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what is the second best headphone behind STAX?
Poorly sealed STAX
best setup coming through
post your setup anons
Well, been playing music through my new Stax l300 setup nonstop for 29 hours now and they’ve definitely opened up a bit from cold.
I think you just ruined your hearing user
You probably won't be saying that once the Magni 3 measurements are actually released
user I like you, you seem nice and you're a stax owner to boot, but we're not big fans of burn in around these parts so don't expect a warm reception
>Burn in
>Warm reception
its an amp, not a dac, I can already tell you that the amp isn't neutral.
I know, there is something off about it
you could say that about any amp that isn't the o2.
I'm want to see the measurements so badly, any day now
Is it worth it spending money for good IEMs?
How about the element?
I'd fugg him after he got rid of that (((nose)))
isn't that just an o2?
here you go senpai
I wouldn't know. Certainly not in physical appearance. I'm heavily considering this as an upgrade from Fiio E10k to power some hungrier headphones.
e10k is pretty solid, what are you trying to drive?
In my experience, yes. I would argue that it's dependent on how often you are likely to use them relative to fullsize cans or speakers.
could you recommend me some decent ones? usage would 1-1.5 hrs a day.
Will be occasionally using HD 6xx.
rate family
the nose knows
sell hd600+k712, buy L300LE
you don't need it, e10k is plenty powerful. its a slightly warmish sounding amp, probably would sound really nice with the 6xx.
Nice best headphones in the world, user.
How did you remove the logo on that 2nd stand? I have one of those as well
I don't want ear speakers, not practical
in which way? the hd600 and k712 aren't practical either if you think stax aren't
just scratched it off with my finger
According to what I learned last thread everything fucking sucks
>You don't need it
I was under the impression they require more power than what the e10k can output to drive them properly. Regardless, I'm looking to use the e10k at work or with a laptop on the go.
add an A so instead of wooaudio it's awooaudio
All headphones (and earspeakers) are flawed. It's true.
>stax are stupid expensive in Australia
>high dust environment
>not user serviceable
>uncomfortable for long uses
>can only be used at your desk on a stax amp (fine if you are a landwhale)
>terrible constuction
Good post
Oh, thanks, I didn't realize it would be that easy to do. Now that I've gotten used to it, I'm not sure whether or not I should
Or just "awoo" I guess, but either way it would probably be so embarrassing
>Or just "awoo" I guess, but either way it would probably be so embarrassing
no way. go even further and stick an awoo sticker on the base
>high dust environment
dust your shit and buy a hepa cleaner, regardless if you buy stax or not. also the lastest stax have dust covers
"just a reminder these are the best headphones < $1000"
Dust covers are not 100% effective.
and? what do you think happens?
Please fill out the OP form so that we can help you to the best of our abilities.
>That THD
Android smartphone
>Type of headphone
>Past headphones
shit tier $10-15 earbuds from Target
Etymotic MK5
honestly you don't really have a choice at this point
I want to suck her toes
threadly reminder to clean and dust your room for your incoming stax. not because you have to (dust covers) but because while we may be autistic (superior) we're not degenerates (dynamicucks)
Don't we all?
($65) Etymotic MK5 for neutral, they are deep-insertion if that's an issue. BA bass has good timbre, but won't give the same "Oomph" and sense of air movement you get with a dynamic driver.
($99) Echobox Finder X1 for U-shaped, tuneable with filters for bass, neutral or treble emphasis. No removable cables, but extremely solid build quality.
($120) Noble Audio EDC Velvet for really rich lowend, less treble emphasis. Again, no removable cables but solid build quality.
All solid options depending on what you're looking for.
Hasn't the magni 3 been out for several months now? How come nobody has done it yet?
looks good, would be a solid choice. I mainly got the magni3 as a pre-out for powered monitors rather than an amp. Imho, it is a bit too v shaped, like other amps better, I would buy an o2 again, but no pre-amp. hpa4-bl is my daily, magni 3 on the tv.
Because people who buy Schiit products are often clueless when it comes to audio
people who care about measurements buy products that already measure well. people who don't care about measurements buy products without regard to measurements or by reputation/hype alone
I used to recommend the magni 3 for a little awhile even though I didn't care for schiit. I started to feel bad potentially giving a bad recommendation. I can't tell if I hope it measures well or not, I stopped giving amp recommendations completely because I honestly don't know what to rec anymore
>Pre-out for powered monitors
It cuts the audio for line out/rca (whichever it has) as soon as you plug in headphones right? I don't know why so many headphone amps do this.
Budget - $250 soft cap, but $300 hard cap
Location - US, midwest, if that makes a difference
Source - Computer mostly [spoiler] and sometimes my iphone8 :^) [/spoiler]
Style - Over ear and closed, but I've never tried open
Comfort - I'd love like an 8/10 or 9/10 on comfort, but I'll settle for a 7/10
Past - I've used Astro A40s for gaming and such, but have switched to ATH-M50s for broader use, and while nice, they had too much clamp.
Kinda looking at the Senn HD 569 and a pair of V-Moda M100's
yeah, it does. but to be honest I'm listening to speakers 90% of the time and I just leave the headphones unplugged. I use headphoens sometimes when playing PlayStation, but that is about it, speakers sound a lot better.
The Mayflower O2 has preouts, I believe massdrop also does, jds labs has the ol switcher that can be used as preamp
I had a mayflower o2/odac, mine was only line outs.
You know the first thing that pops up when I search for /csg/ is this shit show of a thread right? I don't want to know what the best headphone after sennheiser is.
Stop referencing /csg/
At least you know who the best headphone manufacturer is.
We really need to update the IEM guide so that we can stop cross-linking to /csg/, but everyone here either just wants to circlejerk about HD600 and Stax, or whatever the meme of the moment is.
We should just link to head-fi's portable and IEM board, where there's actual discussion of IEMs in all price ranges. There's even a chink thread for just cheap, decent IEMs.
>I don't want to know what the best headphone after sennheiser is.
the best headphones are stax not sennheiser. also everyone knows that /csg/ is for poorfags and the big spenders are here
>the best headphones are stax
Really proved a point, my mid-fi dynamic cuck
>the big senders are here
yeah I kinda fucked up on that one, I forgot some people like you don't even own headphones much less chinkshit like /csg/
stax are not headphones
Debatable. It can shift anytime. The HD 600, however, cannot. Just another pro with Stax
Sure, just sharing my experience. I’m certain any major sonic change is myself getting familiar with how they sound.
any reason in particular you haven't sold them and bought the L300LE?
>I have just recently bought the 569. IMO they sound worse than ath-m40x
lol@buying closed sennheisers and expecting good sound out of them.
There is literally no such a thing as a good sennheiser that's closed. At any price. They're all shit.
Oh, some momio finally. OP, great taste, would fap again.
Have they been reviewed and measured yet?
Have you heard them?
They are not even in final production, so both your question and earlier mentions are ridiculous. So was my question but it was meant to get you back to the real world.
You're the one making stupid claims, not me.
'closed headphones by sennheiser are utter shit'.
>homo enters the discussion
'no they're not look at the hd820 which isn't even in production, is not sold and is still being tuned by the audio engineers in R&D, it's a good closed!'
Literally who gives a shit except for autistic fanboy corporation shilling.
i want to fug migu
who are you people? are you the same person? do you just come in, say your short quipp and then leave? I see these posts every day but there's no backstory. do you stick around and make friends? what is your daily life like? are you in good health? have you acquired a taste for expensive headphones? did you acquire a taste for feet or anime girls because of headphones or did you acquire a taste for headphones because of feet? are you a qt trap? a morbidly obese somaoan? an hd600 shill? a stax shill?
samoan, typing too fast
why the fuck were you recommending it in the first place then you dumb fuck? schiit is garbage and you're stupid.
I don't know
>do you stick around and make friends?
>what is your daily life like?
Lots of work and music listening.
>are you in good health?
Wish I was. Working on it.
>have you acquired a taste for expensive headphones?
I own SR-L700, so probably yes.
>did you acquire a taste for feet or anime girls because of headphones or did you acquire a taste for headphones because of feet?
Acquired both tastes separately, but /hpg/ combines both. So it means that people here are good.
>are you a qt trap? a morbidly obese somaoan? an hd600 shill? a stax shill?
oh, just want to say I appreciate you friendo
Ireland and Japan crafted headphone owner reporting in.
>who are you people?
Random Sup Forums poster.
>are you the same person?
>do you just come in, say your short quipp and then leave?
>I see these posts every day but there's no backstory. do you stick around and make friends?
Not really.
>what is your daily life like? are you in good health?
Work, play and shitposting.
>have you acquired a taste for expensive headphones?
No. I have two ziplock bags of blackberry/samsung/hp/etc phone earbuds I found for 25c each at a PC recycler and they'll likely last for the rest of my life if 3.5mm lasts that long.
>did you acquire a taste for feet or anime girls because of headphones or did you acquire a taste for headphones because of feet?
>are you a qt trap?
I used be mistaken as a girl a lot when I had really long hair and other guys would do a double take as they walked past me in bathrooms. Now I have it at my shoulders and people still sometimes call me ma'am and miss.
>a morbidly obese somaoan?
>an hd600 shill?
>a stax shill?
I should randomly quiz you guys more often