This Elon Musk worshipping needs to stop! He’s a fucking crook! He is infamous for being an anti-union fucker, he works the shit out of his employees. He has 80 billion dollars or some shit and can’t pay his employees a good damn wage. He says crazy fucking things and he doesn’t have any reason to say them. On Reddit it blew up that he said “we need a moon base” or some shit. The fuck? Buddy, it’s one thing to make impossible goals (which he’s famous for making), but why? What output would it have? You can’t just say shit like that. When it comes to science he should keep his mouth shut, he should not have an opinion on things he doesn’t know about. He’s like Steve Jobs but even more untalented. He just locks smart people in a room, tells them to do something, and takes all the credit and doesn’t compensate them fairly. He also fucking scammed people with the Tesla. Fuck Elon Musk. He’s just another billionaire, he’s not the quirky, clever genius that Reddit thinks he is. He’s famous for being an asshole to those who know him well. Just look at his first marriage. Fucking greedy asshole.
This Elon Musk worshipping needs to stop! He’s a fucking crook! He is infamous for being an anti-union fucker...
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>mfw my literal communist / sjw friend says she hates him because she thinks he only wants to take white men to mars
outside of her retarded opinions, shes great.
>Doesn't realize how damaging unions are.
kys commie cuck
I know this feel well.
Damn we must all have friends like this then because my friend who's literally the same as what you said is also pretty cool apart from some of her retarded views. But sometimes I think she's not much more than those opinions, idk.
Damaging to who or what? Billionaires? Fuck off Elon, you may think you can keep the working class placated with ice cream and a rollercoaster, but one day they'll see that they've been exploited and they'll demand compensation: your head. Until that day, I'll be telling them about unions and how they solve the power imbalance between the capitalists and the wage slaves.
As if NASA was any better.
I honestly don't give a shit if he fucks 5 year old boys and then eats them. The man is delivering achievement at the edge of human possibility. He's broadening the definition of our species. His contribution is too important to judge him by traditional standards of those who only make pedantic contributions.
IT infrastructure engineer here, I'm in a union and all of my coworkers are lazy fucks. (I've been in 4 different unions)
Anti union is the only appropriate stance on unions
Yeah seriously... Anyone who "needs" a Union would probably do better as a public servant. If you don't like your job, move to its competitor. Even a free market in utter chaos is better than 1984...
doesn't get much faggier than this boys
I don't give a rat's ass about his business practices or personality, because this fucker is actually achieving things in a field that has been more or less neglected for decades.
Also he's getting more and more people interested in space exploration.
Humanity needs to start dreaming of futuristic Sci-fi stuff again, instead of only giving a crap about what the next phone model is going to bring to the table with it's social media apps.
i can't tell if this is satire or not, but elon musk is pretty based
Elon musk literally had army shills in reddit.
Yes, Elon Musk has make things but believe on intergalactic travel,General IA and more sci-fi are out reality.
>has make things but believe on intergalactic travel,General IA and more sci-fi are out reality.
let me guess, she's pretty
Go away Elon.
It is a persona, personification of a big corporation like Zuckerberg, that is abusing the name of a great inventor to steal wealth from the people.
He isn't achieving shit, his engineers are. This piece of shit literally throws money (lots of government money) at problems that are mercurial at best. Like the OP said, his employees should be credited for the success he's seen, not the other way around.
>He’s just another billionaire, he’s not the quirky, clever genius
If he managed to make into billionaires, he is certainly genius to some extent.
1. Fuck you communist
2. If fucking ROCKET SCIENTISTS don't want to work for him, they can find other jobs
3. Elon Musk is like worse Steve Jobs
Yeah we all know that.
But unfortunately the way world works is that it needs a figurehead to look up to. You can't credit every single individual behind the project, because the public doesn't give a shit about the eggheads behind the project.
He's just like Steve Jobs.
If you just had a bunch of boring engineers talking about this stuff and launching concrete slabs to space instead of cars as a test payload, you can bet your ass that this wouldn't get even half of the attention it's getting.
And who cares if it's gov money. All big companies are evading taxes or getting gov provided tax cuts or bailouts. That subject is useless to even bring up.
The point is that things are happening under his supervision and that's all that really matters.
Later on when documentaries are made about the brains behind the projects the deserving people will get their credit.
Unfortunate, but it's good enough for me if massive public interest in the flamethrower selling meme man gets humanity on the road to Mars.
hes a fraud
its fake
I dated a communist who also often arrived at reasonable conclusions but through flawed reasoning. She was against manned space exploration but not because robots are better but because she was against "imperialism" moving into space.
She did like choke sex though, so that was fun.
I don't really care about this guy one way or the other.
It's not my taxpayer money that he is using.
user. Don't waste too much energy on this. I can tell you're passionate about it and upset. All of your points are correct. However, what you're mistaking is that you can't reach/teach or wake up brainlets. The definition of a brainlet is that they latch on to idols, praise them, and live/think by extension and vicariously through their chosen idol. Elon is the idol of shit tier engineers, plebs, liberals, and otherwise marginal people. They want him to not give credit to his engineers. They praise him for making every bullshit achievement seem grand. It's a pleb brain's desire to be inspired by such trivial things as they are unable to understand the grand/complex. They are unable to appreciate it. They are unable to appreciate the people who do the real hard work because it's foreign to them. They lack intelligence. They lack a fine grasp on reality thus they celebrate whimsical nonsense. You can't change this unfortunately. Focus instead on being a highly intelligent productive person. Don't sell your ideas out to fags like this. Empower other highly intelligent and productive people and build something grand. I know the fuck faces like Elon are annoying as are their followers but just tune them out. If you have something that inspires you more deeply tune into that. The world is filled with noise user. You're gonna go crazy and be mad if you dont learn to tune it out.
I agree on every one of your points, my conclusion is to filter out and avoid any of this nonsense and distance myself from people who engage in it... Because I've learned it brings nothing but negative energy/conflict into my life and they don't want to be better or think. Put your energy into something else and know you're not alone in this world.
tbf, i don't exactly like the guy but you manage to be seem even more unlikeable than him op
you fuckign jelly fuck
Unions are totally shit unless you're okay with being furloughed for the dumbest reasons, and are expected to go "yes master" to what the union decides is within their best interests.
>And who cares if it's gov money. All big companies are evading taxes or getting gov provided tax cuts or bailouts. That subject is useless to even bring up.
I care, I pay into the system, my family and my friends pay into the system so when the Fed is dripping huge sums into a company that is burning cast at the rate of 1.5b/q I get a little concerned with the thought process involved.
Insofar as everything else is concerned, there are a number of other competitors which were all self-funded. The primary one being Blue Origin which frankly is more impressive and hit the reusable benches faster than SpaceX did.
And no, they aren't happening under his supervision, you fucking idiot. At best he does some cursory audits, writes checks and handles PR. End story.
>men on mars
Fucking pointless.
They're obsessed with Mars because they want to find out what happened in a previous cycle. They don't actually intend on trying to settle there. They just want to get the public and enough funding behind expeditions to find out wtf happened.
More like :
> Tune out the dumb fuck brainlets in the world and the idols they praise/live vicariously through.
In the developed world only Americans have this mentality, and shockingly workers are treated worse in America than anywhere else in the developed world.
Depends on the industry user, you will find here in Australia many people who work in the mines or in refining won’t touch unions with a 10 foot pole. They already get paid enough so don’t want to fork money over to the unions.
My father has had horrible experiences with unions trying to bully people working in gas to join.
the unions you do hear about more often are those that deal with teachers, construction and transport. And sometimes they come up with valid complaints.