I'm getting new laptop and I can't deside what FS should I go for

I'm getting new laptop and I can't deside what FS should I go for

Thinking about ZFS or Ext4 but frankly my knowledge about FS is poor.

I'm currently on BTRFS which is cool (no issues) but I have to balance the disk from time to time.

What you should recommend for laptop 512 GB SSD i nterms of performance/linux support/zero-issues?

I'm average developer not a file sharing station nor gamer nor guy who makes 10 partitions of 1 GB.

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Just go with ext4 on LVM

>I'm average developer not a file sharing station nor gamer nor guy who makes 10 partitions of 1 GB.

why concern yourself with anything else than the standard? as a normal user you dont need anything more and complex that could cause you issues

Yea thats what I was thinking I should do.
But in these days there is so many filesystems so I was thinking maybe there could be better option.

better options for a normal user? no. better options for servers, yes.

why should I use LVM?

I get that...thank you.

have you tried google?


first result

>I'm currently on BTRFS
Living on the edge I see.

Living in the past I see.

just use ext4
-jack of all trades
-stable, proven and time tested
-trusted by all commercial and non-commercial GNU+Linux and nonGNU Linux distros/systems
-reliable read access in non-Linux systems via 3rd party programs

>-stable, proven and time tested

>for a laptop

>using anything but XFS

the state of Sup Forums xD

If you're buying into the NVMe jew (or your main disk is a fucking SD card), F2FS.

Just go with ext4, its the standard for Linux and as a result, extremely well supported.

LVM is good for everything, friend. I don't install without it.

Mount arguments
/boot EXT4 partition lazytime,discard
/home EXT4 partition lazytime,discard
/var BTRFS partition discard,noatime
/ BTRFS partition compress=lzo,discard,noatime

Not even sure why I picked BTRFS for /var but for root it was lzo compression.

ext4 is just as fast as F2FS.

Ext4 or XFS, either is fine. Don't use btrfs it's slow and unreliable.

There is no reason to use BTRFS unless you know what you are doing. I used to use it years ago but a power outage killed it and ended up with boot times lasting over an hour. I never fixed it since I rarely rebooted.

>I used an immature filesystem when it was immature and it did bad things
>it's impossible for that filesystem to ever mature, even years later.
What's it like being a brainlet?

ZFS is mostly meant to be used with redundancy and ECC RAM

It's not like it's impossible to convert to BTRFS.


You shouldn't use the discard mount option, it leads to excessive discards. Just run fstrim monthly.