What does Sup Forums think about the Lenovo 720s?

What does Sup Forums think about the Lenovo 720s?

>256GB SSD
>14” 1080p
>Bluetooth, WiFi
>USB 3.0 and Thunderbolt
>$~720 after discounts and rebates

Already getting a MacBook Pro, but don’t mind grabbing an additional laptop

All intel processors has a hardware flaw called Meltdown

You’re implying viable alternatives exist in this category

my librebooted toaster running the GNU Operating System using the Linux kernel dose not have this problem

Ryzen Mobile(if it wasn't overpriced as fuck)

I would get the Xiaomi pro book

>Lenovo after 2011

Naw, man. Naw.

>Xiaomi Pro book
>everything looks good but-

I know it's a little small, but the soybois today need their mini devices.

the trackpad is fucking huge and the keyboard is aids


i have a 710s

its a bloody excellent machine but the keyboard is a bit shitty. Some keys feel more rigid while other are mushier.

Also the rubber at the bottom melts away with heavier workload

but after 5months of usage i cant complain. its the best ultrabook value ultrabook you can get.

i assume the 720s is similar

How so?

>the current year

this is pretty good

user pay attention in rock music class

We can all see you, you fat autistic neckbeard with the dinosaur laptop

If they don't, then I would rather have nothing.

Why are you in this class anyway, was there literally no better elective to choose?

you have a personality flow called Online Shilling Disorder

user why aren't you paying attention in class?

user pay attention in school!

user pay attention in class

What class you in user?

Schooltime not Sup Forumstime

>that nigga whomst takes his memepad to class to browse Sup Forums

was it autism?

user get off Sup Forums and get back to class

Sup Forums is still better than modern education desu

Pay attention to your professor, user

We're all making fun of you!

we know!

now he's gonna see who took that image

is that the botnet watching him?

user, focus on your class.

>he doesn't even use Tomorrow theme
look at this dood

Pay attention to your teacher you ungrateful goober

Maybe his prof will shitpost in this thread to tell user to pay attention

Bought a 720s the other day. It's great.

Which config?

get a thinkpad

ITT we bump until glasses user notices and takes a counter-picture of the fat itoddler taking photos of him.

Pay attention user!
No reason to be slacking. College isn't cheap.

Cute user with the glasses please respond. Take a counter picture of the iToddler to make this day golden.

I know OP is a faggot who needs to pay attention in class instead of wasting his trust fund.

But on a serious note: I'm actually thinking about getting an Acer laptop with an MX150. Does anybody have any experience with this GPU? The performance looks promising as i'm going to be using it for 3D modelling and graphical rendering (gameplay footage looks respectively smooth). Should I spend more on a higher quality MX model or is this GPU sufficient?

What do you like most about it? Did you install a fresh copy of Win10 on it?

you already have a decent thinkpad you fucking shithead. Pay attention and stop fuckign around

pay attention faggot

maybe stop dropping names and start reading