Going to work, /metro/ edition
1st for America!
magyar cigany
If dubs I'm posting my gfs pic if trips I'm posting her pic in bikini if quints I'm posting her nudes
Are you all asleep bydlos?
no, are you?
Do you eat the kangaroos? Are they tasty?
what's the best city to meet some friendly locals and have a drink with them in hungaria? it's not budapest for sure
You don't have one gf
Debrecen perhaps? Basically any larger uni city without hordes of gypsies.
looks pretty nice I'm putting it on my watch list, every hun i met in Budapest was a depressed rude cunt villager desu
Most of the Hungarians are depressed cunts anyway. I'm not surprised you didn't like Budapesters though, they have a reputation of being insufferable sissy faggots in the whole country.
>delusional cívisfag
Debrecen is a shithole all the same with every Alföld town, it's where culture goes to die, the Hungarian Midwest basically.
Ugly as fuck town of mudhuts and braindead jewified heretics, who'd rather have no streetfront windows than to pay taxes.
Every cívis has the heart of a jew, the brain of a nigger and the looks of an ork.
I'd trade Debrecen for Kassa any time.
village peasant here and i blame the hobos, the gypsies and targeted marketing people
when someone approaches you in budapest, you can be 80% sure he wants to rip you off.
when i moved to bp first it was really hard to learn to ignore them. by now if someone approached me in a pub, i'd suspect that
something fishy's going on.
it's one of weirdo alcoholics who've drunk their brains away years ago and spend all their day walking around the pub anoying random people with their stupid shit,
neither of which is particularly desirable
>Ugly as fuck town of mudhuts and braindead jewified heretics, who'd rather have no streetfront windows than to pay taxes.
sounds like my town desu
I don't even live in Debrecen lol. And say what you wish but it's a really nice place to get wasted, and the downtown is beautiful. Too bad that nightlife basically shuts down after 2 o'clock, but then again it's a pretty small city compared to Budapest. There are much fewer metrosexual teen boys and stinking hipsters as well.
And what's with Kassa? Isn't it basically a gypsy ridden shithole?
>Ugly as fuck
What the fuck are you even on about? It's one of the cleanest cities in Hungary, much better atmosphere that in stinking Budapest.
>t. Kósa Lala
Can I come visit Hungary
Just bring money pls
Can I sleep on your couch!?
How likely am I do get dispossessed if I buy a house in Hungary?
fuck off habsburg
Can you give sum money pls?
sup /v4/
That's not nice.
Good good mr Poland, spread the love.
are you a cute slag?
otherwise no
Why would you get dispossessed? As an EU-citizen you'll have no problem buying property here.
he should, foreigners buying hungarian property should be forbidden
first slovak
Burning hot here
>we have law like that
>we will cancel it because we want to suck EU Dick even harder thanks to being EU leader for half a year
nice, about 18 and overcast here
goddamn what a qt
Well it depends. There is a tendency in larger cities that foreigners buy downtown houses en masse basically making the prices skyrocket (this happened in the last few years in Budapest and a few larger towns with unis).
But there is literally no negative effect of foreigners buying homes in rural areas, actually it helps to revitalize the countryside on the long run.
So it really is a double edged sword and I think it needs to be sanctioned.
Why are Hungarian men so boring and bland?
I want a burly foreign bf.
>t. Silvia Shahzad
kurva anyád buzizsidó
I was thinking about a nice house at a lake, I already live in Vienna, I don't need to move to another one.
Pretty much every Austrian is part hungarian though.
It says we should join the Visegrad group.
Which the regressive left hates and most other people think is a good idea, because we are way closer to you guys in values and policies than we are to Germany, which we are currently stuck with.
Buy one at the Balaton, or if you're looking for the most bang for your buck then the Tisza-tó.
no you shouldn't and you won't
>because we are way closer to you guys in values and policies than we are to Germany
values like what? you don't want African immigrants? that's not too much besides you are building your own gang with czechs and slovaks
>most other people think is a good idea
must be the czechoslovak/hungarian migrants
Well I'd be okay with the V5 including Austria. But are your immigration policies even close to the Visegraders? Haven't your politicians gone apeshit over that?
I mean as I remember we got massive shit from your politicians first when we didn't let the immigrants through because we tried to register them (as the law dictates), then we let them go, so we got massive shit because the poor immigrants needed to walk to the Austrian border then when the government sent buses to transport them we got shit on again because we didn't try to register them. Not even mentioning when we built the wall.
What is the public opinion concerning these topics there?
Did that Netherlander won again for president?
or did second elections not happened yet
>What is the public opinion concerning these topics there?
I'm pretty sure it's not allowed to have any opinion in Austria
That sounds good, I like it.
>letting western lefties in
wow lad they would just destroy v4 from the inside
The way our government acts does not reflect the public opinion.
Right when this shit started last year surveys showed that 80% want a full migration stop.
Hell even the social democrats member survey said they didn't want muslim migration.
Sadly the biggest group in Austria are Germans and they brought their fucked up welcome culture crap with them.
Those kids at the train stations in Austria? German students that didn't make the cut to be allowed into German universities.
Second elections didn't happen yet, also it seems that they will be postponed again, because they fucked up the postal voting cards.
I long to visit the visegrad states
Oh we can have opinions, but if they differ from what the media says, it makes one a hate filled Nazi.
Which kinda led to the situation we have now, where 49.9% of us are considered Nazis by some people.
A couple of decades earlier we'd already be at war with each other.
I hope Hofer wins
I want to see antifa in streets like they promised showing their true colors
its hurts your chances everywhere
countryside should be revitalized by staying power, not by austrian pensioners moving here because their own country is becoming non comfy thanks to towelheads
do you think she will manage to get a matura?
wat? so she's not really phat?
i thought femanon was kill and moved to america
i don't think she is to be honest
i dunno
>Austria at it again
are you going out tonight lads?
>tfw im never going out anymore
you're doing this just to hurt my feelings aren't you
why aren't you going out Mateusz?
oh fugg, it's been a while since i kekked so much, thanks for recommending me to watch M*A*S*H
>no gf
>le introverted meme
maybe we should go out together gregzgzgzg
we went full circle
dutchies are all normies in my experience
thanks but nah I'll just drink some whisky, watch some stupid american show and maybe work on my app a bit
i'm depressed, drunk and hungry
give me a simple dish recipe to make
>be me
>highschool faggot
>final year
>mandatory service in some company every thursday and friday to get experience
>first day in
>it opens at 10am
>i come late 10 mins as per usual
>the guy who owns it stands in front of the shop
>pyjama pants, flip flops and joint in mouth
>all we did was deconstruct 3 laptops then watched trailers and scary movie
>high school
>mandatory service in some company
im asian t b h
what kind of app is it?
i don't like omlettes tbqh, i prefer my eggs softboiled
just a simple location based app for lost/found animals, something like this probably exists already but im doing it for fun and muh experience
what languages/frameworks/technologies?
just java and apis google is providing also android studio is pretty cool to use now
>android api
i would unironically rather code stuff in unity and then port it to android, no matter what it is
i don't have access to good minced beef right now
do you know the oldest lie in v4, senator?
what ingredients do you have, that's probs a better start
that would be a very unefficent and i fail to see any pros
>what ingredients do you have, that's probs a better start
alcohol mists my head like a toxic blanket
time to die
i suggest more booze or some coke or speed or something
well i decided to make some hotdogs
> hotdogs
do it like a pro
with onion maybe cheese and other shit
dont do it like this
my perfect hotdogs are:
hot dog sausages
sliced pickles
i'm about to go to a shop, just need to gather all my motivation to get off my bed
>western lefties
ehhh lads
whats wrong?
what happened?
tell us, user
i don't want to blog post i'm just sad anons, im just sad