Reverse the video and what you get?

Reverse the video and what you get?

Yes, The Scientist video.

I seriously think by now that is a concept album about their own influence in other bands, that's the whole point of the video too; Yorke entering to random buildings (influencing) and then leaving after a while (take for instance the careers of Muse and Coldplay)

Hahahaha holy shit

>Dreamers, they never learn

Pic related.


>thom yorke invents popsickles
>sells like hotcakes
>chris martin wants to get into that action
>people complain about thoms popsickles getting weird flavors like broccoli and blue cheese
>chris makes popsickles with strawberry and cola flavor with extra added sugar
>plebs eat that shit right up
>years later thom makes a carrot popsickle with a hint of sweetness
>plebs suddenly claim he ripped off chris strawberry popsickle

>food metaphors

Oh man, just look at the proofs

you are funny


How pathetic does your life have to be to post this thread


idk how pathetic is your life

Well, that made me change my mind, i know see the similarities...

>Le meme hater fedora man

you're on fucking Sup Forums noob

Fucking hell.

your trip was totally necessary to comment that.


fuck i love this board sometimes

You win OP. The coldplay/radiohead meme was getting old and unfunny, but you got a chuckle out of me.

Check, chris Martín latest tweet

Thom Yorke looks just like his music sounds, and he looks like he's been lobotomized and force-fed sleeping pills.

He really looks like deep down, he doesn't want to make music at all, but that his doctors told him it was either that, or chemical castration.

He looks like if he bumped into a chair after stumbling his way through a room, he'd apologize to the chair.

He looks like he's what's called a "philosophical zombie", that is to say a human being with working bodily functions, but absolutely no hint of sentience, awareness or sensitivity of any kind.

He looks utterly defeated, he looks like the kind of man a hundred generations of bureaucratic dictatorship would produce after mercilessly and clinically suppressing all hints of free will and personal ambitions in its population. If he didn't sing, I'd be convinced that the only thing he's able to say is "yes".

He looks numb. He looks so numb it's a miracle he's even alive because someone this numb wouldn't have the degree of proprioception required to keep all his cells together. He'd literally melt into protoplasmic goop, like a big jellyfish washed ashore, like a load of sterilized semen being flushed down, like a gob of spit waiting to dry on a chewing gum-encrusted pavement.

That's what Thom Yorke looks like, and that's what Radiohead sounds like.

Worst pasta ever


>If he didn't sing, I'd be convinced that the only thing he's able to say is "yes".
>he'd apologize to the chair.
a thousand kekes



chris martin has the most punchable face in the fucking world
>that tooth gap