Be me

>be me
>kinda beta
>friends smoke me out when im to broke for tree
>they buy me food when i dont have enough money to feed myself
>but the treat me like shit and troll the fuck out of me
>i feel like its cause they want me to call them out amd stop being beta or some shit, maybe they feel bad for me idk
>but i just feel bad and anxious that im letting them down
>pic unrelated

How do i change my life? Ive already cut masturbating down to every couple of days but i need to change my life but i have no drive for anything and i dont really care about shit, its fucking bullshit


this is the technology board. you're an idiot for multiple reasons. grow up.

get reported, fucker. maybe you're a beta from watching so much porn.

Just find yourself a job and start saving money.
Set yourself a goal.

My bad i thought this was Sup Forums

dildos are technology, right?
post your favorite dildo Sup Forums

G ay how do i change my default sub for clover?

Yea im trying, its pretty difficult when the only things in this dead end town are minimum wage jobs and pyrimid schemes

>Blue board


deepfake, negro

Reddit but fakes are banned now


First you should stop smoking weed.
Then you should find a hobby. Maybe computers or something tech related. Maybe turn that into a career if you wish.
Most importantly you should stop visiting Sup Forums because it appears this site has warped your perception of reality.
Stop hanging around the people that make you feel like shit, dude. Is it even worth it? Find better things to do with your time.
Now can the Sup Forums mods please ban this off-topic shit. We can be fairly certain OP is under the age of 18 and thus deserves a swift ban.

Then go minimum wage and look for something better while you're there.

You'll also get some experience and training to toss on your resume too.

I mean the original vid


but might as well i wasnt aware this was the wrong bored at the time of posting h

Why did you stop mid-sentence? Did you d

>be me ecks dee
>smoke so many dank trees it so lit senpai
>watch so much porn it's all I think about
>such a fuck up I can't even post on Sup Forums without fucking it up
I wonder what went wrong

install gentoo