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Resources: Your friendly search engine, mailing lists... >b-but what search engines respect my privacy and freedom of speech? Try qwant, searx, ixquick or startpage. >b-but what e-mail providers respect my privacy and freedom of speech? Try autistici or aktivix.
$ man %command% $ info %command% $ help %command% $ %command% -h $ %command% --help
Don't know what to look for? $ apropos %something%
I can switch but I can't install drivers because I'm not recognized as an admin
Jacob Morales
>I'm not recognized as an admin Nigga what? Whose computer is that?
Xavier Thompson
my hacking target's computer please tell me how can I install metasploit without admin?
Jack King
Can someone redpill me SELinux?
Gavin Bell
Shoo I didn't k ow Debian separated the su account. I got in and changed mirrors and now its downloading drivers...I think
Evan Long
Gonna repeat my request from previous thread.
I am looking for software that would allow me to quickly create hand drawing, with basic features - size of pen, few colors, eraser, line. Something similar to Samsung Note software, or even PaintBrush, but more designed for making fast drawings with pen. Would be nice if I could specify filename in command line. GIMP or Krita is obviously overkill for this purpose. GPaint could work, but 1) it's too primitive 2) still can't specify filename as command line argument.
What I am planning to do with it is to make script for vim, so it would look for all images in current document directory, create new sketch with numeric filename (i.e. if folder has note1.png and note2.png, it would create note3.png), and insert LaTeX code to insert this image into the document.
I believe this idea is somewhat complicated, but I haven't found any 'create sketch and insert it' in Lyx or anywhere else.
Ryan Young
Help. Most of the echo commands on the arch wiki are invalid for me.
James King
Just kidding Any guide for and drivers on debian?
Gabriel Hernandez
looking for a comfy ftp client filezilla is shit
Jason Thomas
Evan Clark
Why not curlftpfs or something similar? You just mount the ftp server into your filesystem and can treat it like any other directory
Mason Harris
Daniel Watson
dolphin :')
Evan Wright
Ftpfs, just mount your remote file system, and use something like ranger.
Jonathan Flores
Are Mints packages really slow?
Robert Cooper
so whats cool about void linux on its own without taking systemd into account, what are some cool things it can do
Matthew Long
Evan Howard
Sorry im high
Hudson Phillips
I thought void linux used runit?
Blake Cook
can someone recommend a distro for an old laptop? 2gb ram + AMD C60
Should it just be lubuntu?
Carson Hall
Arch Linux
Jaxon Diaz
Any distro with lxde, xfce, mate or a simple VM.
Thomas Young
Dont use mate m8
Charles Bennett
Not to be disrespectful. I am genuinely curious... Why KDE over Cinnamon? I don't know I liked how minimalist and simple Cinnamon was over KDE with its excessive padding and hiding nice components like the terminal from you.
David Cooper
why are you faggots not using qubesOS?
Evan King
>why am I not using some shitty OS made by a memespamming retard? idk man.
James Ortiz
Eli Jones
how was anything I posted a meme?
Evan Nguyen
>what's cool about void without talking about the absence of systemd
Blake Garcia
Does word and cloud integration work on Linux? Kind of have to use it for my documents as of late.
Grayson Thompson
questioner here i dont mind talking about runit but like, what are some cool and unique things it does to simplify my life?
Dylan Campbell
Hi. using virtual machine to run linux mint, made a new user account on hte installed image, but when i try to switch users, the screen "flashes once" then goes back to login screen. IF I put in wrong password, it says wrong password, but the right password, it wont open. Any ideas?
Adam Adams
why not use a vm?
Adam Rodriguez
Open the update applet in the task bar >edit>software sources. Click the 2 mirror buttons one at a time, and it will sort out available mirrors by speed.
Aaron Walker
Currently running Deepin DE on Antergos and I'm unable to open Telegram. It worked fine within KDE but nothing happens when I try and launch it from Deepin. Any ideas for how to get it to work? I'm a bit of a Linux brainlet so please be patient
Juan Mitchell
Just not as quick or dynamic on my laptop. I mean it certainly works, but it's not ideal.
Connor Jenkins
Colton Hernandez
Is there any alternative to snipping tool for linux? I sometimes use
import filename.png
but it does not copy the image in my clipboard which was something very handy for snipping tool can someone tell me an alternative?
Nathaniel Jackson
Gonna switch when ill get bored with Sup Forumsentoo. Ubuntufag
Juan Ross
>see 'systemctl status lightdm.service' for details systemctl start lightdm.service sudo service lightdm restart sudo telinit 5
Lucas Lee
I have a 14GB pen drive, can I make 2 partitions on it and use one for a distro and other for storage? I don't need much storage, something like 2GB would be enough
Chase Kelly
Yeah just partition the drive how you want then when installing the distro choose the non-storage partition.
William Parker
Getting a list of Linux painting programs is what Google is for. Instead of looking for the perfect program first, write the script generically using one of the "overkill" ones and then substitute a more minimal one when you've found it.
Connor Nelson
> Ctrl+F > no /glmg/
Nathaniel Morales
Liam Cook
Didn't work
Aiden Butler
Literally WOT M8, how are you even alive
William Morris
You can look at it... you can remove and install 200 packages it has in its repos over and over again... you can browse the web... you can...uhh
Brody Edwards
AntiX, based on debian, made for old machines, runs on 70 mb ram and comes out of the box with just a bunch of WM-s
David Lewis
cpufrequtils so on and so forth
Caleb White
I am not looking for painting program. I could go with pinta and stuff, but I am trying to find something with similar instruments like in note taking apps for tablets. Sure, Krita sounds like a good choice, but again - I need this app to be opened fast, and not to take many resources - that's what preventing me from just having something like Krita or GIMP open in the background until I need it.
Juan Howard
$ import png:- | xclip -selection c -t image/png
Takes the screenshot, outputs it in PNG format to stdout, which is piped to the clipboard, which stores it with image/png MIME type (so the program you paste in knows how to treat it)
Maybe, I have considered this idea. Thanks for pointing me in this direction.
John Smith
thanks! did pacman -S xclip
Assigned this command a short cut through my i3wm config file since i use it too often and don't want to type it everytime.
Henry Hall
how to diagnose/correct network interface/wifi problems on a minimal debian install?
Jace Cox
a simple sudo dhcpcd corrects my problems sudo wifi-menu lets me connect to wifi
Bentley Campbell
>cpufrequtils Is there a GPU equivalent? I just tried radeon-tools and I am unable to select anything other than dpm for power management, and dpm only allows low/high and auto.
Joseph Wilson
don't have these programs on my distro, i mean natively
Cooper Martinez
Debian Stable + backports or Testing?
Hudson Cruz
What's the proper way to reinstall something? Shutter's stopped working properly and I'm tryng to reinstall, but the reinistalled versions are blatantly not back to square one.
Nathaniel Davis
How do I change Display Manager in Ubuntu? I change to kdm but I want lightdm back.
Camden Edwards
it might help to do as your operating system tells you and check systemctl status lightdm.service for details and then post those details if you can't figure out the issue from there since that's more helpful than just something saying "this failed"
Joseph Howard
ok so i have compiz standalone setup but when i try to enable blur windows compiz just crashes im running nvidia prop drivers if that means anything
Camden Scott
No need to. Inside of /usr/share/doc/ you can find the example configuration file for your software. Just replace either your global/user config file with it.
Matthew Powell
I did google the error. Its literally >failed, >error-code
Benjamin Davis
Just delete the user config files. Probably in ~/.config/shutter or ~/.shutter.
Bentley Hughes
Perfect! Thanks guys.
Now is that an Ubuntu issue or a Linux issue? Because I've always got pissed at how Windows never uninstalls anything cleanly.
Aiden Ross
>Now is that an Ubuntu issue or a Linux issue? I don't think there is a package manager out there that will touch user-specific config files in your home folder, so a Linux "issue" Package managers track files created during installation, not any file created by the program ever after, it basically becomes repsonsibility of the program to save its persistent configs in a reasonable/standard location so that they are easy to locate and get rid of, if needed. But you'll have to do it manually or with some software something like linux versions of registry cleaner :^)
Nathaniel Stewart
GNU/Linux in general, but whether or not it's an "issue" is debatable. Some might consider it a feature. But it's different from what you're describing on Windows. It's not really the same thing as an unclean installation, and in fact we have a lot more protection against such things too. On GNU/Linux all applications are installed as owned by root, but yet you _run_ them as your unprivileged user and anything that changes from session to session must be saved in the users home directory. This comes with a lot of benefits, such as a new user running an application will always see it appear as a completely fresh install since they have no configs in their home yet, even if you already have it heavily configured in your own home. And more importantly, it means those applications cannot modify themselves or any others, so when you do want to uninstall it it's a very clean uninstallation as all the files are always accounted for.
The only reason it ever appears unclean, like in your case is because package managers just do not mess with anything inside your home directory. But that's a design choice, not a limitation. They could easily program them to go and delete configs in every users home directory associated with a particular package, but they just figure it's usually saver, and nicer to not do that. The user manages their own configs.
Tyler Ross
So actually to put it another way, which might be conceptually easier to understand for a new user: Deleting the config files inside your home directory is the ONLY thing you have to do to effectively "re-install" the application.
Because it doesn't matter how much you tweak or configure a program, as long as you aren't running it as root then the files which exist in the installation directory should remain 100% identical to what they were when you first installed them, so actually reinstalling it won't accomplish anything. All customization resides in the home directories.
Caleb Campbell
why the hell is arch downloading shit at 10 KB/s?
Oliver Martin
shitty mirror?
Carson Butler
>all those useless partitions
Brandon Evans
following some pajeet's tutorial on youtube lol
Cameron Hernandez
Lubuntu works great, yes. Ubuntu MATE too
Ryder Long
That's even worse.
Henry Parker
Has a net and core install that doesn't even have a WM (which is nice if you want to build your system from scratch without having to remove a bunch of shit)
Jose King
Packages compiled with libressl instead of openssl out of the box
Cameron Ward
any thoughts on puppy linux?
Jacob Gonzalez
What are some good programs to search for text that is included in a filename? If I have a picture called "laptop_stallman" in a folder I want to be able to just search for "stallman" and find it, so it's not necessarily the first characters in the name. In my file manager (Thunar) when I do ctrl+F it only searches for the first characters so I'd like to find a solution.
Jace Hall
Liam Butler
I'd prefer a GUI one so I can see the thumbnails of pictures
Jose Morris
Try regular expressions in Thunar.
Angel Brooks
You clearly did setup the first mirror to be the one geographically closest to you
Josiah Roberts
What do you mean?
Charles Flores
Maybe Thunar supports regular expressions. Like .*yourword.* Or maybe it can do basic wildcard substitution like *yourword*
Josiah Allen
Anyone else wanna fuck konqi? I can't be the only one.
Xavier Young
Are you saying to enter these in the ctrl+f find? That's not working. I did find this guide for using Catfish to search, but when I click on it from the right-click menu it doesn't seem to be doing anything
Christopher Lewis
You skipped the mirrorlist portion of the install. The default archlinux mirror is capped to 15kbps. You need to remove that from the top of the mirrorlist
Evan Rodriguez
If I write the command 'import /tmp/screenshot.png' (import from imagemagick tools) in a terminal I get a nice drag-selection for screenshotting part of my screen. But if I use xbindkeys to bind the PrintScreen key to that same command, it just captures the whole screen behind the scenes. How can I make it use the drag selection?
Jack Sanders
using firefox esr on debian with kde, when i set the theme to breeze-dark firefox will turn text entry boxes dark grey with black text so that i can't read what i'm typing in them. anyone know how to fix this?
Dominic Sanders
Hey guys, I have a quick question that you get asked over and over, but I would love some advice.
Just got a Dell Precision laptop used. Got a fair deal on it. Now I am no newbie when it comes to Linux, I've used it on VPSs, but I can't decide on a distro.
It has the hardware to run any distro. I was considering Debian or Ubuntu MATE.
Any advice for me?
Nolan Martinez
Thinking on getting a gaming linux laptop to become the ultimate memer
How is gaming with VMWare?
Brayden Cruz
Where can I get old version of DE?
One fag said here, that XFCE 3.8 is cool, and I wanted to try it... And well, I can't find a link for it
Kevin Campbell
will updating my system roll me back to an older kernel if i have the latest one but the update has an older one?
Bentley Price
if youre not a noob i'd just go with debian and then install DE/WM of choice