What went wrong? He completely fucking lost it.
What went wrong? He completely fucking lost it
He's always been fucking crazy
he lost it when he sold mcafee.
Considering calling him just to say that i think he's cool, should i do it?
He is what we should all aspire to be. Get rich off tech and live decadent hedonistic lifestyle
He's obviously had way too much coke.
yeah, he picks up every call
I farted into his ear over the phone
He can probably shoot anybody that comes onto his property without an issue.
where did you get Kentucky from, user?
I think he lost it around the time he had to leave mexico because the government thought he was planning a military putsch.
>there is only one Lexington
I can't read the first 4 words of a tweet: the post.
No such thing
>voicemail is full
I just wanted to chat with him
The world will be a bit more boring when McAfee finally overdoses.
>John McCofee likes people to poop in his mouth
wtf i love mccofee now
didn't know that
I didn't know he was 72
you'd think he could afford some better lookin chica maids
Good choice, cash out and live it up. Shame that mcafee software is shit now yet it has his name stuck to it.
Capitalism and blowjobs keeps him youthful
Say that to his face you pussy
McAfee shits all over the soybeard internet shitstains sucking the irony teet.
Hasn't this guy been nuts for like 20 years now?
h s a l t s
Not even once.
I'm tempted to give this man the fight of his life.
Damn he looks good for 72
Wasn’t he supposed to make an anonymous internet?
Wasn't he the marxtarian whining about the lack of diversity in his cuckclub?
this but in pajeeteneese please.
His mailbox is full but I added him to my contacts. Gonna make him my bff.
It really is his phone number apparently.
how can I call this number from outside of usa?
>What went wrong?
A bunch of newfags fell for a fake tweet.
+1 xxx xxx xxxx
Or 001 xxx xxx xxxx
Not sure tho
fuck I love this guy. paying some midget goblins to shit their beans in his mouth
Prefix with 1, that's our country code.
So now you have a phone that smells like farts. Good work.
I called him but he didn't respond :(
+1 xxx xxx xxxx
Do you faggots actually pay any attention to this dumb cunt? His one claim to fame is helping run a fucking antivirus company then leaving it when the AV bubble was popping, what a waste of space.
say that to my face, fucker, not online and see what happens
Do you pay attention faggot? Do you? You aren't even paying attention now. I might just rape you tonight.
He's a total badass. He got rich off of scamming people and then went nuts. Watch the LGR video on him
Crazy? Crazy smart more like. He knows what he's talking about, he doesn't afraid of anything, and he's a badass.
Having a meth addicted nigger prostitute as a wife doesn't sound really smart for me, but I'm not american, I don't know if that makes sense to you.
MY SIDES. i seem to have lost them
I had his idea for a physical disconnect phone for a while. He’s going to make a fortune on it.
He's not smart, are you kidding me? He's average as fuck. Listen to him. You can't seriously tell me his inane ramblings are the words of a clever man.
If she pulls in money it’s smart is as smart does.
>Hey John, you want refried beans with those burritos?
>fuck yea.
>babbys first VPN ban evasion
He's a millionaire. No one is that much of a jew.
I had a relative who worked at mcAfee up until a couple of years ago and he left on a relatively high position inside the company.
I can confirm that the higher ups are as just as batshit insane and coke fueled as John himself. His behaviour set the tone for the corporate culture inside the company inner circle.
not nuts
WOKE as fuck
Could just be someone testing a rangeban. I did that too weeks ago.