This shit is so fucking painful to use especially on sites like youtube ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

this shit is so fucking painful to use especially on sites like youtube ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Other urls found in this thread:

hooktube supposedly doesn't have this problem.

>his browser supports youtube in the first place
>not having an mpv autolauncher

it's only painful with "web app" sites that are borderline malware


Just install Noscript



>probably chrome

It's FireFox

You're still using YouTube, faggots

Go to Sup Forums ok amigo

No, I use VLC


Now I love it even more!

but in reality

What do you find difficult? You just need to enable XHR.

wHy u dO dis

Why not?

congrats, you have autism

>enable googlevideo
>just werks

Why? VLC has better h/w decoding, Eq, and better resource management, etc. It's just better. Plus, it can output to a file.

Install the 'Open With' addon, make whatever profiles for MPV you want. Now you simply right-click the link and open with MPV.


Youtube keeps your progress in a video, the fact that you've watched it*, you support your favorite youtuber via watchtime and ratings**, and you can use the suggested videos column.

*Youtube's home page is shit for me since it keeps recommending shit I've watched for some reason.
**For some reason despite everyone unapologetically sinking potentially dozens or even hundreds of hours into youtube, they think youtubers have no value and deserve not a penny, so not like you give a shit.

than what?

>it can output to a file
as can mpv

Now that yoy mention it. Whatever happens to that coin miner in jewtube? Is it still there? Never went to jewtube anymore since then.

>favorite youtuber
I don't have any.

>than what?
Than any player, let alona a html5 one in a browser.

How the fuck can you not see that your actually full on autistic.

Oh, ok. Just cherrypick to falsely reduce a single point out of all the ones I made to a single person even though I explicitly broadened the scope under the asterisk. I'm sure that proves lifting a video from its infrastructure to be beneficial to having access to its infrastructure.

Press the lock button after setting it up on each site, then the next time you visit it will remember the previously white-listed things.

Imagine being this intolerant

A state of war exists between internet users and these "people". War ain't meant to be easy.

How to fix Google captcha? What do I need to allow?

Next version will come with whitelist subscriptions to fix major sites automatically -

Look up umatrix rule sets, Mr. Gorilla Hills has provided settings for common sites so that they don't break

vlc just works, ran into a music format a few days ago, and the only thing I had that ran it natively was vlc. Mpv, while its able to play it a bit, crashes out.

apparently mpv can't as the last time I asked about this I was bitched out of the mpv thread for not knowing what streaming is.

By leaving.

If there is any kind of extention to add a button to move the link to your prefered player, I would use this as an option.

fucking youtube web wont buffer videos, while lets say pot player will fully buffer a video. this isn't an issue most of the time youtube runs well, but I have a 150mbit line, and I should be able to stream 8k60, but youtube won't allow it to buffer properly and insists on only sending small chunks at a time.

Its also great when you want to watch a several hour plus long video as youtube doesn't do that very good either.

>areyouhuman dot com
the fuck is this and why is it trying to connect via Sup Forums?

this will be great.

use ublock and umatrix, on sites that generally don't feed you shit, turn them off and just rely on the adblock to filter the shit.

Try this:

>use ublock
>just rely on the adblock
Which one is it?

I would still suck it

I forget adblock was an extension
just rely on the ad block to get everything undesirable, a site like youtube won't host the offending shit itself, so matrix is overkill, but an ad could have something, and ublock will catch that.

>a site like youtube won't host the offending shit itself
>won't host the offending shit
>so matrix is overkill
You only need to set up the rules once. Youtube isn't one of those sites people visit one time.

noscript is 100x worse

>he doesn't know how to set universal rules in umatrix

Thank you for the tip.

for one, you can use an extension, "play with external player", and second, you don't need to go to media>open link, just paste the link in the window

>you don't need to go to media>open link, just paste the link in the window
I know. I did that so people understand what's happening in that gif (pronounced with a soft 'g').

