Whats a good beginners programing language?

Whats a good beginners programing language?

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If you learn C you can learn anything that came after it

nvm Sup Forums I chose it myself


Well, is it easy to learn C?

It's intermediate, it's not fucking assembly

Before learning a language you need to have a goal in mind..
what do you want to do with it?
For general purposes I'd recommend Javascript or Python.
If you want something more hardcore, Java or C++.

Eh, I had a few Ideas. I planned to do some things with those little raspberry pi, specifically, make a UI for little emulation machines. And, if I like it enough, maybe code bigger things.

Pi is built for learning Python.


No. That's why it's great beginner's choice. If you manage that mess anything you pick up later will be easy. At least as far as imperative languages go.

best advice
if you take an "easy" language you'll only learn bad habits until the grilling from C is done


C if you are serious. Python if not.

this, try to make an asic with a high level language like C you little babies



Java it's what first year CS majors are forced to learn.

visual basic

first year CS at my school uses C


On shitty universities only.

C++ here. Also most schools are moving to python.

until a few years ago i would allways have said c but its rust now
rust will spit in your face and not let you compile until you learn to do it right
..and it will help you to learn

This. Or BASIC. But like other anons are saying: learn C or Python.

Nah they use Python now, mine also teaches C and Lisp during the first year.

my school teaches vhdl and asm

If you are serious about programming and want to git gud learn C.

If you just want to have fun with some hobby projects Python or Go.

Maybe in India.

If memory serves, we has Assembly, C/C++ and Haskell as mandatory.
And choice of Java, Python, Perl and C# as optional.



which will lead to an easier job

Where can I get a job for that?

Intel, TI, Frito-Lay, AMD

Explain further

>shitty universities are java schools
My school is tied with Brown and is a java school.

processing.org/ is a good introduction to Java.

>Dabbled with java, c, mips, asm, python, perl, php, html, js, erlang
>mainly using java

we did java, c, mips & the web languages in first year



>attending university in the current year
What the fuck is wrong with you people. Particularly for CS you're going to learn at a much faster pace than in some kind of institutional environment where you'll get penalized for innovative methods / not conforming to pedagogy

Instant feedback, no need to import 18 gorillion lines of libraries just to add 2+2, and it will leave you hungry for more.

yeah, actually. It's a pretty concise language and isn't filled with gotchas and endless surprises like a goddamn wonderball like C++ is.

C++ or Java. Python is great if you like being a total fucking loser who tends to work on month long side projects that never get completed

Nothing easy. If you're looking for a language that is easy to learn you are just shooting yourself in the foot. The problem with this mindset is that it goes against what is an integral part of programming: analytical problem solving. It also might say something about (YOU) as a learner, that you would gladly stop with the easiest solution versus the most correct solution. The world doesn't need any more programmers who take the easy way out and neglect elegance. Start with a somewhat challenging yet useful language. I recommend C, it gives a nice balance between control and obscurity. The great thing about programming languages is that going for a challenging language isn't like saying, "You want to learn math? Start with Calculus." Since the language is just syntax and semantics. The true challenge is learning the underlying theory and building a breadth of algorithm knowledge. However picking a language that enforces bad coding behavior for the sake of readability is self-limiting in an intellectual pursuit.

Sup Forums-science.wikia.com/wiki/Computer_Science_and_Engineering#Basic_Programming_.26_Data_Structures

I always recommend C#
It's easy to learn;
It's a high-level OOP language that's currently used in the industry, so it can help you find an actual job;
There are some incredibly useful sources for learning it;
It runs on the best IDE out there which is free.

Learning C# helps write clean readable code, produces immediate results thus providing motivation, works as a great introduction to debugging, and helps with a lot of other stuff, be it DBs, layouts, server/client relationship, and so on.
Also, you are essentially simultaneously learning Java.

After working on C# for a few months, you'll have no problems with branching into literally any direction, because you'll have a good idea about how the things work, and most especially - what's the reason for said branching.


>learned python to do basic scripts
>these scripts are now so complex I have to do numerical integration
>tfw can't understand the funky formulas
God help me and its so easy in python too

If you want to be an actual programmer then learning C is great.
If you want to be a glorified Lego stacker then Python is great.


Definitely Haskell. The only downside is that you won't be able to pick up any other language. But Haskell is all you need.


We learn C++ first. What shitty school do you go to that they teach Java?

What is the best book(s) to learn C? Preferably and introductory book and intermediate.

Tied for 20th in CS and a 2.25Billion endowment.
Pretty far from shitty, why?


But.. they don't teach you Java first at MIT. At least in the CS+EE curriculum.

Assembly *is* very useful to have some familiarity with, though. If you're going to learn C instead of a high level language just to learn the low level details of how a computer works, assembly is arguably a better language to learn.



var whatLanguageShouldILearn = function()
var seed = Math.random();
if (seed = 9001)

No matter how many times you run this code, there is only one result. F12 or Ctrl+Shift+i and paste this into the console, then type whatLanguageShouldILearn();

Bonus points if you can explain why this is. (fuck off programmers you already know)

>(fuck off programmers you already know)
How would someone who is not a programmer know why it doesn't work?

Like seriously, that's like going to a random person saying "how do you do a double bypass? (fuck off if you're an actual doctor)".

Yeah, this is certainly as complicated as a double bypass.
IF someone cannot figure out why only one result occurs or even take a wild guess, then why bother?

If you can't think on your own, and you can only regurgitate memorized information, just quit now.

I'm a programmer and still can't anser this because I don't know the range of the random function

If it's any help, Math.random() is irrelevant and could return back anything and it wouldn't matter. The "error" is actually a common beginner mistake and can easily be overlooked if you aren't paying close attention.

You are a fedora wearer

Look at the if statement

is it because its not the right equality comparator? i dont know js syntax

Not quite. This issue also would exist in java, c, c++, and many other similar languages.

fuck if I know bro and I've been writing shit in C, asm, cobol for like 20 years and have no idea

asigning shit in if statements always returns true

thats why i said if its not the right comparator

asignment operator is not a "comparator"

no shit, thats why it doesnt work. how is someone who doesnt know js supposed to know if = could be used for comparator statement?

Doesn't matter if they don't know the answer. I posted it, and the intent is to give someone a puzzle and ask them what they think.

Even if they don't give you a correct answer, any answer other than "I don't know" is activating your critical thinking skills, trying to solve something you don't have a memorized answer to.

Unwillingness to try to solve a problem you don't know the answer to without just looking up the answer or saying I don't know, and that's stupid, is just dismissing the whole purpose of the exercise, and will not make you a skilled problem solver.

how is this "critical thinking", it's a syntax question

To a non programmer that isn't aware of syntax? You tell me.

Yes, to anyone. the answer can only be arrived at from memorizing js syntax.

Nope. Also again, I'm not interested in a correct answer, I was interested in any attempt to answer the question.
You missed the point kid, and again the error is not exclusive JS syntax.

what kind of answer are you interested in? and the error is exclusive js syntax because you cant answer it without knowing how comparisons are defined in js, 100% syntax question which is memorization. its like saying what is nigger in chinese is a critical thinking question if you just say youre not interested in the correct answer.

What school?

Give up on programming, it's not for you. You can't think for yourself.

tell me wha tkind of answe ryou were looking for first

>needing to "think for yourslef"
its a monkey job bro, you just gotta do what the boss says

Because I hate you.


Learn Python and C


Single equals is an assignment. You assigned seed to 9001, it returned 9001 to the if statement and 9001 == true.

if (64659213 == grill)

thanks for the js syntax lesson

Python, and then make a website with it, dont be like most of Sup Forums doing stupid programming tricks, fucking make something

C really doesn't teach good habits though.

I've worked with c programmers and they write so much fucking unsafe code all the time.

>I'm a programmer
no you are not, you are a brainlet who doesn't even knows basic debuging.

>i dont know js syntax
dude if you can't find that error you haven't code a shit in your whole life.

Learn ARMv7 or intel x64 and you know the depth and know the true way.

cool it kid i didnt even run it, ive written more code than the amount of cocks your sister has had sex with

im a big asm guy we dont have that kina stuff

only brainlets refers to ASM just as ASM, there are tons of different assemblers for different architectures and notations. There is even high level assembly, so go and fuck yourself.

do not listen to all this fags, learn haskell.