Hi Sup Forums

Hi Sup Forums

I'm a complete idiot and got ransomware.
Long story short I have the shit I need backed up and i'm planning on 100% wiping both my drives and reinstalling windows via a USB.

What's the best program/ways of completely wiping all drives and leaving nothing behind so I can do a fresh install?

PS. Main drive is SSD, secondary is HDD, dunno if that matters at all.

Darik's boot&nuke. Google it

Cheers my guy

12 hours to go rip

No wonder you got ransomware fukn numpty

I can't into Linux, I prefer my just werks so I can do everything without having to care

Just like, ignore the fact I got ransomware while reading that


Welp thats a marvellous way to take 90% off its lifespan. Well done.

>multipass DBAN on an SSD

Does it really matter that much?

Probably not. There's almost 60TB of writes on this SSD.

I mean worst case scenario my ssd will just run slower right? I could deal with that

Nigga you dont DBAN an SSD the fuck are you doin boy

It does matter, the lifetime of most SSDs is limited by writes. It won't run slower, you're really just bringing it closer to death. If those writes are a significant part of its lifetime is another matter. Just format it in the OS installer.

Well the drive is 3 years old and was never more than half filled. Does that mean it could still be alright?

How full it was is completely irrelevant. What you're doing at this very moment is simply writing zeroes all over the disk, 3 times. Doing this will only bring it closer to its death, really.

How do I know if it's fucked or close to being fucked?

You can't, really. You can check the health of an SSD in tools like CrystalDiskInfo, but that metric is very poor - a lot of disks die at the 70-80% mark. Just stop what you're doing and format them once in the OS installer. You don't really need anything else, except for the worst malware.

Ever tried linux? It's really not rocket science and as long as you're not a complete retard almost idiot proof. Like max a two day learning curve and no evil windows backdoor nsa bullshit. Just give into it friend

If I pull the plug now it won't fuck something up?

I don't see how stopping DBAN midway could do any harm. Just hold the power button until the PC turns off. Make sure to format the disks properly afterward.

You don't need to wipe it all completely unless you have data that you don't want to be recovered.

Simply deleting the partition(s) during Windows install will do the trick against all malware (assuming there's no malware in other places like firmware / bios, but this is rare; I know this applied to Apple hardware recently). It doesn't matter if the virus code is still on the disk...

OP here, thanks for making me do less retarded shit guys.

>Linux is easy for the average user
Stop lying

He probably plays vidya.

Saved for Sup Forums ylyl

what? why is ransomware giving him a chance to save himself? I don't understand