He doesnt bring a full sized mechanical keyboard everywhere

>he doesnt bring a full sized mechanical keyboard everywhere
whats it like not caring about workflow?

>he doesn't bring a full sized imac everywhere
you are like a little baby

nice oc reddit itoddler

one time, I brought my cherry green keyboard to the school library and got kicked out after 20 minutes

I unironically want to know what laptop that is

>he doesn't plug in his fullsize to chip and pin pads when he uses his credit card to type his pin faster

>he doesn't bring a mobile metal shop everywhere to machine a new mechanical keyboard at each location

I bring my Outemu Blue Tomoko 87 to work while using it on my laptop (XPS 15).

>>he doesnt bring a real laptop with a built in mechanical keyboard everywhere
whats it like not caring about workflow?

>Not using an ortholinear board

>t. soyboy

I bring an usb thinkpad keyboard to tests at college. It's the closest thing for me.

>he doesn't just put a large UPS and wheels under his desk and move the whole workstation around

I think it's the old Google chromebook.

can someone explain this meme to me?

Holy shit, get gassed.

Ah, I've always thought the Cr-48 looked really great

chromebook pixel 2013

>using that heavy piece of shit
enjoy your scoliosis

Spotted the manlet.

i was thinking of it (plus a mouse), but is it really too much autism? i feel so sluggish using only the built in keyboard/mousepad.

Its a hashtag trashy white people put on their instagram selfies they take during their lunchbreak.

Seriously, go on instagram and type in #workflow.

>he doesn't bring his portable computer with him

Mechanical keyboards are banned at my workplace.

anything to get your workflow up mate

get a 60% desu

If you're using an external keyboard anyway why not a tablet?

>he doesn't buy a $400 chink mechanical keyboard for the extra annoyance

Out of focus chadjeet

>he needs additional keyboard for his laptop
shit keyboard = shit laptop

>gap so everyone can see the Apple logo

how does a mechanical keyboard improve my anime viewing experience?

>Do you have your plastic certificate of autism user?

I never understood why people gushes all over mechanical keyboard.
Even considering all the autism in Sup Forums, I thought mechanical keyboards was too much and that Sup Forums would label it as a gimmicky toy for retards.

I personally like them for one reason: you can remove button caps easily without breaking anything. I like that feature, makes it easier to clean and maybe replace buttons one day. I wish my laptop would have some flat shallow mechanical switches as well, so the keyboard doesn't take much more space than before but I can remove keycaps without breaking them (unlike scissor switches, I can never get them out).