Plenty of linux n00bs on this board

Plenty of linux n00bs on this board,

I want stories of the most advanced tasks you've performed on linux from those who have experience.

Other urls found in this thread:

I wrote my own fstab once

I started writing an nfqueue-based transparent socksifier but got bored lol

Fixed GRUB once so it can boot my EFI Devuan system. Didn't like Devuan and went back to Slackware a day after

"most advanced task"

This is a really meaningless criteria.

I know it is, really didn't know how to phrase it when I was typing this on the shitter.

anime wallpaper
drew a circle with gimp
pretty much wizard tier here.
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chrooted in from a live cd once. just because.

Setting up PCI passthrough for a Windows 10 guest that runs on it's own dedicated disk inside an LVM.

Shitposting on the internet while millions of source lines of code were getting mangled through more than a handful of compilers.

Very advanced, right?

I cloned the contents of one drive to another 19 drives and built a cluster out of cheap old pcs I got for free from a failed startup in 2011. I used it to mine buttcoin, but in one week time 3 of them died, I made like 50 bucks and I sold everything on craigslist.

Tried installing gentoo but fucked up somewhere and my ethernet drivers wouldn't work.

Install Runescape. :^)

Wrote a kernel driver as part of my internship. It even got mainlined.

i deleted system32
wrote a hello world program in java
backtraced op's ip and called the cyber police
shot my cs professor and fucked his corpse

in that order

I manually installed Tiny Core Linux onto a virtual hard drive inside a VM, so that I could safely compile and run an obfuscated C program that ended up printing ASCII goatse

linux is a good operating system LMFAO


Installed Arch Linux without following instructions

I have a few stories to share:
I installed Gentoo over my Raspbian install and then copied /home and some kernel modules from a dd backup of the original SD card. Booted with a USB flash drive as rootfs a few times, had to put the micro SD into my phone and use an adb shell from my computer to modify config.txt and cmdline.txt accordingly.

Unnecessarily complicated: I got myself root access on my friend's server by writing him a simple swap file setup script, with the first line being #.bin/bash, which executes a second bash script that overrides PATH with something in /tmp, where a script called mkswap would add me into /etc/sudoers and then call the real mkswap. Using his server as a leechbox to this day even though he managed to revoke my root access after I told him about it.

On his previous server I had a Gentoo RAP install before I had root, with which I emerged rtorrent and torrented that way. Bootstrapping Gentoo with 1 vCPU and 512MB of RAM is not a fun activity.

On my new personal laptop with TB3 and an NVMe SSD, I set up Gentoo with a hand-configured minimal kernel, f2fs for rootfs, ccache for recompiling Chromium in 8 minutes, EFISTUB boot, rEFInd for recovery, KDE Plasma, and JACK and PulseAudio active at the same time. Additionally, I made myself a PAM script which allows me to use an SD card as an alternative to entering my password everywhere. The entire thing takes 15-20 seconds to boot including UEFI.

pacman -Syu

>Made Path of Exile run decently on Wine
>Set up a redis cluster with fallover

Live for many months with a custom init program.

ls -R / | grep ".config"