There's nowhere you can hide

There's nowhere you can hide.

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I hide in a coffin 6 feet under the ground. Im posting from here now

What good is all that security software when their morals are so shit.
In china, if you hit a pedestrian, you'd better run over them twice, because if you don't, they will sue you for lifetime damages, as opposed to being forced to pay for burial fees.
They don't even have manslaughter in their law books.

Its for finding dissident ThoughtCrime, Big Brother does not care for petty accidents.

Since that is China, I was expecting someone to be run over by that bus.
Open your fucking eyes when you drive, you squinty eyed fucks!

sounds like a good way to spread divisiveness among the populace

It's to track minorities, dissidents, and anyone not deemed friendly to the state. Also tourists. No thought crime involved.

morals are a spook

Being a foreign nigger is physical thoughtcrime, you look different from your fellow slanty-eyed samefaced gook who have been bred to look all like to promote mass unity and acceptance of Big Brother gangster-police state.

Reminder even musical genres are being banned from China. 20 years and the only thing allowed will be wood pipes and the national anthem of the glorious party.

No, China just lacks the left leaning influences so they use stereotypes that work for them. They just take it to the extreme. Like all the Muslims in their country being tacked by their phone. Since that population has a high percentage of crime/terrorism/and beliefs that don't agree with the government,

Yeah I agree, just meming 1984 really.

>1984 really
Ya. It's a lot like what Britain does but the big difference being China is open about it because their citizens support it.

that's right random criminal, you can't hide

how is this a bad thing? crime in NYC is at record lows and let me tell you there are 20 million people there

>how is this a bad thing?
How is it a good thing? Comes down to if you believe in big government or not.

>There's nowhere you can hide.
In bus, nigga.

Can I do this with OpenCV?

That's what you get for using anything google.

They sell everything about you.

based vladposter

ok, how are they supposed to catch random criminals in a city of 20 million?

whatever you believe it's good to have niggers on HD video, agree?

It's China you dumbass. They're not hiring Google for this.

>ok, how are they supposed to catch random criminals in a city of 20 million?
By using police?
>whatever you believe it's good to have niggers on HD video, agree?

>By using police?
so magic? good luck, retard

I hope your mother gets stabbed in her cunt

Sorry for not believing in big government, libby.

>crime in NYC is at record lows
They shut down NYSE?

>big government
cameras are dirty cheap now, libby

but I hope somebody will kick you in the face and get away with it

>ok, how are they supposed to catch random criminals in a city of 20 million?
they usually gather at the nearest government office

Neat, preview of Amazon City.

Did you not watch the 2017 Build conference? This is really old news.

>implying america doesn't use this technology

Even better, private companies use it more than the government.

Enjoy the botnet

top kek

New psycho pass season looks sick

In Asia you only care about yourself

You know what? FUCK China.
I bet they borrowed code from here.

to be fair it was too late to save the kid thank fuck the little nigger was still moving

I'm waiting for someone to integrate yolo with zoneminder so the camera can trigger an alarm and sends an email when a predefined combination of object appears on screen. Effective against porch theft and break-ins.

Bretty cool desu

>used to be impressed by this
>learned about YOLO algorithm
>it's damn simple

Probably not in real time with that resolution. It looks like it's running either yolo or rcnn. OpenCV has a deep learning framework, but I have no idea if someone's written implementations of those yet

>that's right random innocent, you can't hide
Fixed it for you

Why do I always click on the China videos fml.

Fucking rage Everytime it's some poor kid getting murdered.

You motherfuckers who find any child getting killed amusing should get the same treatment as every child rapist has in prison.

I don't think he died. The red was wine and he was moving after the car moved.

It's not for amusement, it's for spreading awareness.

I was thinking the same thing but to spy on hot chicks getting nakey

There's literally an emergency shut off button right there on the sides, or there should be.

>almost 100% accurate face detection recognition
>China, where everyone looks the same
>How fucked is the rest of the world ?

That's a US safety standard

Living in china is like living in an action movie.


Only diffrence between you and him is that you will get your face kicked in HD while he can handle himself and doesn't need to get babysitted by a camera

Why are people so compliant on being controlled? Is it that you think its already over? Or do you just not care like those retarded stoics.

>clearly a nigger
>poor kid

target rich environment

Good luck trying to figure out what the fuck I am.
/cyb/ fashion exists for a reason.

>crime in NYC is at record lows

that's a good way to stand out.

This is a standard in every country with safety rules

Anyone who's anyone knows this software has been out
Detectron on github, done by Facebook research

>head band flashlight
negro was prepared


Wait, what?

In China there are no rules, just guidances.

this is so damn disturbing ...
imagine being crunched up like a spaghetti from an escalator, while still being mindful enough to save your kid not dying the same way

>2017 Build conference
Link please.

it wasn't me who ran over the kid

You do know gait recognition is a thing right?

>because if you don't, they will sue you for lifetime damages

And in the west you can run someone over, leave them with crippling debt (eheheh) and declare yourself bankrupt so you don't have to pay any of it back. The victim suffers for life while you get off relatively scot free.

How is that better than the good ol' coup de grace?

>because their citizens support it
Why the fuck? Why would someone support something like this?

>tfw making something similar

poor education and living conditions

Watching these videos, its like Chinese drivers are incapable of braking and instead hit the gas

NYC is also a hair's width away from being a police state.

What a legend!

>safety rules

>not shoving a dildo up your ass whenever you wanna dissapear from bbs radar

If you cannot beat them, join them. I for one welcome our new police state over lords!

get slain

Me on the bike

Are you implying that an iOS device wouldn't work underground?

This isn't enough face coverage, some random autists on a anime image board will still be able to identify you.

Actually, they won't. But it's always funny to see them try and make the most ridiculous claims.

Dude... fuck off

alt answer: It's safe.


lol, someone found out how to use OpenCV.

Nothing has changed.