
>Job title

Software developer

>$1mil yearly
>CIA nigger
>9 inches

Honestly a little depressed that my life isn't too good. I would have killed myself if it got any worse, don't know how someone lives through it. At least this LARP thread is something to look forward to.

Nice datamining thread faggot.

>POS operations engineer

>$44 an hour
>Pipe fitter

Though, it's not a lot for my state

East coast?


>300k starting
>any job I want

How'd you know?


Nice larp

Lab Analyst

Not much money, but life is good and cost of living is low where I live

>$15.69 a hour
>Bookkeeper, Scan Clerk, Front End Clerk, Customer Service, ect.

Software Developer (my company doesn't really do titles)

>tech support (helpdesk)

Low cost of living. It goes pretty far. Will probably be moving to dev position soon. Honestly love my job. Things are looking up.

Mommy's Special Boy

>Inventory control at a warehouse
My job is shit but I also trade cryptocurrency and have made massive profits from it, otherwise I'd probably join the military or kill myself desu

How are taxes treating you?

Chemistry or Biology?

>twenty two
>zero dollars

No salary, ~80 000 € left in savings
NEET, not actively looking

150k total comp
Software development engineer

10000 rupees
Tech support

According to my 2017 1040 I owed $15,845 after itemization on $121,107 of gross income ($100,206 AGI), and actually got a $3472 refund mostly due to a non payroll HSA contribution since my company doesn't do that unfortunately.

If you mean the recent tax bill I expect I'll end up owing more next year due to the cap on certain types of itemization that the standard deduction increase won't make up for.

>Quality manager at a fish company
I have no loans and I don't pay much in rent so i'd say life is good so far.

>actually itemizing
Nice job cuck.

The beauty of living in a high tax state and high property tax county.


Started uni 2 years late doing my first internship at microsoft this summer

It's never to late to start school Sup Forums

grad student U Wisconsin physics

Chief Masturbation Officer (Senior Vice President of Procrastination previously)

about 1000 euros a month
Software guy in family company



Begone, CIA data miner

$250k total comp
HFT dev

Seriously? I was making 35k when I was 22 no degree working a shitty factory job, Stevens Point here. Shouldn't you be making a lot more than that dere eh?

>Principle Software Engineer
>$135k/yr USD

I think after 15 years or development, I am starting to burn out. I listen to every podcast, read every blog about new technology and I just don't feel like investing the effort to implement new shit. Lots of bureaucracy and politics at work with our enterprise software shit. Lots of "do the kindly needy" types if you know what I mean.

>software engineer
>6 Inches

kys manlet

Who cares about height, your mom certainly dosent

Scrum master

>food service

>self employed web developer

Grad students get paid like shit. This is pretty much the case everywhere. I also make ~30k, Masters student

Anywhere between $10 and $5000
Student who makes money doing whatever he comes up with everytime his bank account reaches a certain point.

1553 usd / month
qa engineer

and those useless cunts in hr get 3400 usd (more than our lead programmer) for being lazy retards. might switch position to hr. according to what they do, im perfectly qualified.

>sysadmin, network eng, project management


fast-food soyboy

Varies but approx 100k AUD
Police Officer

Training to be detective and studying cyber security degree, plan is to jump ship to corporate sector later in life.

>Deep Learning Resident at NVIDIA

>18 year old Deep Learning Resident
Not even calling bullshit. That's fucking impressing man.

>Chef, Wendy's

What kind of b2c software do you think is going to come out in the next few years? I'm Curious

>Software developer

I guess the average Sup Forumsentleman is actually in the 95th percentile for salary for 20-somethings. We're fucking rich bois, we did it

> QA engineer
Do you actually write mock services/emulations/browser automation and db tests, or are you just a click monkey?

>17,000~ USD
>vacuous warehouse drone
I fucking hate life. I can't begin to imagine what you 50,000+ earners do with all your disposable income.

Not him but
>barely 1500 a month
What do you think? Automating qa can get you the same salary as an entry-level programmer

Take care of my mom and pay exorbitant rent

it's kinda suck but very comfortable

> Entry level
I get paid more than middle Dev.
But then again I write mostly win32api emulation and shit like that.
I still hate autoQA. Automation QA is a horrible, soul-crushing grind fest.

i better get a raise soon or im quitn'

where do you do though

>24 next week
>executive concierge

>soft dev. Python/C++


im in the west coast if thats what youre asking

I'm honestly just hoping my life savings in LINK will make me enough to retire. If not at least enough to go full vagabond and travel until I'm killed or starve or something

I believe in you, user

sorry i meant what do you do? are you a developer?

I was there only 2 years ago man. Just keep looking and signing up with white collar recruiters while you work

Anyone here do embedded software?

€45000 last year
data protection consultant
I basically get hired to tell businesses how shit their handling of personal informations is. God bless the EU.

yeah, software dev


> 25
> 145k/year
> software security engineer

Pig, enjoy your dollarydos you sellout piece of shit.

Cheers m8 I am

Work at a bottle depot counting cans, jugs, bottles etc.

Life is fuckin sweet

how many do you count per day

Is it comfy

>W-2 for last year says 255k
>Software Engineer
I post the same thing in these threads every time but no one ever believes me.

132k total comp 100 base
Systems Engineer

$10 an hour
Grocery stocker

well damn, i think that's the end goal for me

thats a nice haul, what the fuck are building

You're making like 50-70k more than leads and senior devs in nice positions so yeah. You'd have to be in a super competitive shop to make that much

My W2 was 220k and I'm only 22. You fucked up somehow.

>college student.
Life sucks mates.

>electrical & computer engineer

Damn son, my W2 was 520k and I'm 18, you need to catch up.

it might get better


> 20
> ~25k a year
> College student but I cook part time
> tfw can't get a proper IT job or something decent because of school during the week

I work at a large software company. I have crippling impostor syndrome and always feel like I'm going to be fired any day even though it's been 4 years. Honestly, part of the reason why I feel that way is because the job just isn't as hard as it's made to be and I'm still paid a ridiculous amount of money for it. In fact, I just realized there was an extra 30k in box 12 for healthcare and 401(k) contributions. There are also people at my work who are really really super smart and I just feel dumb next to them.

I'm in the Seattle area where we tend to get paid more in general. That might have something to do with it too.
Keep in mind they put a ridiculously high bar of entry in the technical job interviews. This means there is a smaller pool of hires, which leads to higher wages and more competition over that small pool of hires between software companies. That, or people in general really suck at coding.

Oh noes! How will I ever live with myself now?

>proper IT job
why would you want to tell old women how to fix their printers? unless of course you mean a programming job which is not IT. misused nomenclature gives me fucking AIDS

$175k total comp
>>Job title
Software Development Engineer

this is relatively normal for people with 10+ years experience at large tech companies

are you planning on moving up or just going to cruise as an individual contributor?

>Senior Software Engineer at game studio

Na IT, I don't have confidence in my programming abilities yet to try to apply for any real jobs. but to answer your question
> Why would I want to make Ranjeet's order 'extra spicy' only for him to send it back because it's too spicy every day
I'll take the lesser of the two evils