/hpg/ - Headphone General

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3-4 months for >muh stax

I can wait it out but it's a bummer. looks like neo-/hpg/ is going to be a bit delayed


comfy hpg

Thread reminder to never buy Schiit products.

>#1 recommended brand by reddit shills because hehe i get to say Shit
>owner thinks authoring a 140-chapter work of fiction about the company history makes up for garbage quality and performance


>solder splatter
>caps on output
>Either they don't measure their DACs, don't care or don't know how to design a clean DAC.
>For me the biggest letdown with all of this is the major disservice Schiit and others are doing to the community. They are toting these frankly "shit" amps as power houses



time to update your shit user, you forgot to link to the bifrost review

>80th anniversary
lmao at all these faggots buying 1940s technology
better plug them in to your gramophone

Add the bifrost measurements


do you even read the websites you're linking to ? it's on audiosciencereviews


nah i don't usually check non-news sites daily. will add

>He hasn't read about schiit $400 10bit dac

o i am laffin

OP is a faggot if I've ever seen one
how did you miss this glorious development?


this review is fucking hilarious. he says he has three more reviews of schiit dacs coming in soon. schiit eternally BTFO soon?

When did you realize that speakers are superior to headphones

he said he was gonna review the fucking magni, amir is /ourguy/

Magni 3 review is also on the way

>single man utterly destroys schiit's credibility
>stax is his headphone of choice
100% /ourguy/

schiit have already been utterly exposed. he's an idiot for throwing money at them.
it's also very dishonest not to show the FR measurements of the DX7 after having compared it with the bifrost for all the other measurements. it probably sucked, so he left it out because it didn't fit his narrative.

he showed the FR measurements of the DX7 though on his review of the unit

what are you talking about?


One day in the future when I get dedicated listening room with acoustic treatment.

This just in! Friendly reminder & PSA regarding electrostats:
In addition to recently raised concerns over the potential electrical hazards regarding the use of electrostatic audio reproduction devices, be they developing from short or long term exposure to the high voltages that electrostats operate at, a world-renowned multi-national collaborative scientific research has recently began to uncover evidence which might suggest that the usage, or even storage, of electrostatic ear speaker equipment in the vicinity of personal computers and other digital media storage devices might play a part in the gradual degradation of information stored in said devices.
This phenomenon, known by its official designation of rotational velocidensity, or more colloquially as file rot, might be affected by nearby electrostatic equipment, and in the unfortunate circumstance that their magneto-electric flux happens to manifest itself in the same rotational direction as on the impacted storage devices, accelerate this so called file rot from the commonly occurring rates of between 7 and 21 kbps per year to figures up to perhaps four or five times that rate. Naturally, a magnetic flux of the opposite direction as that of the rotational velocidensity at play in a given situation could potentially be used to slow down, or even completely halt its negative effects, but with no reliable home measuring tools available, this cannot be recommended at this current time.

(to be cont.)



What makes the situation regarding the continued use of electrostatic ear speaker technology perhaps even more troubling, is another phenomenon discovered by the same multi-national group of scientists. It would appear that rotational velocidensity is not the only peril potentially being amplified by electrostatic audio technology, but there is another one, related to the use of dust protection to prevent unwanted particles from making their way to the delicate interiors of electrostatic ear speakers. While the ear speakers themselves might be well protected by such measures, this has the unfortunate, and based on current knowledge on the phenomenon, an unavoidable, side effect of disrupting the overall flow of airborne digital dust, inevitably increasing its adherence to digitally stored information contained on all storage media in the vicinity of the dust protected electrostatic audio device. Current test results would indicate this to occur regardless if said electrostatic devices are kept connected to the mains or not.

Could these findings spell the end of electrostatic ear speaker technology as we know it? The scientific community does not have definitive answers yet, but further rigorous experimenting will sure shed more light on this topic during this dark hour. However, one thing remains certain. That is thatfor the time being audiophiles are adviced by the esteemed research team behind these findings as well as Stax Ltd for the time being to rely on their trusted HD 600 and MA900 devices, which have been proven in multitudes of scientific tests to not contribute to either the increase in rotational velocidensity or hastened accumulation of digital dust detrimental to the preservation of digital content stored on non-volatile storage devices.

Cucks sure are worried today

I laufed

pathetic. buy stax you soyboi

Is that your mouth when you are taking all that BBC?

the only BB thing I take is the BBS, dynacuck

Laughing at how cucked you are

okay, i take it back. he's not dishonest, just lazy.

Laziness is the key to living a good life.

maybe just forgot to include it, you could point it out to him

t1 is a superb piece of art
t. ex he-400i owner

>okay, i take it back

>That is thatfor the time being audiophiles are adviced by the esteemed research team behind these findings as well as Stax Ltd for the time being to rely on their trusted HD 600 and MA900 devices, which have been proven in multitudes of scientific tests to not contribute to either the increase in rotational velocidensity or hastened accumulation of digital dust detrimental to the preservation of digital content stored on non-volatile storage devices.

What would be good to listen to ASMRs?

20-minute gap between posts in /hpg/. this is what happens when OP doesn't make a thread with high-quality foot sniffs



Recommend me a preamp my budget is 3k



You have haunted hpg for quite some days and the answer will always be: no. Go beg some other place to recommend you audiophool gear.

Am I the only person who prefers speakers to headphones? I have quite a few headphones and I just prefer the wide open sound of actual speakers. Not that I don't use my headphones cause I use them when I'm cant blast my music.

>Am I the only person who prefers speakers to headphones
Of course not. If I could listen to speakers blasting all night long and ignore the neighbors need for sleep I would do it in a heartbeat.

someone's selling LSR305 near me for 140€ used, should I go for it ?

If he didn't fug it up, yeah. Might be stolen, I guess.

You've got to be memeing that this point. Just fucking pick one and buy it, pretty much anything fits your budget.

ELAC Uni-Fi UB5, Monitor Audio Bronze 2, or Monoprice KBAS?

Bronze 2

I'm desperate

thanks to the dude who recommended the Echobox IEMs. love them after a few songs. Only one question... how do I differentiate the right and left headphones?

McIntosh d150 preamp

No problem, which model did you get? They should be marked right by the cable terminations.

left right test on youtube

East Coast US
Cell phone mostly, maybe in the future a hifi player.
>Type of headphone
>Comfort level
Max comfy level
>Sound signature
neutral or warm I think. I like postrock, electronic, Jazz, Classical
>Past headphones
Sennheiser HD-280 Pro, ATH M50X
I really want excellent isolation. When I listen to music I don't want to hear anything but my music.
This pair is for the gym, but in the near future I also plan to get a pair of CIEM. Am I making a mistake? Should I just go with one pair?

Assuming that it's the Finder, there's letter markings on the underside of each housing, plus there's a small, colored gaskets where the cable goes into the housing (left is black, right is red/brown).

Etymotic ER4XR

Never forget

Finder X1. Also, should I go with tips that are a little bit bigger than I need to kinda force in, or smaller ones that may fall out?

stop reminding me

I mean I've always treated people as seriously as they treat me. You can find actual serious and intelligent discussion in several threads. If people wanna autistically screech and shitpost, I'll return the favour. Just look in the audio/speaker general also active in Sup Forums right now, and the previous thread in the catalog. The hostility and treatment I get says more about average headphone user in this forum than it does about me. Also to the user posting discord screenshots, grow up. This is an anonymous image board literally no one but me and you (probably not even you) know the context of that image.


Don't take it so personally, Canucklehead.

Use the tips that are the most comfortable. You may want to go with foam tips (they probably came with some Complys, I know that they used to) if the silicon ones won't stay put or look into hybrids like Symbio tips by MandarinE on eBay. I find that the medium single flange tips work well on the Finder for me, but everyone's ears are different. Try all of them until you get what feels (and sounds) best.

Every thread until you like it


CIEM won't necessarily have the best isolation, just the most comfortable and practical fit. Unless you really want that custom fit, I'd personally stick to universal models. ER4XR like said would be a good choice, but they're deep-insertion which might get weird if you're working out (I'd read up on some reviews first to see if anyone has had an issue). Other good options for warm-to-balanced would include Noble EDC Velvet, RHA t20i, Echobox Nomad and (assuming that you can find one used already) the Massdrop Plus IEM. Foam tips or hybrids would work best for isolation, although you may also get good isolation from double and triple flange silicone tips.

Any recommendations for a budget headphone amp for Fostex T50RPs?
Preferably a DAC/Amp combo

and you had to put my waifu there fucker

Aren't the T50RPs thirsty fuckers that demand power? Maybe the SMSL AD18? Define what price range you mean by "budget".

by the time the L300LE arrives I'll probably have already bought a few more kilobucks out of impatience

How low of a budget?

my bank account being low as fuck and my income being 0 I'll just settle on and go for the speakers meme while waiting
how much are you making though ? you seem to buy so much headphones recently

holy fuck, these things seem amazing, coming from $10-15 earbuds. Do you guys like yours?

Audiophools should not be welcome anywhere on this earth.

>you seem to buy so much headphones recently
you have me confused with someone else

Would like to keep it under $100.
If I can get a DAC/Amp at that price with enough oomph to power them great, if not, I'd settle for a regular ol' amp.

this May delay has troubled my mind and I don't even know who I'm talking to anymore
time to go to sleep for 3 more months

They were my daily drivers for a while, then they got a side-grade to my workout IEMs because they're durable as fuck. I still love 'em, but if you ever end up moving on to the Nomad (their flagship), it's basically the Finder+ (a little better clarity, better imaging, wider soundstage, removable cables, more comfy).
Old memeing aside, the Fiio E10K should do everything that you need it to within your budget. If nothing else, it'll be enough to hold you over until (read: IF) you decide to upgrade in the future.

What made you buy the T50RP if you're that much on a budget when there are so many other closed cans that do better than them, particularly compared to unmodded T50RP, which have a bass response that is just plain ridiculous for closed cans. That, and with much higher sensitivity and less amp requirement for competing headphones.

T50RP are a meme from people obsessed with planars who think they can get these low end planar drivers to become good by modding them heavily, which requires doing things like buying earpads that cost a third of the price of the headphone to seal the front volume.

Looking for a pair of bluetooth earbus for the gym, cheaper is better. Sound quality isn't a priority, would like to stay under $50. Gotta be sweat-resistant or better

Do you use the short earbus?

>duuhh people can't axe aboot owdio hear dummy
You r faggott

>time to go to sleep for 3 more months
it's all so tiring

Where's your sense of humor?

Why not just SLEEP FOREVER?


glad i didn't fall for the stax meme

My SR-507 arrives today.

new review is up
will schiit win this one?

the stax meme adrenaline was the only thing keeping me alive

Brainwavz BLU-100 or Soundmagic E10BT.