User I sold your macbook pro and got us both matching libreboot x60s

>user I sold your macbook pro and got us both matching libreboot x60s.

Other urls found in this thread:

Yay! UwU

so nerdy! well okay, i'll give you my penis to suck on :)


Sweet, a nice upgrade. But they clearly aren't quite matching, yours has more stickers.

I want to touch her GPT partition


This a sick transexual.
Give it some pimozide.

*ties up and gags, tosses into trunk of car then drives for while, stops, opens trunk*
>OWO whats this?
>>It’s a mosque filled with Jihadis


Y- you did what? You sold my work laptop??

>try to be feminine
>no clue how to maintain hair

*gay porn laptop

Thanks user for giving me god teir hardware.

nice freudian slip

> unitonically being at the whims of a mentally unstable autistic junkie tranny
i seriously hope you guys don't do this

That just looks like a dude who let his hair grow.
Wouldn't fuck, also it probably IS a dude who let his hair grow and ate some magic woman pills.

>user you know we only use free software in this house and there were binary blobs I couldn't get rid of.
>user will you hold my hand while we do the 1400x1050 IPS mod.

It was intentional
suck a dick, dumb shit

spend the remaining balance on a hairbrush pls

this looks awful

I have no idea what libreboot is or does sorry.

you aren't a real girl, op

My hair is free as in frizzy.
user libreboot is a free bios for your computer. It is completely free software and gets rid of nasty things like the Intel ME.

Isnt this the same guy who runs mmxchan?

>implying I would get mad about that

>frizzy hair
Stop wrecking your hair with hot water.

he was referring to the latest meme.
Apparently one of the GNOME developers actually said "I have no idea what XFCE is or does, sorry"

fucking hell, really?

XFCE is the only decent DE so maybe its just denial

my floppy disk into hard drive

Where's the other 500 bucks then, Thinkpads are cheap as shit?

Nah, apparently GNOME really cares that little about other projects.
They also tried to get the KDE project to comply with its Client-side decorations initiative by claiming that Server-side decorations won't work on wayland, completely ignoring the fact that KDE and I think the Sway project have been working on getting Server side decs working as a part of wayland.

>GNOME developers

She is. She also has a jewtube channel, goes by the name of Tripcode!Q/7

I donated the rest of the money to the fsf to fight for free software.
I like hot showers :c

Baby how am I gonna pay rent?

is that a boy

This is a GNU/Apartment it is free as in freedom.

>She also has a jewtube channel, goes by the name of Tripcode!Q/7
That's a guy's voice

thought it was a man.

look at that fuckin gyno


Reminder that the "girl" in OP's pic is a guy

Girly enough for me.


But I live in Croatia and Macbooks don't exist here.

ur bery cute and i like you

What computers do exist in Croatia?


Windows only windows. And on a IT campus you might find a neckbeard with linux but they're very very rare.

Not on this side, western spy.

Nice gyno, fag. I'd still suck your tiddies.


I don't own a macbook pro but whatever, I'm sure the guy you stole it from is less unhappy to lose it than you are happy to steal it so it's all good.

>"Hi guyssshhhhhhhhhh, Sup Forums issshhhh shhhooo coooool"

>literally only follow 2 Sup Forums youtubers
>both of them make videos in drag on the regular

what a world

Tripocde is such an autistic soyboy tranny faggot. And he even has a lisp (and not the proglang kind). He's painful to watch.

If I was him, I'd just end it all.... because AIDS is not fast enough.

aka Cuckland aka Black Man's Disneyland.

*social media laptop

>pull out iPhone
>launch iTunes app
>soy music starts playing

>autistic soyboy tranny faggot
>a-am i fitting in yet guise???

I wish that was me


Like having that 500 bucks locked to your Mac would allow you to pay that rent any better. Also Apple has the worst batteries and chargers so you just saved your home from burning to the ground, saving a lot more than 500 bucks.

>Black Man's Disneyland
is this true?
asking for a friend btw