>use older dankpad with 4 GB ram
>have several windows open, including office, several pdfs, explorer and browser with 4 tabs
>suddenly huge lag, everything creeps, windows don't respond, task manager takes 1 minute to open
>firefox has 6 threads and uses several GB of RAM, writing to page file on spinning rust
wtf is wrong with modern browsers? how can rendering and displaying some really basic html pages require so much RAM?
Use older dankpad with 4 GB ram
what's the final solution to the javascript problem?
How comes that I only experienced these massive slowdowns, when running out of RAM, on Windows. At work I use Win7 and when hitting around 80% Ram usage it becomes unusable. On my Linux Laptop I have the same amount of RAM and never had slowdowns. Is it just me or what is the reason for this
Linux is lighter on the RAM because it loves it dynamic linking
accepting your death
chrome is adding hard cpu restrictions for background javascript, including service workers
meanwhile mozilla sponsors antifa and gobbles on black cock
>chrome is adding hard cpu restrictions for background javascript, including service workers
Let's see how that works for their own (google docs) memescripts and pajeettube.
>Let's see how that works for their own (google docs) memescripts and pajeettube.
background javascript. foreground will sadly not be cpu limited (but it fucking should be imo)
windows is bloated shit that wastes your systems resources and linux is not shit.
Typescript maybe
There's nothing wrong with modern browsers, stop using an obsolete thinkpoo.
>use older dankpad with 4 GB ram
my tablet has twice that amount of ram and a 7th generation i5
how does it make you feel
What websites did you have open?
>basic html pages
That's where you're wrong, buddy.
A few weeks ago I had to remove some RAM sticks from my machine and I was using it with 2GB. No pagefile/swap. In Windows after loading like 2 sites in different tabs on Firefox I got the not enough RAM alert and it'd try to close the browser. On Linux I would open like 5 tabs and RAM usage barely went above 1GB. I don't know if it's the OS or the browser's fault.
indifferent. my desktop has 32 GB RAM and in a few years that will be insufficient. that's the circle of hardware life.
we accept homosexuality into our hearts and burn brandon eich at stake
>Current date
>Using Macbook 2010 for bed shitposting
>4GB of RAM and SSD
>Running Google(botnet) Chrome
>16 tabs open, half of them threads
>No problems, no lag
So yeah. Cool OP.
desu I think you have other problems I moved to friefox because oh chrome munching my ram I only have 4gb Firefox can handle atleast 30 webpages okay
>Not having at least 16GiB of RAM memory sticks
Problem is between a chair and computer.
Web assembly
ew no fuck off
ecmascript > any other hipster shit tier script language
Bro there are entire engines running on the background, not just for the html. It's like running a modern AAA videogame.
You either accept the fact that you need at least 16GB ram for computers nowadays or just stick to outdated shit.