So besides a couple of peripheral applications like some webservers and a bunch of supercomputers...

So besides a couple of peripheral applications like some webservers and a bunch of supercomputers, is Linux actually relevant anywhere else really?

Other urls found in this thread:

every android phone
every set-top box
every embedded system
every web server (not managed by dumbass boomers)

It basically owns the embedded world, from Android to the Falcon Heavy to the US Navy. Linux dominates everything except for desktops and laptops.

Visual effects, and increasingly game development.

>Linux dominates everything except for desktops and laptops.
Objectively wrong.

>implying 212 companies surveyed about Windows provides any true objectivity

>so like except for everything other than some desktops wut does linux even do?

Basically nothing that faces regular users.

Android is not really linux, I mean android users don't really interact with linux, they interact with a layer of apps and menus, slapped on top of linux.

>every android phone
Not for long, Fuchsia will be replacing Linux on Android soon.
>every set-top box
Maybe most, but not every.
>every embedded system
Not real-time ones.
>web servers that don't run what I like are managed by dumbass boomers
Filthy millennial detected.

Not for long, Fuchsia will be replacing Linux on flying cars soon.

Right, just like Windows.

>windows server
Literally kill yourself - worst meme

Nobody aside from certain layers of application developers interacts with Linux because Linux is a kernel. The user of a GNU/Linux system interacts with a layer of apps and menus. You're retarded.

You're the retarded one for being so illiterate that you can't even realize that the word "Linux" has two meanings and for failing at text comprehension so hard that you can't understand that we were using it to refer to the whole operating system, not just the kernel.

You're also retarded because you don't have to be a developer to interact with the kernel of Linux, doing something as simple as say a
# echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/all/accept_redirects
when setting up a network appliance is interacting with the kernel, you dipshit!

Hey Jockamette, Linux is an operating system. What are you, some kind of moron?

He's using the >Linux is a kernel meem XD
You shoulnd't take gahnoo shills seriously, otherwise you're going to get burned

It's a toy OS¸ objectively. Good if you're bored and need to waste some time, but not much else.

Holy sample errors, Batman. What is AWS?


>supercomputers and servers run a toy OS

You don't run AWS in an enterprise data center. AWS runs their own data center. I think you've missed entirely what this is even about.

Congratulations, you're retarded. I admin thousands of Ubuntu VMs in KVM across four enterprise DCs, and we're migrating some of our workload to AWS.

>Android is not really linux

Android IS Linux, just not GNU/Linux.

The stuff running on AWS isn't running in your data center, retard. Anything running in AWS is not relevant to the data posted. This isn't difficult to understand yet here I am trying to explain this to like you're more stupid than you actually are. This is why you're a sys admin and not management bro.

That’s because parked domains are mainly composed of few IIS servers. To be more specific it’s the godaddy effect.

>unix still in deployment
>windows relevant


>physical servers and VMs in the Spiceworks network

>damage control

Everything that isn't desktop is basically dominated by Linux. And the only reason for that is vendor lock in and the fact that 90% of computers come with windows pre-installed.

Pic related, shill.

you forget every router

>doing anything besides research project

Google can't make shit.
>bought android which is outdated kernel fork
>used oracles JVM + dalvik
>bought chromeos which is gentoo fork
>fuschia is a freebsd fork
>cant even run on arm or mips
>permissive license
>just x86 hardware

yeah... thats not going to happen bud

they tried this same shit with chromeOS to replace android and desktop linux and failed

bought youtube* too ;^)
what a horrible business plan

>spiceworks isn't an unbiased sample
>but a sample restricted to http servers is
The absolute state of damage control.

>Data: InformationWeek 2015 Windows Survey
>Windows survey

>Everything that isn't desktop is basically dominated by Linux
I can guarantee you that all of the following are undoubtedly NOT dominated by Linux:
>enterprise servers
>network appliances
>real-time applications
>media creation
>payment systems
>storage systems
>groupware servers
>possibly others
So you shouldn't use the word "everything".

Do you have any proof that they're not?
>network appliances
Actually Linux is extremely common in consumer-grade networking hardware.

Every web server managed by dumbass millennials uses linux

>extremely common

I don't have any stats for that, so I'm not going to make any claim that strong.

The only people dealing with windows on a day to day are gamers and people making under 80,000 USD yearly to manage an archaic, soon-to-be-replaced infrastructure in companies that hve been around forever or not so new small businesses led by baby boomer who wants everything „done in house so he can manage it.” Managing windows shit is a job that wont exist soon and windows has never been the os you use when you want anything to scale period.

This thread is filled with hacks and shills, both desparately clinging to the thread of relevance windows still has.

Tldr: if ur making over 80k ur not dealing with windows and theres a good reason for that

In before butthurt replies from windows users. I wont even be around to read them, Ill be hanging with my qt trap gf (who thinks im a qt trap) in my lovely home

Pic related, its windows users sobbing about being cucked out of relevance

>is Linux actually relevant anywhere else really?
not to you. now run along little timmy.

I'm a CPA, I make 90k and all the tools I use are Windows-only. Stay mad.

fuck your filename

This talks about ARTS but the newer system ( is also transitioning to RedHat from the recently deceased Solaris.

Only operating system in space, so yeah, there is that...

Can confirm the latter one. I study "Animation & Game Design" and got asked about linux by most of the programmers in my course. A couple have switched to ubuntu and are now experimenting with different wm's and loving the flexibility.

And with Unity, Blender, Maya and Substance Painter now being native to linux, it really doesn't hold back creative tasks either.

>>cant even run on arm or mips
so only intel and amd can make mobile processors then? android will live forever now

AMD can't develop mobile chips because Intel made some contract with them or some sort.

AMD has APU socs though which are reaching tablet heat/power requirements

The ravenridge soc is under 15W so expect raven refresh or raven 2 to be near 4-8W which is near ARM territory.
Also yes Fuschia/Magenta can't run on any hardware other than x86 at the moment.
Maybe a virtual Qemu mips or something but I doubt it's any where near usable.

Objectively wrong for the mere fact that there's a ton of shit we launched into space way before loonix even existed.

Hahaha my point exactly, get out the big girls n boys are talking about things they know about as professionals


Another day, another 15MB uploaded on Redacted.

For my experience, laptops

>have shitty old laptop
>everything is done in browsers
>run Xubuntu/Lubuntu/Puppy linux
>Old shit laptop turns into an expendable browser machine
>Win10 needs 1GB of RAM (32bit)

Yeah, sure, no use for Linux.

For a year, I have touched my Windows computer only to game occasionally.

>payment systems
Yes, let's talk about how Windows XP running ATMs are a good thing.

Being majority doesn't mean you're the best option.

>lowest system part is linux
>with a GUI on top

This is precisely what Debian/Ubuntu with fucking GNOME does.

Faculty of Arts (Fucking ARTS) in Prague uses 47 servers. Over half of them are Linux. That was 2016. Your 2014 survey (not 2015) has been rendered useless.

> enterprise servers
> network appliances
> real-time applications
> payment systems
> storage systems
That's all dominated by Linux though.

What, you think Paypal and Alipay run on Windows? Or Amazon S3? Or Rackspace or Google's cloud?

And even enterprise servers... though I guess some backward ass place in the USA or EU might use Windows even for the company's servers because MS gave them a good deal, this might still just be outweighed by how many Linux hosted services the same enterprise rents / interfaces with.

most servers
most routers
embedded devices
some desktops

Over 70% of the internet server infrastructure runs some kind of linux distro.

Under capitalism it kinda does. Capitalism rewards excellence.

Ubuntu is not really linux, I mean Ubuntu users don't really interact with linux, they interact with a layer of programs and a GUI stack, slapped on top of linux.

Xorg + Xorgserver + xorg-video + Desktop manager + Window manager + Compositor + Launcher

I've taken to calling it Ubuntu plus Xorg or if you'd live Ubuntu slash Xorg.

da bait is real, I know you're kidding, but it feels too real.
So I guess you might like this.

Mmmm android sweety.

Android is not really linux, I mean android users don't really interact with linux, they interact with a layer of apps and menus, slapped on top of linux.


I know what you replied to.

Windows 10 is not really a computer system, I mean windows users don't really interact with the computer, they interact with windows, they interact with programs and menus slapped on top of Windows OS.

>did I do it right?

Also, for
I run a terminal emulator on Android. Literally gives me Linux programs and capabilities.
>bash/zsh/sh is not Linux

Fuck you, I'll recompile my kernel then.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Linux. The architecture is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical computer science most of the design decisions will go over a typical user’s head.

>management bro
Sounds like you


This but unironically

Yeah no. Its a piece of bloated shit im suprised they dont have http parsing in the kernel yet and built-in geolocation for ip addresses. You know a kernel is shit when they prioritizs ebpf and other dumb tools instead of bug fixes

>is Linux actually relevant anywhere else really?
programming. windows is a pain in the ass to setup compilers.

Try again.

Use chocolatey, you dumbass.

You do realize VS Code is available on all platforms now, right?

>Vim 21.2%
>Emacs 4.6%
Emacsfags eternally BTFO!

How high are you?

My complete debian install is 4GB with all programs. How much is Windows 10? ~20GB, right?

People who don't need it don't want it, people who want it install it.

An 80C85 CPU with 176 kilobytes of ROM and 576 kilobytes of RAM was all that controlled the Sojourner robot that drove across the surface of Mars and delivered geological data and high-resolution images in full-color stereo.

The memory handling on Linux is vastly superior to Windows. I've made more than a few scenes that can no be opened on my Windows partition. If you are serious 3d artist that has invested serious money into your workstation, you better be using Linux, otherwise you are throwing computing resources away.

>custom cyclic executive
>basically one program that controls everything
>60 GOTO 10

Not to throw shit, it must've been awesome, but my point still stands. I can do everything I NEED AND WANT with 4GB worth of programs. Can you do EVERYTHING you want and need with 20GB of a fresh Windows install?

>what is specialization
How fucking retarded are you?

yeah dumbass, use a middle man to do it cause u right

>tfw when microsoft uses linux on azure

get cucked

You should be mad that all your tools are Windows only

It's quite relevant on chinese cartoon tech boards.
So, I guess you're here for the chinese cartoons?

>>Win10 needs 1GB of RAM (32bit)
That's 2GB now. 1GB was barely enough anyway.

>use loonix
>be forced to use an intermediary because the alternative is compiling your own shit since the OS doesn't have support for the most basic feature of static linking and installers don't work
>"omg package managers are awesome XD"

>use windows
>have a choice to use an intermediary
>get mad about it

We're hitting cognitive disonance levels that shouldn't even be possible!

Nah, I'm not a sperg. You should be mad that your peen never touched a vagánia.

nah its irrelevant

>OS doesn't have support for the most basic feature of static linking and installers don't work
Current state of wintoddler trolling.

He's partially right though, Linux can't do static linking and Windows can. However, installers do work, albeit a lot more work is required to avoid DLL hell.

>what is appimage and flatpak

>Enterprise servers
>Not dominated by Linux
holy shit kill yourself fucking shill

I work with webservers and mail servers all running centos. I killed all windows servers 3 years ago.

>Large majority of phones and tablets
>Majority of servers
>All super computers
It is windows that is irrelevant, nobody besides mindless normies who use what their computer comes with use it.

Kludgey workarounds?

Try not being retarded.

web* servers

