Is there a chart somewhere that graphs how many times google put a woman/minority here than a famous white person?
I swear every single time it's a brown person or a woman.
Is there a chart somewhere that graphs how many times google put a woman/minority here than a famous white person?
I swear every single time it's a brown person or a woman.
Other urls found in this thread:
Why do you care what race they are?
That's pretty racist.
Wrong board. Fucking the_Donald diaspora.
>Why do you care what race they are?
Why does google care what race they are?
The vast majority of inventors have been white and male.
Why are they only choosing non-white females?
>everyone I disagree with is the_Donald
Man you people are absolutely pathetic.
>vast majority of inventors have been white and male
why does it matter
Imagine being so racist you throw a fit when you're reminded that people have skin colors other than yours.
>Imagine being so racist you throw a fit when you're reminded that people have skin colors other than yours.
Why are you anti-white?
Also please define "racist" for me.
I don't hate other races.
I'm wondering why google isn't showing famous inventors and only showing nonwhites and females?
>why are you anti-white
where did you get this from what I said?
google seems to care more about showing obscure and overlooked inventors and activists, but more more of the latter, I hardly ever see inventors at all, only activists, and why they're exclusively women 100% of the time.
You know exactly why they do it.
>where did you get this from what I said?
Because you literally are.
>google seems to care more about showing obscure and overlooked inventors and activists
holy shit you're fucking delusional
they're only showing the non-white and non-male ones.
There are far more "obscure and overlooked" white inventors than there are nonwhite.
They show activists much less than other groups of people.
>You know exactly why they do it.
Yes I (((do))).
I stopped caring about doodles when they started putting a new one every week. Why do you even visit the google homepage in 2018?
>Why do you even visit the google homepage in 2018?
Because these doodles pop up when I open a new tab in chome.
Id be intrested to see it
Set the newtab page to about:blank, you homo.
why do you care if they show non-whites?
are you a racist?
>you can't have right wing beliefs on Sup Forums
does right wing mean racist now?
because that's what you're insinuating
I like having my most visited webpages pop up.
>why do you care if they show non-whites?
Why do you want them to ignore the achievements of one group of people and prop up other groups which achieved far less?
What is racist?
Define this word "racist".
Define "racist" kiddo.
Do you mean believe that race exist?
Do you mean 1488 gas the kikes race war now.
Then no.
to me, "racist" is you getting irrationally angry because there aren't enough white people in the google doodles
why do you care so much
It's about... hmm, not "atonement" per se, but increasing representation of historically underrepresented, unsung heroes and heroines of this world.
Take this user's opinion
Is that true? Maybe, possibly. Is it also possible that this belief stems from the continual overrepresentation of white males in the media and academia? Is it possible that this outcome is because people of color were not given the same opportunities as white males? Kept out of the gatekeeper institutions that typically produce these inventions and innovations? Kept on the lower levels of Maszlow's pyramid by an oppressive hegemony of monied, powerful white men?
Anyway, long story short, why do you fuckin care? Google is a shit-ass botnet anyway. Don't cuck yourself, or whatever the fuck you people say. Dipshit.
nobody is being propped up by an image they look at for a few seconds then ignore unless they are autistic
i don't even use google anymore
search engines are deprecated in 2018
>I like having my most visited webpages pop up.
Use duck duck then, turd.
>to me, "racist" is you getting irrationally angry because there aren't enough white people in the google doodles
That's not even the definition of racist.
Actually define "racist" before I bother replying to you.
>nobody is being propped up
Yes, non whites are.
Are you denying this?
>Is it possible that this outcome is because people of color were not given the same opportunities as white males?
Nope, it's purely because of their genetics.
Also we're talking about worldwide achievements. Stop believing in pseudoscience.
name a single inventor that wasn't a rich trust-fund babby who could do anything he wanted without ever worrying about clothing himself, feeding himself, or putting a roof over his head, so much so that he could spend his spare time getting educated in the sciences and building things.
>name a single inventor that wasn't a rich trust-fund babby
Are you legit fucking retarded? lmao
>muh white privilidge
Are you actually one of those fucking idiots?
Look at the image in the post you replied to.
Look at the sources. There are countless inventors.
A lot of them came from nothing.
Why do you human human evolution and genetics?
>800 BCe to 1900 AD
Because they are inferior and need to put there measly achievements on a pedestal in order to make themselves feel worthy.
>Because they are inferior and need to put there measly achievements on a pedestal in order to make themselves feel worthy.
>Why do you human human evolution and genetics?
is fucking google, what do you expected? did you forgot damore memo in how fucked up things are going on google? they have literally furry gay sex orgies, this is nothing
Sup Forums is leaking. I'm about to bounce off this Stormfront-raided piece of shit.
>Implying you can flee from Sup Forums
Why do you people NEVER have an argument?
this thread is so fucking gay, holy shit
why the fuck are you using Google anyway? it's been shown time and time again that they push SJW shit and they're a shitty botnet anyway. kill yourself for even starting this thread faggot.
kill yourself you pansy
>you people
>us vs them mentality
Sup Forums and the alt right constantly bash the left for identity politics yet they seem to do it more
Just go back to pol
Google doesn't remove whites fr-
>>you people
because it is you people
I'm talking about the people that constantly whine about Sup Forums whenever ANY right wing opinion is uttered.
>identity politics
IDpol is actually a good thing, it's non identity politics that is cancer
Why do you people NEVER have an argument?
w̶h̶i̶t̶e̶ ̶p̶e̶o̶p̶l̶e̶ ̶a̶r̶e̶ ̶c̶a̶n̶c̶e̶l̶e̶d̶
>I like having my most visited webpages pop up.
Holy shit, get off of Sup Forums and fuck off back to Sup Forums please.
your butt needs an ambulance cuz its really really hurt
>Holy shit, get off of Sup Forums and fuck off back to Sup Forums please.
>he doesn't like convenience
>doesn't understand what he just read
>continues to make an example of himself
The funniest was when the black faced Grace Hopper on veterans day because they needed more dark skinned figures for their dooddle. It was obvious that they had no idea who Grace Hopper was which is funny since they're a tech company and babble on endlessly about women in software.
No, I meant that if you can't use something as simple as that concept without using the worlds biggest botnet, then you really don't belong on this board.
not an argument lmao
Your reading comprehension seems to be incredibly bad.
I said IDPOL is actually a good thing.
I don't care about Sup Forumss interpretation of IDpol is.
>I use lagfox even though I have to end task every time I open more than 5 tabs
>conservatives mocks SJWs for getting mad easily
>Literally get triggered over fucking google doodles
Can't make this shit up
Can't go on any fucking board anymore without Sup Forums bullshit. KYS OP
>point out hypocrisy of a major corporation
If you don't like it you can always leave Sup Forums.
Some people have right wing beliefs.
Get over it desu.
Not an argument.
Sorry but you kids literally just copy paste shit from a, v, or vomit up the same few lame talking points. You stick out sore sore thumbs as rebbitors.
>right wing means losing your mind over race shit
KYS again
it is
why use a slow outdated piece of shit because you're scared of the NSA
Either way I'm a leaf and have even less to worry about
Funny how every major corporation is run by liberals and all conservatives can do is wine about it. If conservatives weren't so pathetically dumb maybe there would be some "major corporations" run by them.
Really makes you think...
>copy paste shit
The irony.
All you do is copy paste "waaaah go back to Sup Forums" a million times when actual arguments are presented to you
>losing your mind
How is simply posting about it losing my mind?
You're losing your mind.
Your inability to integrate with board culture exposes you as an undesirable outsider
Because Sup Forums isn't the place for your arguments in the first place, you retarded nigger. You can post your "actual arguments" as much as you want in your designated containment board.
>unironically thinks in liberals vs conservatives dichotomy
>Your inability to integrate with board culture
holy shit the irony
>Because Sup Forums isn't the place for your arguments in the first place
This is a thread about technology, if you don't like it than too bad.
People post left wing opinions.
I mean holy shit there were countless NN threads the past few months.
>as much as you want in your designated containment board.
Meanwhile this "containment board" is one of the largest boards on the website.
You were so compelled to make a thread about it. And your thread is about racial outrage. Not technology.
The thread is about something political related to technology.
It counts as technology.
Stay mad.