Show us your stickers user

Show us your stickers user

Is that your mom?
I feel sorry for her
Suicide is her only option to escape from you
Poor soul


>Is that your mom?
Who says it isn't OP?

>is that your mom?
underage detected


Posting a stickers thread should be a bannable offense

Why ruin your clean black slab with ugly stickers? Unless you're gonna completely stickerbomb it, that might look cool.

If you still go to educational facilities it's convenient to make your laptop distinguishable from others. Not only in case someone else has the same model but it gets harder for some nog to grab your laptop and get away with it without people (including yourself) recognizing it.

obvious samefagging

>t OP

None, personally I think they look tacky

>North end

Chug confirmed. Smelt the Listerine through this post.

some stickers

>rock band guitar
for what purpose

>not commie-brainlet stickers

Am I cool? Will Sup Forums validate me?

still playing it, at least twice a week for the last like 12-14 years

had it lying right besides me
also just looked up the release date, seems like i was a little off, but still almost 12 years

That's a guitar hero guitar you fucking Jew

I just collect them on an old laptop.
