i want to use debian as my desktop os. i will mainly use it for programming and university stuff.
is unstable too unstable? i heard stable has very outdated packages and testing doesn't receive security updates.
thnk for reply
I want to use debian as my desktop os. i will mainly use it for programming and university stuff
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Read the documentation, don't listen to memes.
>is unstable too unstable?
no, not at all. it's just unstable by debian standards - "it just works slightly less".
>I heard stable has very outdated packages
in what way? I'm on stable and there's nothing I really miss.
>testing doesn't receive security updates.
well, testing is meant for testing. wouldn't use it for production (i. e. your own desktop).
you obviously don't want to stand on the bleeding edge if you're concerned about security (or stability).
what is it that you're after in terms of features? if you don't know what you're missing by picking stable over unstable, then you most likely don't need it.
read the docs and the subjective feedback of other users
do you believe unstable is also a good system to use at work? i want newest versions of python and stuff like that
Do you really want to have recent softwares?
Do you think that having a (often useless) feature one year earlier is really important when what you really want is a working and stable machine?
Do you want to be a beta tester?
Unstable is stable as others updated distributions (Fedora for example).
You can always install the newest version if you want to, even on the stable version of Debian.
that requires the use of backports right? and there are only a few official backports of software, no? newest software often betters performance, no?
Testing doesn't get security updates in a timely matter it will eventually get them as testing is being prepared to be the next stable.
What's more annoying is GUI stuff will stop working after an update. You have to use CLI until fix is made available. So far had this has affected unrar and currently openvpn for my self (over the few years that I have been using testing) but like I said you just use CLI to do that stuff until their is a fix.
that depends on if you need it or not
I'm currently on stretch, with Python 3.5.3. don't really know what I'm missing
no big deal
>newest software often betters performance, no?
it depends on the devs. are they focusing on adding new features, optimizing performance, removing old bugs? generally software bloats.
I'll save you time, don't.
stable and testing have too old package and kernel, yes even testing
unstable is too unstable
you'll loose 2 days trying too understand what went wrong, missing drivers, shit default conf etc
if you're a freetard use trisquel its based on Ubuntu
but even google uses debian. they apparently use testing, not sure why not sid
Google will use their own distro based on a recompiled, reconfigured Debian Testing, they'll do security patch by themself too
so no it's not the same distro you'll get
this. Can't tell you how many times I've had to download packages that required newer dependancies and I mean wayyyyyluhmao newer dependancies than the old groot of a distro had on him
well damn why does debian only have those two extremes. they should have a release thats more stable than sid but with newer packages than stable. i feel like a lot of desktop users are turned off by this.
apt full-upgrade
Kernel: 4.9.0-5
Debian is replaced by Ubuntu. Don't install obsolete software.
Sever: Ubuntu
Desktop: Fedora
>they should have a release thats more stable than sid but with newer packages than stabl
it's barely Ubuntu, too bad they don't ship an Ubuntu flavor without proprietary blobs
>using a downstream OS
>relying on Ubuntu for production
what would you recommend for a desktop distro for development
Use ubuntu at that point
but, but, Ubuntu IS based on Debian...
yeah like the civilization was based on anarchy
unstable is basically Ubuntu with the upside of not being Ubuntu
it actually doesn't matter that much.
nearly all modern distros have all the reqd packages and IDE's.
users are also great at confusing distros and de/wm's. they often blame malfunction in the DE/WM on the underlying OS.
I can have a fully functioning IDE, terminal, web-browser, and text editor in Debian, Ubuntu, RHEL, Slack, Gentoo, BSD, Arch, et c. it just depends on what your priorities are. only install what you need. update fully. backport if necessary.
more like degeneracy was based off progress
We can install new versions in the stable version ?
>Ubuntu as a server
Why don't you upstart your suicide, and snapd your dick off.
enjoy your packages from 2013
They're called backports
Just compile from source if you want the latest version of python, but if you're learning, sticking to the distro packages is fine.
I used debian unstable for university work and still use it on a daily basis, I never encountered a large issue save from tiny things at first boot but nothing they couldn't be fixed with a 10s Web search.
If you want to no brain it, you may also use ubuntu. Avoid mint. If you have other questions, post them.
Utter bullshit.
Debian unstable for desktop
Debian stable for server.
Nothing more.
Nothing less.
do you find debian unstable to also be stable enough for work?
never use rolling for work
because rolling tends to break and require maintenance? that's my impression but people here keep convincing me that's not true and nothing ever breaks for them
people here recommanding rolling distro are weebs who use their pc to watch anime and ricing their DE, and having to fix stuff is like an anniversary gift for them
of course you can go rolling for that,
still i would use testing, much less hassle, and your desktop isn't going to get a 0day
I used to run unstable for a few years. Never really hit serious problems. I do testing for non-prod servers (hobby stuff).
if i installed stable Debian, can i:
>play windows games using WINE?
>use emulators
>watch anime
>install and use Unreal engine
without much hassle?
Short answer: Yes
Long answer: Yes, but be careful when dist-upgrading. Watch which new packages are being pulled and which are being removed before confirming the operation. Bugs and fuckups can (and probably will) happen.
I've been using sid at work for a bit more than two years (sysadmin position) and my system broke twice : cryptsetup somehow broke my LUKS encrypted swap and the latest nvidia-driver fucked up screen detection. I'm running on nouveau right now and it works fine.
debian, just like any other linux distro, is fucking garbage. use freebsd or openbsd instead
If you need or want recent packages Arch is great.
shut up Theo
nice blog dude
what's your fucking problem?
it's not a blogpost as much as it was simply answering questions.
if 5 small paragraphs about the topic of the thread is too mentally overwhelming for you, then I'd suggest that you get out
suck my fucking rat dick
Debian is quite adequate for my Raspberry Pi.
Debian unstable. Been there, done that and switched to Arch.
the strongest critique this guy had was that the name rhymes with "plebian"
so it's clearly a great OS
>Debian Stable's kernel is too old
>use Trisquel instead, even though it hasn't been upgraded since 2014
For fuck's sake, Debian 8 is newer than Trisquel 7.
Debian Testing is rock solid... people just get scared of the word "testing."
So I see you're running Gnome.
Looks like LXQt to me
Just install Ubuntu. You aren't going to reconfigure Debian like Google. There's nothing wrong with Ubuntu.
Nice ass.
I have no idea what LXQt is or does sorry.
Go with testing, literally never breaks. Sid's fine too; some would say it's better.
>i feel like a lot of desktop users are turned off by this.
Dear retarded knigger:
Debian isn't for you nor should it cater to you. You don't matter. Debian is for making other distros or for special use cases which by your retarded post you do not need.
Install Ubuntu or Fedora, or both.
Have you ever seen Gnome?
Everything in Debian stable is outdated.
Old compilers, old libc, everything.
If that's fine with you, then go for it.