Cringe thread

cringe thread

inb4 just screenshots of this thread



Kill yourselves, phone posters.

More plz. I need a good giggle today. Also, love pics of where people write retarded code with the image of the guy looking down on his degree.







what is cringe about this?

How was this snake oil ps1 equal or better than a dedicated cd player from a reputable manufacturer again?

Audiophiles modding early ps1 cause they think it has a crazy good dac
When its really not

That's a funny way to spell "pooloos"

ouch, at least it looks nice

>love pics of where people write retarded code with the image of the guy looking down on his degree.

anyone has this one?


Fuck off.

imagine being this dumb



That code is fine if it spacing was fixed, which is only an issue in babu languages like Python. At least find the true degree trash.

I am in IT and hardly even dabble in programming and I could do better than this.


>the code is fine
Wow you cannot program. did you not see the = instead of ==?

I never said it was good. I said it was at least merely a style issue. There is worse trash out there.
>probably written by the pooloo phone posters in this this thread


This code would turn all the tweeters into gamegaters and then block all of them.

I think that's my favorite one ever, I love it so much


>I am in IT and hardly even dabble in programming
What do you even do in IT?


Fails in years with leap seconds.

I meant the one that repeated itself over and over

Install word and recover password.

not him but I'm guessing babysitting users and answering retarded tickets


>hey user my computer stopped connecting to the internet, Brian moved my desk earlier did he break a wire or something

that is what I do in IT.

exactly, and I actually enjoy it.
i am the most calm and patient man I know

I mean, you could always gut the thing and put a decent CD player in it.

Good on you, I worked IT for one summer and it was a fucking nightmare


I was an electrician for years before this.
>I don't know what happened, these lights need repaired.
>are you sure it's not just a switch turned off?
>I've lived here my whole life I know where the switches are, that's not it
>well this switch just turned them on
>oh something must have happened, that switch has never turned those lights on

I got good at not getting frustrated by this kind of shit long ago

What all IT do: uninstall Chrome and install IE8

I thought they installed ultron

>just else
>not explicitly defining the even cases
nice undocumented code faggot



Who cares, any SSD/HDD based solution is better than a CD player to begin with (at least it will never be worse). So much wasted money.


or push out retarded group policies that break all the software engineers computers by taking away local admin



Absolutely disgusting


It did have a pretty good DAC desu
But nothing amazing, especially by today's standards

Well, good for you. I cannot even tolerate family asking tech questions (usually because they just disregard what I say anyway and just fuck it up again) without telling them to go fuck a goat and die.





Some programming languages use = for comparison


is the joke missing bracket?

nigga what

But that's c++


lots of functional languages do dis my man

Roastie detected, tits or GTFO cunt

Only if you call it immediately after midnight on the day of the leap second

lmao the next steve jobs


>black theme

No, the joke is the code is terribly designed.

suck my blue ballz dude

>The absolute state of phone posters

I bet he wants to bash some flash.





Made it without cringing until
>I am we'll

Why do Americans still bother with apostrophes?
They clearly have no clue what they do or where they should go.

Fuck off non clover fag

>hur dur ur bad if you don't use a dedicated app for a degenerative website
Kill yourself

and adobe reader

>implying you need admin to write your shitty little scripts




We need to be able to install things or change settings to do our jobs effectively sometimes.

What is cringe about this kid? He actually is good and better than 99% of programmers will ever be. It is just the shit that has been built around him that is cringe.

>Literally how Java works with their getters and setters

Then, you can okay it with your higher-ups like everyone else, bucko. The engineers are never the ones that get shit on when the hardware gets fucked up.

You missed the part where sentPackets is an argument to the function, not a field



>what are shared libraries

