>Install Xubuntu
>update breaks the system
The absolute state of Loonix
>install linux mint
>screen tearing everywhere
>install nvidia drivers to fix the issue
>blackscreen on boot, even after blacklisting nouveau
lmao never again
>be me
>fuck Linux and don't even give it a shot because ain't got time for that bullshit. Install Windows 10, love my life.
>happy as fuck
Managed to fix it by copy paste terminal commands from some forum and rebootig
Never had this issue(s) with MacOS or windows
If you think muh gaymes is the sole reason for using Windows, you are mind numbingly stupid.
Are you a mechanical engineer or a graphic designer?
>want to try hackintosh
>start to develop homosexual tendencies
reinstall debian again
Something That Didn't Happen: The Post
>install xubuntu
>continue using xubuntu just because you just pulled that out of your ass
>enable xfce's compositor
dude no tearing lmao
>be me
>enjoy free time studying different operating systems for the sake of just learning instead of being locked down to one single os
>happy as fuck, have fun
shit thread
>install arch
>works on my machine
>Install Arch
>next day
>next day
>next day
I guess it could have happened, who knows. I guess it depends a bit on what's meant by "breaks the system".
This never happens to me but I guess it .. could.
Anyway, if Xubuntu and Fedora and other GNU/Linux distributions don't work for you then go use something else. I'm fine with it.
>Install GNU/Linux
>spend countless hours figuring out how it works >try packet managers
>building it and breaking it
>become familiar with back porting
>try as many DEs as I can find
>learn many new commands and apply them in my learning
>several years later, land a job as a linux engineer
>just because I spend so much time in it, and people at work are even too stupid to understand Git
>install arch
>only update when you want
wew lad
>update Linux kernel in MATE
>breaks all my drivers
>have to change grub to automatically boot into the old kernel
I'm going back to updating my kernel once a year or every two years.
I update arch 10 times a day. It's exactly what I want.
I literally can't think of another reason. I wouldn't even have a Windows partition if it wasn't for muh gaymes. Everything else is better on literally any other operating system. Windows is a fucking mess lmao. If I ever need photoshop or something, I have a mac. For everything else there's Linux. It just werks if you install a just-werks distro on officially supported hardware.
>I have no understanding of the interplay of kernels and drivers whatsoever
>still I feel like I should be updating things mindlessly
>surprisingly it doesn't just fix itself
>this is the computer's fault
>Install Solus
>Just werkz
>usb wifi stick drivers only work with specific kernel versions
>same dongle is literally plug n play on any version of windows
my man
Fuck off Kevin
It is for you, though.
>windows crashes for good one day
>fuck it, i'll try this linux thing
>install ubuntu
>kind of cool, most stuff works
>"o hei, system update available, would you like to install now?"
>reboot, BSOD
>that OS toasted itself on an update it requested
Apparently there's some secret to using that thing, since one of our senior devs uses it as his main, and he really knows his shit.
alpine linux doesnt have these problems
>want to update
>run nixos-rebuild switch
>nix creates a consistent set of binaries according to my specification
>don't like it
>rollback to previous generation
stop viral marketing your gay distros
Linux isn't windows, doesn't work like it, won't do things the same.
Learn to Linux if you want to Linux rather than breaking it trying to re-implement your poor Windows habits and general misunderstandings of the device you're using
>hurr durr dont fix all the shitty problems that mainstream distros have, just accept/ignore them!
Kill yourself, retard.
>yet another flavour of the week fork will fix everything!
>instead of directly contributing to existing distros (i.e. the point of free software)
you're why nobody takes linux seriously
Why would anyone want to take advice from someone who behaves as you do?
Again, every single Ubuntu or Mint install I have ever done has had zero issues minus a few media keys not working. Granted, I've never had to deal with graphics cards ever
It would be difficult to fix distros that use mutable state. The whole point of nix is to use pure, functional configuration for the whole system.
I can put my nix configuration on a blank-slate computer, and nixos-rebuild will set up everything like how it was previously.
Because my original post didn't say any retarded shit like
>stop viral marketing your gay distros
that's nice dear but i'll stick with debian, the employed man's choice
Nevermind the fact I use nix for my day job, I'd suggest you take a look at the nix package manager anyway; it's got some really good ideas.
Besides support from the large userbase, what reason could you have to /not/ try a distro with potentially interesting features?
why WOULD i switch distros because some salesman said so when what i have already fills my needs? advertising is against the rules user
>already fills my needs
Even if debian hasn't caused you any headache so far, the point is it's more likely you'll encounter it than on something like nix.
more likely, yet i haven't in my 5 years of use
sorry to disappoint but your marketing schemes don't work on me
Shut the fuck up, debian shill. Stop marketing to me.
Enjoy your global mutable state
I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.
Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called "Linux", and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project.
There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called "Linux" distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.
unlike you, i dont care what OS others use. it's just a little suspicious when some random is trying THIS hard to convince me to use his
>global mutable state
that's a nifty buzzword, you make that up yourself?
> Be me
> Been using Fedora Gnome
>Try Xubuntu
>Bugs everywhere
> Go back to Fedora XFCE.
>tfw comfy.
>nifty buzzword
Someone's never actually taken a compsci course.
>You will immediately cease and not continue to access the site if you are under the age of 18.
>this mad that i don't want to try your OS
it's ok bro i'm sure you'll get one eventually
Debian and derivatives only. And redhat et al. Huh, and arch. Err, install gentoo? Gentoo unironically doesn't have that problem. Cloveros if you're a pleb.
>buy macbook pro
>literally never have to worry about stupid nerd shit
>be happy and productive
what's your excuse virgins?
If only. In reality if you don't update often enough you have to reinstall from scratch since half your system can't be upgraded due to bootstrap issues caused by too old packages.
>Install Arch
>Install W10 in a VM under Arch with PCI passthru for vidya
>laugh at losers who can't manage their own Linux install without crashing into a wall
>also enjoy the best of both worlds without ever having to reboot
Are you niggas even trying? Also, yes I know DF works on Linux but I don't play games on Linux.
That might be the case if you go years without updating. I once when like 180 days without updating and had no problems when I did.
>implying existing distros will fix their flaws
if nix didnt use systemd i would try it
pretty much same situation except iv moved on to the next stage ... removed arch and got void to get rid of systemd
>be me
>am not a retard
>Pacman -Syu
>updates 12 packages
>nothing wrong happens
>continue with my life
Literally never happens. Your fault
ITT: Things that never happened