What has hiro done now?

What has hiro done now?

Jesus motherfucker

he monetized the 404 page
the question is why would anyone pay money for this?

i'm more curious about the stuff at the top
>404.html0100777000000000000000000002114313237077334007223 0ustar00
what does that even mean?

Sup Forums should have died in 2009. Everything since then has been one long zombified anomaly. A historical quirk that proves we're the ones living in an alternative timeline.
If Hiroshima had any sense, he'd just let this site die.

fuck you
name another place where you can misquote someone and call them a faggot without getting doxed and eviscerated by angry busybodies on the internet all trying to get you fired


Get in early, or wait for the IPO?

You should have died in 2009

your own personal blog, idiot

Early it's going to be big

This is not what Sup Forums used to be about.


Into the filters?

He invented a currency that surely is soon more valuable than BTC and USD?

implying it really wasn't

but we have chancoin? the Sup Forums coin!


What the fuck is this shit?

>he monetized the 404 page
I'm not sure if this is retarded, genius, corrupt, and/or hilarious

lmao it was actually way worse back in the day
t. since 07

Fuck off history revisionist.

no it fucking wasn't you cocksucking Sup Forumsfag

t. actually since 2007

Yes it was nigga pools closed

what the fuck it's real

If nothing else, the site actually loads unlike in 2004. Posting still breaks once a month, though, can't believe how little has changed.

Sup Forums is going to outlive facebook

Maybe Tom goes full school shooter on them

Tom is the biggest fucking loser, I wonder what he's doing now. Surprised he didn't kill himself.

>I was waiting for this

>name another place where you can misquote someone and call them a faggot without getting doxed and eviscerated by angry busybodies on the internet all trying to get you fired
Any of the other imageboards available you retard

Not the first time it happened. Last time it was some YouTube video. Now that I think about it, wasn't that a few years ago already?

moot is dead. and his gay attitude is gone with him. deal with it. chink moot is our new spiritual leader now.

What is this?

>not knowing how to greentext

holy fuck you really are a newfag

who are you quoting?

Isn't that obvious?

>Grand Summoners loves Sup Forums's Otaku culture! We support the staff and users of Sup Forums.

He got a bazillion dollars from selling his company and now world travels and takes nice photos. He's also on Google Plus.

>Nobody has this yet!