Virtual Girls

This is why Japan has problems with the declining birth rate.

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almost looks like a real one. you're making progress

i read somewhere you guys pay girls just to talk to them,thats just sad.....

But does she have a pixellated vagina like the rest of your women?

>you will never have that cute as your wife


Naah, you can tell there's no soul in those eyes.

So I will be single forever.

Birth rate of japan has risen since 2005.
The issue of low rate will be solved until 2030, thanks Abe.

What or who is this cute creature?


Virtual Girl...?

she is artificial anyway

I feel...raped.


I think USB-onahole and HMD will solve the problem.

india bringing the bants

and this isnt the korean or englishteacher diaspora work?

Birth rate of Germany is lower than Japan.
You need to care your country's rate at first.

>tfw VR becomes great in the next 10 years
>all the porn
>all the waifus

Just kill me already and upload me in the matrix

Germans just received a fresh load of young males. Problem solved.

Racial purity now... Well that's another one


but that's just what he said

I'm curious to know my country birth rate, it's probably ridicoulously low, if you take out the immigrants child almost noone of us is having children untile late '30

This is why:

It's on a par with Japan, but that's partially offset by higher immigration.

Why doesn't she look attractive like this one

We're really going to extinct, eh, it was a fun ride

Well, they're made in the image of a Japanese.

Nope. Confounding factor. Destruction of traditional society and marginalisation of proper masculine behaviours has caused both the population crisis and the retreat in to fantasy.

Maybe you need more imigration


>render perfectly photorealistic hair
>skin and face so realistic it passes as a real person from a distance
>use the worst and most awful textures you could find for her clothes
that shirt looks like plastic and the jacket and tie are awful


fuck off back to /r/Sup Forums you cancerfaggots


Somebody fly me out to Japan. I'll nut in all of them.

German """""humor"""""

what's wrong hans? Is mohammed fucking your wife again?