What does black part of this flag mean?


black = ficki ficki
red = virgin blood
gold = welfare

Pr*ssia i suggest

Black is for Africa
Red is for Turkey
Yellow is for beer.

black people

Black and yellow are not meant to be on flags. This is hideous.


blood of the infidel
sand of their original home

It should be read the opposite way.

From gold (1980s) through reds (left-wingers) into the darkness (BBC).


it's gold

The flag of South Africa literally mean BLACKED.

You mean we have gold skin?


Then why isn't that guy's flag all yellow?

It had had confidential notes written by VW executives before they blacked out the part


That was for the old Black-White-Red

Both gold and silver are as metals meant to be used with flags, just not in combination. The Holy See is the exemption.

The colors are from the Lützow Free Corps. They used black uniforms since they made them themselves by dying other colors.
Gold were the buttons and red the linings.
Another explanation is that these are the colors of the old empire's coat of arms. The black eagle on golden ground with red beak and talons


Actually the gold-red-black color scheme feels so glorious and dignified, even more so with these historical contexts.
That's a bit of shame about Belgium being a chinky copycat to ruin your uniqueness and originality.

Gold is a metal, not a color - the color is dark yellow.

Black is Africa.
Red is Turkey.
Yellow is their Mongolian blood.

Original Finn strikes again