/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

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Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

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If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

Resources: Your friendly search engine, mailing lists...
>b-but what search engines respect my privacy and freedom of speech?
Try qwant, searx, ixquick or startpage.
>b-but what e-mail providers respect my privacy and freedom of speech?
Try autistici or aktivix.

$ man %command%
$ info %command%
$ help %command%
$ %command% -h
$ %command% --help

Don't know what to look for?
$ apropos %something%

Check the Wikis (most troubleshoots work for all distros):

Sup Forums's Wiki on GNU/Linux: wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Category:GNU/Linux

>What distro should I choose?
>What are some cool programs?
>What are some cool terminal commands?
>Where can I learn the command line?
>Where can I learn more about Free Software?
>How to break out of the botnet?

/t/'s GNU/Linux Games: /fglt/'s website and copypasta collection:
fglt.nl && p.teknik.io/wJ9Zy

Other urls found in this thread:


Stop genkernel all shaming.

install gentoo


This is now hacking thread, post haxxx


cd "$root"

while true; do tail -n 0 -f "$tmpout" | nc -q 1 -l -p "$port" >> "$tmpin" ; done &
tail -n 0 -f "$tmpin" |awk '/^GET/ {fflush();printf "."$2"\0"}' | xargs -0 -I {} cat "$head" {} >> "$tmpout"

I have, and was aided by genkernel, fuck you!

Dude... shut up. I don't need this shit, I have enough on my plate right now

Go away, Mr. NSA

Stop being a kernellet. Configuring linux is not hard. The defaults(make defconfig) are sane and make a bootable kernel without initrd on most of the common systems.
As long as your manage to include your
-disk controller
-network card
-main filesystem
you don't fuck up and defconfig include all the common models and filesystems by default.


How triggered can Sup Forumsents get over two words

Is packages.gentoo.org fucked?

What made you chose genkernel over manual kernel configuration if you don't mind me asking?
I recently installed Gentoo myself, and the documentation is pretty explicit on the recommended approach.
What rationale had led you to take the alternative path?

>installs gentoo

Why did you even bother then, should have just gone with Babyan

I'd like a modern 32bit x86 distribution with Wayland display server. Which one is the best for that? Preferably something with binary packages.

Target machine is an IBM ThinkPad X41 with a 1.6GHz Pentium M so it needs to be quite lean.

Lol screw you dude

Didn't feel like making sure everything i needed was checked, didn't feel like looking up what every fucking module did to make sure that i needed it. I just use genkernel and go do something else until it finished compiling.

Because i wanted to give Gentoo a whirl

I've been uninstalling and reinstalling Debian like 10 times but it works now. Bricked my MATE build with NVIDIA drivers when trying to install steam. Thanks debian wiki. Anyway I am using KDE for the first time and it's ok I guess. Just need something fucking functional for school.

I'm going to ask my question here, since I've had it for quite some time and I'm embarrassed to ask it on Gentoo forums.
So I have configured framebuffer support (nouveau), but the framebuffer doesn't kick in until a few seconds after the GRUB menu. The transition between two modes is very jarring.
I understand I will not be seeing the boot process to often, but if at all possible, I would like to a high-resolution console throughout the whole boot process, like I've seen on some other linuxes. How do I accomplish this?

Nothing that old will have a GPU capable of running a wayland backed compositor.

systemd's good


In response to post number 64652915
Not taking the bait

>Didn't feel like making sure everything i needed was checked, didn't feel like looking up what every fucking module did to make sure that i needed it. I just use genkernel and go do something else until it finished compiling.
You vastly overestimate the difficulty of this process. All components that you *might* need to worry about are Ethernet and Audio Card. Chances are they will be enabled in the default config. I spent the majority of the time checking off the boxes for the stuff that I recognise and know I don't need. I bet majority of the users who compile their own kernel don't know what 90% of the options do.

may I add that configuring Linux for non X86 platforms cannot be done using a simple make defconfig

allyesconfig all day every day

("all day" is for how long it takes to build)
(and to boot)

does that even work?

can someone tell me what the fuck this is actually doing?
(printf "\x61\x61\x61\x61\x61\x61\x61\x61\x61\x61\x61\x61\x61\x61\x61\x61\x61\x61\x61\x61\xef\xbe\xad\xde"; cat) | /narnia/./narnia0

i know it's exploiting a buffer overflow. i'm asking how do the (___ ; cat) cause standard input to go back to being from interactive input rather than just piping

W-where did you find that? W-what is vulerenable??

wtf ?

Cat reads stdin and prints to stdout. The stdin of narnia is the parenthesized expression. That expressions runs print, then blocks on cat

>Intel GMA 900
>OpenGL 2.1
>OpenGL ES 2.0

What are the minimum requirements then? It should be similar in capabilities as RPi and I thnk Raspbian has Wayland support.

Have any alpine or void musl users managed to get video acceleration working in virtualbox? I've tried on two different hosts, one windows 10 and one linux mint, and had no luck.

tyvm i think i get it. i usually think of pipes as the input having to be constructed before being passed, but really it's just passed an input source. the input source hasn't finished feeding in its input in this case

so i've become a meme because i followed some pajeet's tutorial on how to install gentoo

fine then, i'll try again with a different guide, as long as you answer me one question Sup Forums: how long is the installation and compilation of all that shit gonna take? i can't be fucked to sit and wait 4 hours for everything to install, like it did with genkernel all

install Debian only took me like 9 hours

literally how
did you download all 3 DVDs?

sudo genkernel all --kernel-config=~/autism

>make defconfig
I wish someones told me about that before I spent hours by configuring it by myself

i deleted it because i forgot to take out the name of the wargame and it was an answer. that's frowned upon

If you only compile the very basic thing you need for a stage3 to work, it will take an hour or a bit more, downloading, unpacking and configuration included.
How much more is only depends on you're requirements: a full KDE desktop+latest gcc+clang for mesa+your own compile browser will take a fucking day.

tl;dr if time is an issue, try cloverOS

Is there a means of having the reply box on the sidebar through css or a userscript?

>i can't be fucked to sit and wait 4 hours
In 4 hours you compile gcc, clang a web browser and libreoffice. If you're using a modern powerful processor.
If you want a full system you need much more time.

I have installed MagicDraw.
First problem is I just skipped everything at installation promt so it installed at /root.
Second problem is I can't find anywhere how to launch this program.
Does anyone have idea, how I could start this program?
I can't find any .sh file instalation folder nor it is in my apps list.

fairly sure this should just werk if you include nouveau module included in your initramfs

Why isn't DuckDuckGo not included in the recommended search engines?

Did I miss a memo?

Sup Forumspill me on debian sid. Does anyone here use it as a daily driver? How stable is it compared to arch?

>Does anyone here use it as a daily driver?
For about ~3 years now.

>How stable is it compared to arch?
Never used Arch, fell in love with Sid and stayed with Sid


*durr typed a double negative by accident

I'd prefer if the infodump wasn't tainted with Sup Forumstier jew fear mongering but thank you anyway

meant for

Fixed root unlaunchable problem.
Still can't find what do so that my program could appear in my i3 fn + d app list, could anyone point me in the right direction?

try arch32

What's with this inconsistency shit? I'm using xfce

is Antergos literally just an installer for Arch and nothing else?

you don't need a 3D accelerator to use wayland, it just works better with one

gtk3/gtk2 most likely

This was made by a retard.
>omg website knows my ip

how do I change the gtk3 theme then? there's only one option for themes in the xfce settings

not sure if the xfce themes thing sets the gtk3 theme as well
are you sure your gtk theme has both a gtk2 and gtk3 version?

top is a gtk3 client side decoration. it uses the system gtk 3 theme (the one you choose in xfce settings)
bottom is a xfce's window manager (xfwm) titlebar, which not only is gtk2 but its themes are independant of gtk themes (go to /usr/share/themes/etude and you'll find it only contains a xfwm folder)
the only way to get a partial consistent look is using a theme that provides gtk 2, gtk 3 AND xfwm support (like Arc). but even then it won't be 100% consistent because gtk 2 uses window manager titlebars and gtk 3 uses client decorations

why is gtk so retarded

because gnome develops it, and gnome literally only cares about gnome
heard of the gnome dev who literally said "i don't know what xfce is or does, sorry"?

yeah I've seen that lol

Should I create a root password?

do you prefer to use sudo or just login as root to perform administrative tasks? Because if you create root account, debian won't get sudo during installation, you obviously can install it later if you want, but the bottom line is if you want to use sudo there is kinda no point in creating root acc.

You should have a root account with a strong password, as well as setting up sudo
When you need to perform tasks that take long, instead of sudoing over and over, just login as root and do it then log back in to your user.
It also helps when shit hits the fan(it will) and your user session is fucked up(blame systemd) login as root via tty and fix the shit.


>When you need to perform tasks that take long, instead of sudoing over and over
change timeout? Or sudo -s?
>and your user session is fucked up(blame systemd) login as root
Single-user mode?
setting up root is pretty much useless

>change timeout
Whats the point of sudo if you have it timeout after more then 5 minutes? You're breaking the point of sudo, and having a session last that long opens you up to being exploited.
I have sudo timeout after 1 minute.Its ment for temporary elevation. Nope permanent

>setting up root is pretty much useless
And when you cant login to your user because what ever broke?

>And when you cant login to your user because what ever broke?
Whatever you can break bad enough to prevent you logging in on a tty you likely will be able to fix from single-user mode/maintenance mode, or only by reinstall anyway

>Whats the point of sudo if you have it timeout after more then 5 minutes?
You can change it back after that enormous session of administrative tasks
OTOH I never would change it in the first place since if I need sudo for a lot of commands I just do 'sudo -s' and that wouldn't open you up to any more danger of exploitation than just using sudo already does.

>reinstall anyway
Nice windows mentality.
Take that shit out of here.

>constantly editing a file instead of properly setting it up in the first place
>wouldn't open you up to any more danger of exploitation than just using sudo already does.
>write script
>it finds every open window and plants exploit code in it
>your session has elevated rights because your time out is 1 gorillion years.

>user types his password a billion times a day to use sudo
>write script
>it gets broadcasted X server key presses and steals your password
>it finds every open window and plants 'sudo own-everything' code into
>enters user's password and owns everything with elevated rights

>>reinstall anyway
>Nice windows mentality.
Imagine that, if you fucked your system over badly enough for it to not be able to be restored from *recovery* mode, it might be time to indeed reinstall already

Is there any program similar to comicrack on linux? I tried tellico but it doesn't seem to be what I'm looking for. I want something that can open image stored in zip files and browse them like a book.

I've been thinking about configuring ranger with some kind of image previewer but I don't know if that would have the same effect.


pic saved

Uhhh so I didn't realise that I should've made other profiles and have been doing everything on root. What do I need to do to transfer everything on to a different profile? Will everything work the same way?

Zathura can do cbr and cbz with the appropriate plugins. But I am sure other ebook viewer can do it too, I am sure Okular.

Why is Arch so fucking shit? I updated the kernel to 4.15.1-2 and it broke DKMS since I'm pretty sure DKMS doesn't like kernels with a "-2" at the end. Now my wifi is broken since I was relying on a DKMS package to make my wifi dongle work properly.

normal users are in "/home/", while root's "user" folder is "/root"
from a root shell, you need to;
- make a new user ("useradd -m ")
- transfer the home folder contents ("mv /root/. /home//")
- change ownership of the files/folders to the new user ("chown -R : /home//.")

Top-tier OS

High-tier OS

Mid-tier OS
>GNU/other BSD

Low-tier OS

Where does Linux-libre lay?


>Windows NT

thanks, it's so far down that it must have slipped off the bottom of my post

I can agree with this except puting the low in mid tier and praying OBSD never break GNU tools or it will be royally fucked. Also this and this

Cant reproduce on my Arch.
Reinstall DKMS and try it again

Where would you put Illumos, ReactOS, Haiku, Fuschia, and MorphOS?

I'll tell you where you can put 'em

I don't have experience with any of them. Feel free to suggest where they ought to go. I will say that I'm pessimistic about Fuschia.

Have you tried restarting and was /boot mounted when you updated?

>I will say that I'm pessimistic about Fuschia.
From a freedom or technical perspective?

Not him but ReactOS is low-tier, I would put FreeDOS in there but I understand the niche it fills so for me is mid-tier. I would honestly put openbsd in mid-tier and xnu and other bsds in low-tier though, linux-libre is a killer kernel with all the optional features you can turn on if you want.


Is this true??

I vouch for WINE, made my games work as I remember while windows couldn't.

>anything but meme tier

>GNU/Linux is the best gaming OS
>Is this true??
Absolutely not.

bsd shill detected

The best OS for gamying is, obviously, Windows.

Hurd is an incomplete kernel and it will never be what Linux, Windows NT, BSD or XNU are.
Maybe it can compete with TempleOS.

I reinstalled dkms and all the packages and it worked, weird.

>The best OS for gamying is, obviously, Windows.
I thought the PS4 ran a BSD variant?