How many of you *actually value* the open-source-ness of a piece of software, to the point where it's on your top list of concerns when deciding what to use?
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How many of you *actually value* the open-source-ness of a piece of software, to the point where it's on your top list of concerns when deciding what to use?
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Open Source is nice but not enough. Freedoms is what counts.
It's very important when there are very few official developers because it is hard for them to keep up alone
I'm fine using Windows though
If there's no source code, there's no linux port either.
This is the case in 99% of software
Open source software usually has considerably better quality so I seek it out over anything else most of the time
>Open source software usually has considerably better quality
I said no memes.
That's more what I meant, but I refuse to use the FSF's purposeful overloading of the word free.
Agreed and it is definitely in my list of concerns.
Everything I use is opensource. Even the operating system on my phone, and the software I use to make it run.
>gimp is better than photoshop
>whatever bootleg video editor lintards have is better than premiere or vegas
>tux racer is better than every other game
>kde or gnome is better than apple aqua (the software they try to copy)
simply lol'ing out loud
Personally, it's like priority #5 for me when using software, but it's priority #1 when developing software just due to licensing issues.
I use visual studio for example, but I will go out of my way to use a shitty open source library when writing a program (and just include their license.txt somewhere) than deal with a large software license that is very restrictive.
>something made by paid professionals backed by large established business
>something some fat guy in a basement hacked together for fun
You tell me, user.
If the code of software is hidden, there must be something shady going on.
oh, so if you lock your house door, you must be doing something shady inside? guess i'll be notifying the police then
feels bad man
lmao, actual retard
I'm not going to not use a software if it's not Foss, but I'll definitely use the Foss version if I can. If there isn't one, then I guess my usage of it depends on the software. For example, I won't use a banking program on my phone firstly because it's not Foss, but also because the convenience isn't worth what I have to give up
>something made by paid professionals who are rushed to meet production deadlines and consider bugs as features backed by large established businesses who's shareholders don't care how shitty the product is, just that it makes money
>something some fat guy made with love in a basement for fun
>forgot my second example
But for a situation where, again just as an example, accounting software doesn't have any Foss options, I'll use it because I need it
Yet the openshit is never as good. Makes you think, doesn't it?
The web is built on a shit ton of open source software guys
mAkeS U tHinK?!?
>Yet the openshit is never as good.
Rarely, but not never.
I've found a lot of open source projects that were leagues ahead of their counterparts or have no counterparts at all.
the web is shit
I generally do but not due gayass GPL cult concerns, but mostly because it's easier than cracking some commercial shit and having to deal with viruses and crap.
And the file size itself is generally a fuckton smaller for the same job.
Nowadays every application is trying to find some reason to send telemetry or download shit without my consent. Open-source software isn't perfect but it has a better track record of avoiding this behavior. It's also easy to just remove the offending bits and fork it.
>Normalfags can't even wrap their head around the idea that someone wouldn't want to use spyware and adware
What is wrong with you zombies?
this. I jumped on the linux bandwagon for a while due being a poorfag during mid highschool / early college due being fed up with searching for "the right windows 7 cracked iso" and just rolled with xubuntu.
I don't regret it on the slightest as eventually it made me start messing around with kiddy servers. It amuses me.
Even if you stay on windows.
Sometimes the open source solution is just plain better.
Short answer: yes. Largely because of