Rice thread

Post your rices, and include screenfetch/neofetch

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Looks awesome. Good job OP.


Can you post wallpaper?

not really rice but meh



Am I doing it right?

Maybe a bit of border around windows, otherwise really nice
My favourite with my favourite boyband.
Keep trying user



>otherwise really nice
OMG u think im really nice! ^.^


It's not much, but I like it. It runs fast and looks good.

It just werkz TM


That looks... JUST like Windows 10. Why would you want this?

Here's the wallpaper if anyone wants it

>Windows 7

u foking wot m8




Not much of anything.


How your mac desktop looks like?

Somehow my applet icons got screwed with my last update/cleaning round...
Anyone have nice alternatives to xfce4-panel? I dont like it and it doesnt work on wayland.
I do want applets and workspaces though


How you get the music player and audio visualiser in command line ?

lxpanel, it's quite the same.

dockbarx basically a dock but can be used as a panel

tint2, a pain in the ass to configure but ricers like it

cmus or ncmpcpp + cava I guess

2lazy to go full rice with i3 autism

maybe some day

Sorry can't show that. My username on there is my real name, so I would have to do a lot of edits. I tried to do that, but it got fucked up. it's not that impressive anyway.
Here's my wallpaper though.

What WM did you use?


meh, just default installation with necessary shit


if applying blurs is hard you probably need a better screenshot tool. i would suggest one but i don't know osx software very well.

the one that ships with Windows 7.

>that package number

I was hoping for something as faggy as your linux vm.

First rice. Got linux like 2 weeks ago.

>all the urxvt zsh bloaters

this font is disgusting

Ye, I also don't like the color scheme. Its a work in progress.

Has anyone else or just me added font awesome to their pacman.conf ignore packages because the updates fuck the icons up?

I'm using cmus + cava in two terminal windows.

How did you put the panel on the bottom of the screen? I just installed xubuntu 17.10.1 but I cannot do it frome the settings of the panel itself...

Right click the panel, go to Panel preferences, uncheck "lock panel", then drag to the bottom.



Just did a couple of tweaks to the default look

Just installed Linux.Imma learn how to do this ricing shit asap,that looks so awesome.

riced to tha max

looking good man.

you are ok user, looks decent for a couple of weeks. Enjoy that x220



thanks senpai

how did i do?




>jet black

why user?


looks shit
dog shit
not complete shit
why did you even post this
bad colors or something idk just looks bad
Extremely nice, top quality

Where do I learn to rice?


Read Sup Forums wiki to get the basics down.

Then find stuff you like and figure out how it's done by looking at the configs etc. Checkout /r/unixporn's top posts, there are almost always configs in the comments.

To get good taste and feeling for color/fonts, just find a rice or two that you like and try to imitate them.

Mostly because I never bothered to change the terminal color palette.
Thanks for the (you), faggot.



Is that Discord in your cli? What do you use if so?


my own client in node.

Hell yeah, that's a nice solus

Holy shit, that is some awesome rice job OP.

Thanks, I'll give it a shot. There was one on the AUR that I couldn't get worked at all and the passwords were stored in plaintext lol

How the hell do you get this look on Ubuntu? Is it achieveable on Ubuntu Mate? Sorry to be a newfag, but there are usually useful links in the OP and I'm completely lost without them.

Get a customizable window manager. Like i3 or openbox or something and learn to customize it.

What if I install bspwm and 0omox-autotheme like OP? Is it that easy?

The theme doesn't do anything here.
The only things that make this look are the polybar and terminal config.

So you should learn how to configure polybar and your terminal emulator of choice. Terminator is really easy to configure compared to urxvt.

Thank you, buddy. I will look into this.

Hmm... says it can't find my config file but it's all there

Don't use polybar with Mate tho... get a minimal WM to use it with.

Nevermind.. manually pointing to it fixed it

I keep getting an "unexpected character" when I put my token in. Any reason you can think why that would happen?

Also, here's my rice.

Thank you
It is bspwm, polybar and wpgtk for colorscheme. I tweaked the colourscheme a bit, so that it looks a bit better to my eyes. Tomorow I can upload my dots to github, so you can recreate it if you want. I dont say this a lot, but r/unixporn is a realy good place to learn how to rice or recreate other people rices.
It all actually started as a side project, because i wanted to have aestethics on low power pc.

Thank you, OP. I'd really appreciate it.

That looks like the config.json is not formatted correctly. Maybe a comma is missing somewhere?

Try running process.env.HOME in node. It should return the path to your home directory.

If you have any more questions or need help please join the discord in the readme and send me a pm/just write there and I'll see what I can do.

Pic is my first rice. Actually makes me cringe now...


>some proprietary looking music shit

>maybe a comma missing somewhere?
Not a comma, but I completely missed the quotes around my token.



cute desu

I really like the Parabola ASCII art

how do you not always have a headache?


Dunno, I kinda feel it relaxing after a while.

I’m new to ricing(I3WM), any tips or useful programs(like ranger or pywall)?

It's a tiling wm, so all you have to do is put everything in float and scale them before making a screenshot or close everything and screen your wallpaper all alone. Like every other faggot itt.

mpd with ncmpcpp for music.


r8 m8