone talks about how STAX is made of plastic and looks cheap, but I have yet to see an actual continuous flaw with sources.
L700/SR-009 have pretty much the same soundstage as an HD800 while being much more neutral and balanced.
You're also right, older cheap Lambdas still destroy everything under the kilobuck and pretty much rivals them.
And I forgot the pic related.
>Not him but HD800 has the biggest soundstage of any modern production headphone, bar none. It's certainly not the most neutral or has the most precise imaging, but if soundstage is your number 1, then go for it.
It is the most important thing to me. Nothing annoys me more than a bad sound stage. I can deal with small or large but I need to be able to not feel like I have tin cans on my head muffling everything.
I've read everything from Stax having little to oddly shaped sound stages. Again no idea what to believe.
Where are the L300 LE available for $700?
Cheapest I Found was $720.
I bought on Audiocubes and paid $35 for shipping to France, I recommend buying on Elusivedisc or Staxaudio though if you're in the US since their warranty looks much better
Soundstage is a meme. Like the perfect EQ. There are 2 channels in music. Left and right. The artist and producer places everything where they want, or adjust the mix. How far something is left or right is how far someone turned a knob. If your music sounds like it has a narrow soundstage, that's what was intended, or it is not well produced.
That shit is broken.
I use HD202 because poorfag. What am I missing out on?
>it's a meme! don't buy it!! I don't care if that is your preferred sound!
Never said don't buy it. But don't be delusional about thinking some artificial soundstage is because the headphones are better at replicating the source audio.
staxaudio is $699 same with audiocubes. shipping for stax I believe would be $50 so that's $750 and it's $70 heavy freight for audiocubes so $770. that's just my guess though. it's still $699 but you are forgetting shipping from japan
no one thinks better soundstage means more true to the source recording or higher fidelity or whatever projection you are spewing out of your mouth.
Why are you guys so obsessed with stax, nobody uses them for creation or for fun after making their music.
What's the point in owning something that isn't representing the artist's intentions?
>no one
I guess you're right.
>What's the point in owning something that isn't representing the artist's intentions?
circle of confusion. everyone is using different gear to record with, mix, master, produce, listen. it doesn't matter.
You gonna buy the all same headphones your favorite artists use, or you going to try find one pair that would do the best all round job? That's electrostats.
What's so special about the L300 LE? If I want to go estat, should I pick up that or a L500 for the same price?
And what estat amp should I get? I don't understand what SRM-353XBK has over SRM-252 or SRM-323S.
I dunno man, this is /hpg/. don't include us with them. it'd be like coming in here every day reminding people to not buy rocks or cable risers but no one that frequents /hpg/ believes that.
Hey Idk if this belongs here but would this sound any worse than the average onboard sound card?
Audiocubes are nice though, I asked if they could put another value on the package and they said they would so I won't pay autistic taxes
music production should be done on speakers, not on headphones
fwiw steven wilson who is considered to have made some of the best mastering jobs in the last years uses an M50X whenever he needs to use headphones, so that doesn't mean much
Ya, I wasn't arguing at that point. I just realized the only people I see spewing that nonsense are audiophiles.
L300LE is the L700 driver + L500 pads in the L300. L500 is the L300 driver with new pads + headband
it's hard to tell ironic shitposting from being genuine lol
estats have no fucking bass, why is /hpg/ jerking themselves raw over them all of a sudden?
Wow, I usually only see that kind of illegality out of chinks, not nips.
I don't think there are objective measurements and feedback on STAX amps, my understanding of it is that the newer Lambdas don't need much amplification and the SRM-252 would be enough for them
I'm currently buying an SRM 313 for mine
>shipper falsifies value of contents
>customs checks box randomly
>sees expensive as fuck headphones
What's the penalty for that? It would be on them, not you, but what a risk to take for your customer.
You guys following the latest schiit controversy? apparently they are just a meme brand.
come back when amir will have measured the magni, nobody here ever cared about "multibit" technology
SBAF btfo again
Shame the DX7s has a crap headphone out and no pre-amp outs
basically the L500 is a 30% more expensive L300 while the L300LE is a 50% cheaper L700
353 is just a 323S which just just a 252S with onboard power supply, no step up voltage circuit, and slightly higher current, all derivative circuits of the the SRM-X Pro.
Best thing to do is just get an old SRM-Xh or black 252 for about a hundred bucks and slap a regulated power supply on it. It will sound better than the big box boys and be way cheaper.
Hi, /hpg/, I never spent more than 50€ on headphones, what should I buy for around 150€ ? I was thinking about the DT770 if I push the price a little.
JDS O2 + OL DAC currently coming soon at home
Are Grados still recommended in any way shape or form these days?
Where's the older sabre Bifrost stuff? I want to see if it's better than this multibit shit.
Oops, DT 770 are actually 139€ in Europe
Which headphones to look for if I want bass and even sub bass, HD 600 levels of clarity, wide sound stage and openness??, I mean, does that even exist?
Oh, and sub $500 price.
Idol trash here.
What's your WCET like, user?
[YouTube] Flying autonomous aircraft: Mixed-criticality support in seL4 (embed)
get lucky on a used HD800 or bump up your budget and get SRS-3100
>does that even exist?
yes it does!
>sub $500
no it doesn't!
Well, there's a few interesting options, such as...
>sub $500 price
Go blow a unicorn, pleb.
Posting again because new thread.
Budget: 100/200€
Location: Sweden
Source: Laptop/smartphone
Type of headphone: Bluetooth earbuds/IEM
Sound signature: Balanced
Past headphones: I have a pair of AKG K99 and I love them, I need something for when I'm not home
I was looking at the Sennheiser Momentum Free and at the Bose Soundsport, is the price worth it or can I get the same sound quality for a lower price?
I heard that the QuietControl 30 are good but the plastic thing around your neck looks stupid and breaks easily apparently.
If it's just for leaving the house, try Edifier W360BT.
A review if you want one.
I know this is headphone and not microphone general, but maybe you guys can help me.
I'm looking for a small, beneath the desk, standalone audio mixer/splitter/router.
I have seven audio input channels: pc, two consoles, one (bluetooth) microphone.
And four output channels: speakers, headphones.
Ignore the microphone being bluetooth for a moment. Is there a consumer mixer that can handle all this shit for under 500 bucks? It doesn't even need to have knobs or anything. I'm perfectly fine with regulating the volume at the receiving end (speakers & headphones).
Literally any open headphones with a wide soundstage in your price range, properly EQ'd. This will not result in problematic levels of bass distortion, despite what dynamiclets will incorrectly tell you.
That's flat bass for ya
>and no pre-amp outs
Review I've checked mentioned preamp functionality for DX7 though.
Yeah, which one?
just go to the mixers tab on their homepage page, find one with atleast 7 inputs and atleast 2 outputs
is amim /ourguy/?
I thought Bifrost has those shitty "Velvet Sound" AKM dacs
he is /ourguy/
dude bought a magni 3 just so we could end the debate here
Me again, don't buy from the website that does the review though. They are horribly over priced there.
Edifier's site.
I have a question for you fine gentlemen. I'm thinking about a portable setup for on the go as I will be spending much of my commute in public transportation. Are DAPs worth it? Seems like all of the ones I've seen have shit UIs and questionable audio quality. Or are portable DAC/AMPs the way to go?
From head-fi thread
>I can tell you that the output volume is adjustable.
>There are 3 modes. Dac only, with fixed output, dac + headphone with volume control on both outputs at the same time, and headphone only.
Just use your phone paired with an iDSD blacklabel nano.
I can recommend Cayin N3 or Shanling M2s.
I've seen some forum post with Stax amplifiers description and comparisons being sent here, maybe could you link me to it ?
Depends on your use case. I can't live without a good PEQ so it's either $500 audiophool DAPs or a phone + a portable dac amp.
Please yo
There are HD6XX for ~200€ on eBay still, if you bump up your budget a bit you could make a very good setup.
Otherwise I'd take a look at AKG K612/K702.
They seem good but I don't like the neckband, I was looking for something without it.
Thanks user
The neck back keeps the weight off the ears. You won't find anything -good- without the neckband until you start hitting crazy prices. Only ones I know of are Sony WF-1000X and Sony WF-SP700N. Sony is reliable for a neutral/balanced sound.
Recommended active noise cancelling headphones?
why can't dynamic owners accept that ear speakers are just better?
Always say your price range.
I guess around £200. I'm happy to pay a bit more if it's really worth it. But I'm no audiophile, so something solidly good for work will do
earspeakers are not headphones
correct. ear speakers sound like speakers on your ears, headphones sound like shitty telephones attached to your head
If you don't mind Bluetooth, Sennheiser HD 4.50 BTNC.
It's damn near impossible to find noice cancelling with a fucking wire that isn't over $500. It's kind of pissing me off. lol
Yup, I'm cool with Bluetooth. Though don't some headphones allow wired mode?